System Utilities Tweaking WinGuides Tweak Manager

WinGuides Tweak Manager 2.12 for Windows


Avg. Rating 3.7 (6 votes)

File Details

File Size 1.6 MB
License Shareware
Operating System Windows 2000/9x/Server 2003/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 1,980
Homepage WinGuides Tweak Manager

Publisher's Description

WinGuides Tweak Manager lets you take complete control of your Windows system with access to hundreds of powerful tweaks and hidden registry settings. The intuitive software interface allows you to easily optimize, enhance, and secure almost every aspect of your computer, from your desktop to Internet connection. The unique live update feature allows you to easily download all the latest tweaks for your Windows system.

Latest Reviews


httpd.confused reviewed v2.12 on Apr 15, 2005

Like almost all other utilities of this type, it sets the incorrect values sometimes. I used WTM for quite awhile, and reported a number of errors to the author. Only some of them got fixed.

But WTM was more accurate than X-Setup ever was, when I tried that turd. Again, this is something that people don't know about, because they never verify what their software is doing, as I do.


Aires reviewed v2.1 Beta on Mar 14, 2003

I had a copy of WinGuides Tweak Manager 2.0 that I *paid* for, and there were no popup ads - so maybe that answers you question. Q-teq Q-Setup is probably the best tweak utility - freeware or shareware, but not everyone's as comfortable with using X-Setup, becuase they prefer a bit more simplicity. X-Setup is not user friendly, unless you already have some knowledge of the registry and know what you're doing will do. Of all the shareware tweak utilities out there, WGTM is no worse and a lot better than some others I have seen. It's definitely worth trying out.


tannman1 reviewed v2.1 Beta on Mar 14, 2003

The installation was clean however I see some info is web basewd that subject you to pop up ads, iof I had paid for this app I would be mad. Speaking of money I find the program of the same nature called XTEQ to be much better and free, no lite version either. I give this app 3 stars however I have a hard time paying for it and with ads from a company web page. I do not doubt that information provided is helpful but the way presented can be annoying to a usr if they are subjected to unwanted ads after spending money on it. I'll stick with XTEQ

Avg. Rating 3.7 (6 votes)
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Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


httpd.confused reviewed v2.12 on Apr 15, 2005

Like almost all other utilities of this type, it sets the incorrect values sometimes. I used WTM for quite awhile, and reported a number of errors to the author. Only some of them got fixed.

But WTM was more accurate than X-Setup ever was, when I tried that turd. Again, this is something that people don't know about, because they never verify what their software is doing, as I do.


Aires reviewed v2.1 Beta on Mar 14, 2003

I had a copy of WinGuides Tweak Manager 2.0 that I *paid* for, and there were no popup ads - so maybe that answers you question. Q-teq Q-Setup is probably the best tweak utility - freeware or shareware, but not everyone's as comfortable with using X-Setup, becuase they prefer a bit more simplicity. X-Setup is not user friendly, unless you already have some knowledge of the registry and know what you're doing will do. Of all the shareware tweak utilities out there, WGTM is no worse and a lot better than some others I have seen. It's definitely worth trying out.


tannman1 reviewed v2.1 Beta on Mar 14, 2003

The installation was clean however I see some info is web basewd that subject you to pop up ads, iof I had paid for this app I would be mad. Speaking of money I find the program of the same nature called XTEQ to be much better and free, no lite version either. I give this app 3 stars however I have a hard time paying for it and with ads from a company web page. I do not doubt that information provided is helpful but the way presented can be annoying to a usr if they are subjected to unwanted ads after spending money on it. I'll stick with XTEQ

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