System Utilities Tweaking Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO Advanced Uninstaller PRO for Windows

by Innovative Solutions

Avg. Rating 4.1 (125 votes)

File Details

File Size 10.0 MB
License Shareware, $39.00
Operating System Windows 7/8/10/Vista/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 8,799
Publisher Innovative Solutions
Homepage Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Publisher's Description

Advanced Uninstaller PRO combines an easy-to-use interface with 14 very useful and safe features. It enables you to Easily and safely uninstall applications and programs; Disable the programs that run when your computer starts, including the programs which appear as system tray icons in the lower-right corner of the screen; Hide and show your Start Menu shortcuts at will; Automatically find and delete the shortcuts that don't work anymore; Uninstall Internet Explorer toolbars and plugins; Recover disk space and make your computer run faster by finding and deleting the temporary and error files left behind by Windows, Internet Explorer and many other programs; Maintain your privacy by deleting the Internet history; Disable, enable and uninstall Control Panel icons and fonts; and more. All the features of it are especially designed to be very safe and easy-to-use.

Latest Reviews


CyberDoc999 reviewed v11.65 on May 15, 2015

it is spyware and adware


smaragdus reviewed v10.63 on Jun 6, 2012

Since version 10.60 Advanced Uninstaller PRO is Freeware.


TGB72 reviewed v10.1 on Oct 8, 2010

v10.1 works really fine under Win7, the speed of the cleaners had improved notoriously since v9 and to be honest with all animations disabled it doesn't consume to much. Otherwise still without support Opera and the price it too high.


TGB72 reviewed v9.6 on Jul 5, 2009

The goods
+ Very complete set of reports
+ Incredible useful service manager

The bads
- Terrible bloat interface, totally unnecessary animations.
- The assistent that jump after a program uninstallation to remove remains sucks (cannot be deactivated and it's incredible slow).
- The "quick cleaner" comes with an incredible large and redundant list of programs. The cleaning of other application's temp files is manually, you have listed many versions of a same program and you have to select which one is in your system in order that the "quick cleaner" proced to clean. This should be automatic, only list the programs that the "quick cleaner" support (not the versions), detect the version installed and do the job.
- No support for latest versions of Opera.
- The developers doesn't pay much attention to suggestions
- Too expensive for a program of this kind

As soon as programs like CCleaner add a service manager by profiles programs like advanced uninstaller will be obsolete.


Tao2005 reviewed v9.6 on Nov 21, 2008

I don't use this app., however, I have beta tested a prior version. I must say it is a kickin' a** program. Still the UI does need a massive overhaul. I am not going to discourage any one. I will how ever tell you bout this program and it's features. The features in this program can be found in many other features, and it handles the same, as the others. The Drag 'n' Drop feature is nice, and makes this program stand out, well try to. The reg cleaner is a bit faulty. Aside of all it's ugly features, it may be your next uninstaller.


TGB72 reviewed v9.4 on Aug 8, 2008

Still have a pour registry cleaner
Still list outdated apps
The new interface is incredible ugly


philosopher_dog reviewed v8.5.4 on Jan 8, 2008

I don't use many of its features, but it's a brilliant program. There are a lot of little hidden features that rock. For instance, if you happen to install something without an installation module you can drag the program icon into a special uninstall window and it will find the offending files and rid you of them. I had this happen with "Speedy Itunes" recently. I find that for reg cleaning it picks up stuff other programs miss. Generally, I'm a fan of this program. It will serve you well. As far as Opera support I can't comment. I don't use it; it doesn't support open source plugins.


TGB72 reviewed v8.5.3 on Dec 10, 2007

- Still without support latest Opera in quick cleaner.

- A large list of outdated programs in quick cleaner=>other applications".
Why appear listed so many versions of each program? List only the program (for example Photoshop) and clean the temps whatever version is installed.

-The registry cleaner doesn't delete orphan files references from registry.


Tao2005 reviewed v8.5 on Nov 6, 2007

Not a bad program, it's fairly desent. May load faster then window's Add/Remove programs, but loads slower then my current Uninstaller. Has to many options, many of which are out dated, if you read on, Opera is one of them. Just to many of these programs. Word to the wise, NO MORE..


zridling reviewed v8.1 on May 2, 2007

The other problem is that none of these uninstaller programs will monitor and delete 64-bit apps. Jeebus.

