OpenedFilesView OpenedFilesView 1.87 for Windows

by NirSoft

Avg. Rating 4.8 (16 votes)

File Details

File Size 0.1 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Windows (All)
Date Added
Total Downloads 2,228
Publisher NirSoft
Homepage OpenedFilesView

Publisher's Description

OpenedFilesView displays the list of all opened files on your system. For each opened file, additional information is displayed: handle value, read/write/delete access, file postion, the process that opened the file, and more. Optionally, you can also close one or more opened files, or close the process that opened these files.

Latest Reviews


coover reviewed v1.30 on Jan 16, 2009

This program does exactly as advertised, so it gets a 5.

Howvever, I'm not sure of what use this will be to the average user. When I openned the program, it showed me the 447 files that were open. Oh, I recognized many, but there were so many more I did not.

When I downloaded this program, I thought it might be useful in determining whether or not some "malware" program was running, though I did not believe one actually was. But, I realized that I would probably get so many results and that I would not be able to tell which of the files should be running, which of the files must be running, and which of the files were running, but should not be. Unfortunately, I was correct and I find that this program, as interesting as it is, will not be valuable to me.

It is a 5. It is (to me) of no worth.

Avg. Rating 4.8 (16 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


coover reviewed v1.30 on Jan 16, 2009

This program does exactly as advertised, so it gets a 5.

Howvever, I'm not sure of what use this will be to the average user. When I openned the program, it showed me the 447 files that were open. Oh, I recognized many, but there were so many more I did not.

When I downloaded this program, I thought it might be useful in determining whether or not some "malware" program was running, though I did not believe one actually was. But, I realized that I would probably get so many results and that I would not be able to tell which of the files should be running, which of the files must be running, and which of the files were running, but should not be. Unfortunately, I was correct and I find that this program, as interesting as it is, will not be valuable to me.

It is a 5. It is (to me) of no worth.

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