WWW & Internet Browsers Opera for Mac OS X

Opera for Mac OS X Opera for Mac OS X 91.0.4516.65 for Mac

by Opera Software

Avg. Rating 4.0 (338 votes)

File Details

File Size 181.6 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Mac OS X
Date Added
Total Downloads 16,409
Publisher Opera Software
Homepage Opera
Other Versions

Publisher's Description

Opera Web browser offers the best internet browsing experience available. Discover what over 20 million people have already experienced by downloading Opera's fast and safe internet browsers. Features include Speed Dial, Search Shortcuts, and Trash Can.

Latest Reviews


rafaelluik reviewed v18.0.1284.63 on Jan 13, 2014

Chromium + features + native Mac OS UI elements.


PaceyPimps reviewed v10.63 on Nov 11, 2010

justy download opera 11 its so much better and betanews is allways let on all mac releases i think i need to find a page that updates mac beta software faster and more up to date


HornyToad reviewed v10.63 on Oct 12, 2010

The best that there is! It's that simple: rendering is perfect in most cases (in the instances where it's not, the page's coding is usually at fault...), the interface is now totally Mac-like, speed is on par (if not better) with the competition, and the user-interface is completely customizable.

What more can you expect from a Web browser...?

How do you say "Thumbs up" in Norwegian...?


HornyToad reviewed v10.50 Build 8189 Pre-Alpha on Jan 21, 2010

Installed this latest pre-alpha, and I'm still not satisfied with some minor annoyances in terms of GUI and browsing customization. Speed is there, though, as is better rendering on all Ajax and Javascript pages, where frames are better defined. No more text overlaps on some sites I visit on a daily basis, but still, some functionalities are absent or not easily customizable, like single-key shortcuts, for example. You can check the appropriate box in Preferences, and they still won't work.

I hope the next release will be more "finished" (I know, it's a bad pun when talking about a Norwegian browser...)!


gregmlr reviewed v10.50 Build 8166 Pre-Alpha on Dec 23, 2009

Downloaded and installed twice, the program crashes upon launch and continues in an endless cycle prompting me to send an error report. The only way to quit the program is to force quit.

Pre-alpha is correct. I will update my review when I am actually able to run the program.


Virtual_ManPL reviewed v10.0 Build 6166 Alpha 1 on Aug 25, 2009

Whrers landed Carakan ? I want speed, which is Opera now lacking, because is faster only in IE now...
not only unuseful for me gadgets like Turbo & Unite...


Daddy_Spank reviewed v10.0 Build 6166 Alpha 1 on Dec 9, 2008

The best browser on Mac for years. This is very very stable to be an Alpha...


internetworld7 reviewed v9.51 on Oct 29, 2008

Besides performance being slower than the other browsers on a Mac, the UI is awful. Opera use to be a really good browser but it really blows on a Mac.


PaceyPimps reviewed v9.51 on Sep 16, 2008

Hello betanews 9.6 beta is out for mac and linux get ur stuff togetter on mac and linx software allready or people might have to look somewhere else.


outofspace reviewed v9.51 on Sep 10, 2008

Overall, the best browser.

Avg. Rating 4.0 (338 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


rafaelluik reviewed v18.0.1284.63 on Jan 13, 2014

Chromium + features + native Mac OS UI elements.


PaceyPimps reviewed v10.63 on Nov 11, 2010

justy download opera 11 its so much better and betanews is allways let on all mac releases i think i need to find a page that updates mac beta software faster and more up to date


HornyToad reviewed v10.63 on Oct 12, 2010

The best that there is! It's that simple: rendering is perfect in most cases (in the instances where it's not, the page's coding is usually at fault...), the interface is now totally Mac-like, speed is on par (if not better) with the competition, and the user-interface is completely customizable.

What more can you expect from a Web browser...?

How do you say "Thumbs up" in Norwegian...?


HornyToad reviewed v10.50 Build 8189 Pre-Alpha on Jan 21, 2010

Installed this latest pre-alpha, and I'm still not satisfied with some minor annoyances in terms of GUI and browsing customization. Speed is there, though, as is better rendering on all Ajax and Javascript pages, where frames are better defined. No more text overlaps on some sites I visit on a daily basis, but still, some functionalities are absent or not easily customizable, like single-key shortcuts, for example. You can check the appropriate box in Preferences, and they still won't work.

I hope the next release will be more "finished" (I know, it's a bad pun when talking about a Norwegian browser...)!


gregmlr reviewed v10.50 Build 8166 Pre-Alpha on Dec 23, 2009

Downloaded and installed twice, the program crashes upon launch and continues in an endless cycle prompting me to send an error report. The only way to quit the program is to force quit.

Pre-alpha is correct. I will update my review when I am actually able to run the program.


Virtual_ManPL reviewed v10.0 Build 6166 Alpha 1 on Aug 25, 2009

Whrers landed Carakan ? I want speed, which is Opera now lacking, because is faster only in IE now...
not only unuseful for me gadgets like Turbo & Unite...


Daddy_Spank reviewed v10.0 Build 6166 Alpha 1 on Dec 9, 2008

The best browser on Mac for years. This is very very stable to be an Alpha...


internetworld7 reviewed v9.51 on Oct 29, 2008

Besides performance being slower than the other browsers on a Mac, the UI is awful. Opera use to be a really good browser but it really blows on a Mac.


PaceyPimps reviewed v9.51 on Sep 16, 2008

Hello betanews 9.6 beta is out for mac and linux get ur stuff togetter on mac and linx software allready or people might have to look somewhere else.


outofspace reviewed v9.51 on Sep 10, 2008

Overall, the best browser.


ktopera reviewed v9.51 on Aug 9, 2008

If you haven't tried Opera in the last few months, it'a awesome. New, cool, skin, full-text history search better than any other browser (not just domain & title, but the FULL TEXT of the web page). Try it.

Note the screenshot is from v7.50, not v9.5x...BN should update it.


Blaxima reviewed v9.50 Final on Jun 12, 2008

you don't even own a mac improvelence so stop your spamming


improvelence reviewed v9.50 Build 4517 Beta on Apr 25, 2008

Not even as good as Safari...and that is truly sad.

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