PopUp Killer 1.45.5 for Windows

by morphx

Avg. Rating 3.6 (32 votes)

File Details

File Size 2.4 MB
License Open Source
Operating System Windows 2000/9x/Server 2003/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 17,257
Publisher morphx
Homepage PopUp Killer

Publisher's Description

PopUp Killer is the original and most powerful popups destroying machine ever created. With it you will be able to browse the web without being molested by those annoying ads that popup when you visit some web sites.

Latest Reviews

the artist

the artist reviewed v1.45.5 on Feb 5, 2007

how long since people didn't review this program!

This is OFF THE TRAIN. Better retire with dignity than live longer without it... you know.

Just pass away with honors, proggie.


Sven123456789 reviewed v1.45.5 on Feb 5, 2007

Who needs this anymore? Every new browser has a pop up blocker. People still using Netscape 4.78 and IE 5 out there or what...


Umbrax reviewed v1.45.2 on Jul 21, 2002

This was the best popup killer on the market, not only because it was free, but because the whole program was well thought out and worked great. Unfortunately it is no longer available for download. If you can find a downloadable copy of it, GET IT!! I got the last version which was 1.45.4

Too bad the authors pulled it off of the market. It's still the best popup ad killer that I have found.


controler reviewed v1.45.1 on Dec 6, 2001

Good program but Opera 6.0 has it's own popup killer
that works very well thank you


cy_clops reviewed v1.45.1 on Dec 6, 2001


This program may not be perfect, but it has won MANY wars with out of control popup sites!


ericshaw200 reviewed v1.43.1 on Nov 10, 2001

Not bad. If you want an intelligent one, Zero Popup is. It is published at beta news at http://fileforum.betanew...tail.php3?fid=997512878


Tux_Racer reviewed v1.43.1 on Nov 9, 2001

Netscape 6.2 users (and Mozilla 0.9.4+ users) can just enter the following line in their prefs.js file:

user_pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", true);

Add that somewhere in the middle of your prefs.js file while Netscape/Mozilla is closed, then start up Mozilla. Boom, the window.open() funtion is blocked for onload() and onunload(). The pop-up wont pop-up at all. Nice to use a browser with such nice things built-in huh? If your not sure where for prefs.js file is do a search for it and you will find it. No need for programs like this.


fairprice reviewed v1.40 Build 2 on Sep 19, 2001

This is not bad. In term of size, performance and efficiency. Zero Popup at http://fileforum.betanew...tail.php3?fid=997512878 has much less size, only 98k and it is very efficient in term of system resource.


oudoulj reviewed v1.40 Build 2 on Sep 19, 2001

Popup Ad Filter (only 740Kb) by www.meaya.com is much smarter: it kills banners BEFORE they show up whereas PUK waits for them to display...
I used PUK before and tried some others. Now that I found PAF, my life changed ;)


tylorman reviewed v1.40 Build 2 on Sep 19, 2001

Comparing with Zero Popup ( http://fileforum.betanew...tail.php3?fid=997512878 ), Pop-up Stopper (http://fileforum.betanew...tail.php3?fid=968208768), and others. I think this one is not as good as them.

Avg. Rating 3.6 (32 votes)
Your Rating

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Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555

the artist

the artist reviewed v1.45.5 on Feb 5, 2007

how long since people didn't review this program!

This is OFF THE TRAIN. Better retire with dignity than live longer without it... you know.

Just pass away with honors, proggie.


Sven123456789 reviewed v1.45.5 on Feb 5, 2007

Who needs this anymore? Every new browser has a pop up blocker. People still using Netscape 4.78 and IE 5 out there or what...


Umbrax reviewed v1.45.2 on Jul 21, 2002

This was the best popup killer on the market, not only because it was free, but because the whole program was well thought out and worked great. Unfortunately it is no longer available for download. If you can find a downloadable copy of it, GET IT!! I got the last version which was 1.45.4

Too bad the authors pulled it off of the market. It's still the best popup ad killer that I have found.


controler reviewed v1.45.1 on Dec 6, 2001

Good program but Opera 6.0 has it's own popup killer
that works very well thank you


cy_clops reviewed v1.45.1 on Dec 6, 2001


This program may not be perfect, but it has won MANY wars with out of control popup sites!


ericshaw200 reviewed v1.43.1 on Nov 10, 2001

Not bad. If you want an intelligent one, Zero Popup is. It is published at beta news at http://fileforum.betanew...tail.php3?fid=997512878


Tux_Racer reviewed v1.43.1 on Nov 9, 2001

Netscape 6.2 users (and Mozilla 0.9.4+ users) can just enter the following line in their prefs.js file:

user_pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", true);

Add that somewhere in the middle of your prefs.js file while Netscape/Mozilla is closed, then start up Mozilla. Boom, the window.open() funtion is blocked for onload() and onunload(). The pop-up wont pop-up at all. Nice to use a browser with such nice things built-in huh? If your not sure where for prefs.js file is do a search for it and you will find it. No need for programs like this.


fairprice reviewed v1.40 Build 2 on Sep 19, 2001

This is not bad. In term of size, performance and efficiency. Zero Popup at http://fileforum.betanew...tail.php3?fid=997512878 has much less size, only 98k and it is very efficient in term of system resource.


oudoulj reviewed v1.40 Build 2 on Sep 19, 2001

Popup Ad Filter (only 740Kb) by www.meaya.com is much smarter: it kills banners BEFORE they show up whereas PUK waits for them to display...
I used PUK before and tried some others. Now that I found PAF, my life changed ;)


tylorman reviewed v1.40 Build 2 on Sep 19, 2001

Comparing with Zero Popup ( http://fileforum.betanew...tail.php3?fid=997512878 ), Pop-up Stopper (http://fileforum.betanew...tail.php3?fid=968208768), and others. I think this one is not as good as them.


bleedingpegasus reviewed v1.7 Build 135 on Nov 9, 2000

Not mistakenly the best add killer around. Fast, systray icon, and I can configure how I want it to works.
I tried on WinNT, ME, and 98, with NN4 and IE5.
Such a beauty.


rookmarduk reviewed v1.7 Build 135 on Nov 9, 2000

I must say that this program has a few minor bugs dealing with memory and the operating system. That is to be expected, I like the intergration of the port/proxy scanners and layout of the console. Just a betanews note, to guest... I'm not picking on ya but ranting on this site is annoying and flamers know better, thats what irc's are for. 8)


bottjena reviewed v1.7 Build 135 on Nov 9, 2000

11megs? Seems kind of big!

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