BufferZone 1.70-6 for Windows

by Trustware

Avg. Rating 3.0 (1 votes)

File Details

File Size 7.5 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Windows 2000/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 592
Publisher Trustware
Homepage BufferZone

Publisher's Description

BufferZone will secure Internet Explorer and its download files from modifying anything on your PC. Programs in the BufferZone are prevented from modifying your registry and file system. You can now safely browse as well as download and run infected programs carrying: spyware, keyboard loggers, trojan horses, worm or viruses without ever allowing them to penetrate or damage your PC. It is not an antivirus or an antispyware replacement. The BufferZone does not tell you whether or not a program is infected. It simply allows you to safely execute programs regardless of how safe they are without risking an infection.

Latest Reviews


asaenz reviewed v1.70-6 on Feb 17, 2011

First time I tried this I didn't like it but now I've recently installed this to replace GeSWall because I feel I have more control over this after becoming familiar with it. Looking forward to a 64 bit version to show up someday here as beta at least for Win7. Will raise rating later (at least a few months) if I have no issues with it. Currently testing ver. 3.41-14.

Upgraded my computer to newer Win 7 64 bit OS and BufferZone seems behind the times because no 64 bit version available to general public. Been in beta since Mar 28 '11 to limited number of beta testers but for the rest of us ... too bad so sad.

Dec. 1st, '11 ... still no 64 bit version ... sigh :(

Avg. Rating 3.0 (1 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


asaenz reviewed v1.70-6 on Feb 17, 2011

First time I tried this I didn't like it but now I've recently installed this to replace GeSWall because I feel I have more control over this after becoming familiar with it. Looking forward to a 64 bit version to show up someday here as beta at least for Win7. Will raise rating later (at least a few months) if I have no issues with it. Currently testing ver. 3.41-14.

Upgraded my computer to newer Win 7 64 bit OS and BufferZone seems behind the times because no 64 bit version available to general public. Been in beta since Mar 28 '11 to limited number of beta testers but for the rest of us ... too bad so sad.

Dec. 1st, '11 ... still no 64 bit version ... sigh :(

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