Meta Trader Account Copier 1Helps to work with trading signals Windows | Freeware
November 7 - 3:05 PM ET |
261Downloads |
FXTraderLog 3.4.10Keep your forex trading diary Windows | Shareware, $39.00
December 16 - 4:41 PM ET | 5 votes |
448Downloads |
BFexplorer program that can assist you with trading on Betfair Windows | Freeware
April 5 - 2:27 PM ET |
1,695Downloads |
Forex Tester Professional Forex Training Software, Trading Simulator Windows | Shareware, $299.00
February 14 - 11:11 AM ET |
900Downloads |
Keeper Lite 3.1Program of inventory of computers, and the account of other technical equipment Windows | Freeware
December 29 - 5:38 PM ET |
344Downloads |
ABMIS Professional 1.91.4183A solution that handle your day-today business with real time inventory control Windows | Shareware, $199.00
December 16 - 2:50 PM ET |
244Downloads |
WMSmart 2.2Warehouse, inventory and distribution management software Windows | Shareware, $499.00
January 16 - 1:53 PM ET |
321Downloads |
Parity Plus 2.1Stock charting and technical analysis program Windows | Shareware, $125.00
September 15 - 4:06 PM ET |
435Downloads |
VITicker 1.0World stocks ticker with diagrams and lists Windows | Shareware, $19.00
January 4 - 12:06 PM ET |
127Downloads |
PatternExplorer 3.75Tools for Amibroker charting software Windows | Shareware, $149.00
December 12 - 12:55 PM ET | 12 votes |
2,094Downloads |
Quotes4u 4.18Download historical stock quotes Windows | Shareware, $189.00
December 7 - 5:27 PM ET |
458Downloads |
tickStation Daily 1.0.2173Automatic strategy discovery and daily trade recommendations Windows | Shareware
December 21 - 10:16 AM ET |
493Downloads |
Options Czar 2.0 Beta 4Calculates and helps design stock portfolio strategies using options Mac | Commercial Demo, $49.00
May 4 - 2:05 PM ET |
710Downloads |
Portfolio Optimization 3.0Portfolio optimization and technical analysis for managing financial investments Multiple Platforms | Shareware, $26.00
June 1 - 1:25 AM ET |
937Downloads |
Portfolio Performance Monitoring 2.0Financial investment portfolio performance tracking and valuation Multiple Platforms | Shareware, $22.00
October 10 - 12:34 PM ET |
930Downloads |
i-Flash 1.10.1001Delivers market letters electronically to investors Windows | Freeware
January 14 - 3:57 PM ET |
631Downloads |
Calculator of Trader 2.5Allows a traders of any level to get more freedom Windows | Shareware, $19.95
March 14 - 10:21 AM ET |
543Downloads |
investX 1.4Personal investment software package for the end-of-day trader Windows | Shareware, $79.95
October 27 - 5:02 PM ET |
378Downloads |
Personal Stock Streamer 9.8.7Streaming real-time quotes and charts Windows | Subscription
March 9 - 1:47 PM ET | 59 votes |
4,097Downloads |
Pennycents Investor Toolbox: Stock Insider Trading Search Tool 1.1Follow stock and penny stocks insider trading on the OTCBB, NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX Windows | Shareware
March 7 - 10:37 PM ET |
931Downloads |
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