Vocabilis Multilingual 12.3.0Flashcard software for learners of French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian Windows | Shareware, $50.00
January 28 - 10:47 AM ET |
339Downloads |
Idea Rover for Mac 5,21Retrieve information for your research paper, essay, project, PhD dissertation Windows | Shareware, $89.00
January 18 - 12:11 PM ET |
325Downloads |
Idea Rover for Mac 5.21Retrieve information for your research paper, essay, project, PhD dissertation Mac | Shareware, $89.00
January 18 - 12:11 PM ET |
76Downloads |
TraderSim 1.0A program for testing trading strategies Windows | Freeware
January 4 - 7:59 AM ET |
358Downloads |
Pub Grub 1.0Offering the best pub cuisine found around the world Windows | Shareware, $2.99
December 26 - 3:54 PM ET |
326Downloads |
LabSim 1.0Lab Simulator for CompTIA Network Windows | Commercial Demo, $39.00
July 29 - 12:48 PM ET |
343Downloads |
MandelX 1.37A very fast fractal generator Windows | Freeware
November 2 - 12:37 PM ET |
437Downloads |
MusiLearner 1.2Helps you train your ear and comes with several exercises like interval dictation and more Windows | Commercial Demo, $25.00
January 4 - 8:05 AM ET |
557Downloads |
VideoTrainear 2.07.2A Video+Audio+Text = enhances your listening comprehension Windows | Shareware, $15.00
November 19 - 3:35 PM ET |
375Downloads |
BHD Converter from the numeral systems: Binary, Hexidecimal and Decimal with ease Windows | Freeware
October 24 - 11:18 AM ET |
410Downloads |
Bartender Express 3.0.1A handy application that comes with a huge drink and recipe database Windows | Shareware, $1.99
December 20 - 10:52 AM ET |
460Downloads |
Better English with EZ Speak Family easy way to learn better English pronunciation Windows | Shareware, $39.99
January 24 - 10:52 AM ET |
718Downloads |
Desktop Plagiarism Checker 1.11Free plagiarism checker that allows you to check your research papers Windows | Freeware
June 29 - 1:58 PM ET |
536Downloads |
English-German Text-to-Voice Machine Translation 1.0German-English Text-to-Voice Machine Translation. Write in English, hear (and see) the translation in English Windows | Commercial Demo, $120.00
September 20 - 12:54 PM ET |
416Downloads |
OCPJP Practice Tests 2.0Oracle Certified Java Certification Practice Exams Windows | Commercial Demo, $29.95
July 24 - 1:18 PM ET |
372Downloads |
EZ Speak English with EZ-Speak software Windows | Freeware
October 8 - 1:57 PM ET |
987Downloads |
Graph Earth 0.9.5 BetaVisualize your data in 3D Windows | Commercial Demo, $24.95
April 24 - 6:03 PM ET |
454Downloads |
I Translate 1.0A computer program with a simple interface Windows | Shareware, $19.85
May 5 - 9:32 AM ET |
437Downloads |
Avilearn Photoshop Training 1.0An innovative teaching method that allows you to master Adobe Photoshop Windows | Commercial Demo, $39.00
May 5 - 9:34 AM ET |
382Downloads |
Wisdom of the Ages 5.4Easy access to 6,500 quotes from over 1,000 of history's greatest minds Windows | Shareware, $49.00
May 4 - 2:50 PM ET |
415Downloads |
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