Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.5 for Windows

by Sophos

Avg. Rating 4.3 (23 votes)

File Details

File Size 1.3 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Windows (All)
Date Added
Total Downloads 12,729
Publisher Sophos
Homepage Sophos Anti-Rootkit

Publisher's Description

Sophos Anti-Rootkit finds and removes any rootkit that is hidden on your computer. Removing rootkits without compromising system integrity is particularly challenging and needs to be done with care.

Latest Reviews


Fasilend reviewed v1.5 on Feb 23, 2022

Sophos Antivirus Review: Is Sophos Home Right for You?


nilst2006 reviewed v1.3.1 on Aug 25, 2007

The first, and the best antirootkit is sysinternals RootkitRevealer.


phiber0ptik reviewed v1.3.1 on Aug 24, 2007

This one is bypassed, try Rootkit Unhooker instead.


LuceferAB reviewed v1.3 RC on Apr 17, 2007

The first, and the best antirootkit is sysinternals RootkitRevealer. Sophos is not bad bat not so good as RR


uberfly reviewed v1.1 on Oct 5, 2006

Keeps crashing 1/3 of the way into its scan on my fairly-standard machine. Oh well.


David_2005 reviewed v1.1 on Aug 31, 2006

Fantastic! the best one i've come across so far!!!!


bellgamin reviewed v1.1 on Aug 30, 2006

I have found that Sophos is the FIRST anti-rootkit program that: (a) provides strong protection, (b) is understandable/usable by a non-geek/average person, and (c) scans smooth, fast, and stable.

A grrreat freebie by a competent security organization!

Avg. Rating 4.3 (23 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


Fasilend reviewed v1.5 on Feb 23, 2022

Pros: good


Bottom Line: Sophos Antivirus Review: Is Sophos Home Right for You?


nilst2006 reviewed v1.3.1 on Aug 25, 2007

The first, and the best antirootkit is sysinternals RootkitRevealer.


phiber0ptik reviewed v1.3.1 on Aug 24, 2007

This one is bypassed, try Rootkit Unhooker instead.


LuceferAB reviewed v1.3 RC on Apr 17, 2007

The first, and the best antirootkit is sysinternals RootkitRevealer. Sophos is not bad bat not so good as RR


uberfly reviewed v1.1 on Oct 5, 2006

Keeps crashing 1/3 of the way into its scan on my fairly-standard machine. Oh well.


David_2005 reviewed v1.1 on Aug 31, 2006

Fantastic! the best one i've come across so far!!!!


bellgamin reviewed v1.1 on Aug 30, 2006

I have found that Sophos is the FIRST anti-rootkit program that: (a) provides strong protection, (b) is understandable/usable by a non-geek/average person, and (c) scans smooth, fast, and stable.

A grrreat freebie by a competent security organization!

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