File Management Cleanup and Removal Windows X App Remover

Windows X App Remover 1.02 for Windows

by m4deman

Avg. Rating 4.0 (4 votes)

File Details

File Size 0.2 MB
License Open Source
Operating System Windows 8
Date Added
Total Downloads 440
Publisher m4deman
Homepage Windows X App Remover

Publisher's Description

Windows X App Remover lets you remove Modern UI Apps from Windows Installations or Images. The Windows X App Remover is a GUI for the Windows own tool "dism.exe". With this GUI you can easily read out which Apps are installed and remove the ones you want.

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Avg. Rating 4.0 (4 votes)
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Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



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Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555

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