Business Software Finances WebCab Portfolio for Delphi

WebCab Portfolio for Delphi 4.2 for Windows

by WebCab Components

Avg. Rating 0.0 (0 votes)

File Details

File Size 4.7 MB
License Commercial Demo, $179.00
Operating System Windows 2000/9x/Server 2003/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 281
Publisher WebCab Components
Homepage WebCab Portfolio for Delphi

Publisher's Description

WebCab Portfolio for Delphi is a Delphi add-in Component and XML Web service implementation offering the application of the Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints with respect to Markowitz Theory by giving the risk, return or investors utility function; or with respect to CAPM by given the risk, return or Market Portfolio weighting. Also includes Performance Evaluation, extensive auxiliary classes/methods including equation solve and interpolation procedures, analysis of Efficient Frontier, Market Portfolio and CML.

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