Avg. Rating 4.1 (125 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


CyberDoc999 reviewed v11.65 on May 15, 2015

it is spyware and adware


smaragdus reviewed v10.63 on Jun 6, 2012

Since version 10.60 Advanced Uninstaller PRO is Freeware.


TGB72 reviewed v10.1 on Oct 8, 2010

v10.1 works really fine under Win7, the speed of the cleaners had improved notoriously since v9 and to be honest with all animations disabled it doesn't consume to much. Otherwise still without support Opera and the price it too high.


TGB72 reviewed v9.6 on Jul 5, 2009

The goods
+ Very complete set of reports
+ Incredible useful service manager

The bads
- Terrible bloat interface, totally unnecessary animations.
- The assistent that jump after a program uninstallation to remove remains sucks (cannot be deactivated and it's incredible slow).
- The "quick cleaner" comes with an incredible large and redundant list of programs. The cleaning of other application's temp files is manually, you have listed many versions of a same program and you have to select which one is in your system in order that the "quick cleaner" proced to clean. This should be automatic, only list the programs that the "quick cleaner" support (not the versions), detect the version installed and do the job.
- No support for latest versions of Opera.
- The developers doesn't pay much attention to suggestions
- Too expensive for a program of this kind

As soon as programs like CCleaner add a service manager by profiles programs like advanced uninstaller will be obsolete.


Tao2005 reviewed v9.6 on Nov 21, 2008

I don't use this app., however, I have beta tested a prior version. I must say it is a kickin' a** program. Still the UI does need a massive overhaul. I am not going to discourage any one. I will how ever tell you bout this program and it's features. The features in this program can be found in many other features, and it handles the same, as the others. The Drag 'n' Drop feature is nice, and makes this program stand out, well try to. The reg cleaner is a bit faulty. Aside of all it's ugly features, it may be your next uninstaller.


TGB72 reviewed v9.4 on Aug 8, 2008

Still have a pour registry cleaner
Still list outdated apps
The new interface is incredible ugly


philosopher_dog reviewed v8.5.4 on Jan 8, 2008

I don't use many of its features, but it's a brilliant program. There are a lot of little hidden features that rock. For instance, if you happen to install something without an installation module you can drag the program icon into a special uninstall window and it will find the offending files and rid you of them. I had this happen with "Speedy Itunes" recently. I find that for reg cleaning it picks up stuff other programs miss. Generally, I'm a fan of this program. It will serve you well. As far as Opera support I can't comment. I don't use it; it doesn't support open source plugins.


TGB72 reviewed v8.5.3 on Dec 10, 2007

- Still without support latest Opera in quick cleaner.

- A large list of outdated programs in quick cleaner=>other applications".
Why appear listed so many versions of each program? List only the program (for example Photoshop) and clean the temps whatever version is installed.

-The registry cleaner doesn't delete orphan files references from registry.


Tao2005 reviewed v8.5 on Nov 6, 2007

Not a bad program, it's fairly desent. May load faster then window's Add/Remove programs, but loads slower then my current Uninstaller. Has to many options, many of which are out dated, if you read on, Opera is one of them. Just to many of these programs. Word to the wise, NO MORE..


zridling reviewed v8.1 on May 2, 2007

The other problem is that none of these uninstaller programs will monitor and delete 64-bit apps. Jeebus.


TGB72 reviewed v8.0 on Apr 22, 2007

Very usefull program, it does what it claims an it does it very well.
I would like to give it 5 but there are a couple of annoying thing:
-Opera 8 & 9 not listed in "quick cleaner" (just Opera 7)
-That strange service profile for XP SP2 "without description" that appear as "Profilul de azi" (0F0B07D5093625335.AUP).
-The interface is unnecessarily sucking cpu while you move through the different menus/tools (60% of cpu with animated menus off, this got worse in v8)


zridling reviewed v7.5.3 on Aug 17, 2006

Pricey but quite good. I've ignored this app for years, but this latest version finally won me over with it cleanup accuracy in system folders and the registry.

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