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Member since January 11, 2023

Where and how geometry comes in handy
Let's find out where and how geometry comes in handy:

What the subject of geometry is about: the study of geometric shapes. Children often need help with geometry homework because it is not an easy school subject.

Why geometry is useful: In a broad sense, to study the space around you. The name "geometry" ("geo" meaning earth, "metreo" meaning to measure) indicates that geometry was originally used for marking out land and earthworks.
Geometry serves to solve various problems involving the measurement of areas, lengths and volumes. It is a set of concepts, theorems, hypotheses and constructions that study the properties of planar and spatial figures.

It is considered to be one of the oldest sciences invented by man. It is one of the branches of mathematics that deals with the study of the properties and shapes of geometric bodies.

At school, for ease of study, geometry is divided into planimetry (study of shapes on the plane - segments, triangles, squares,...) and stereometry (study of three-dimensional shapes - ball, cube, pyramid,...).

What professions geometry is needed for: architect, computer game maker, toy maker, designer, engineer, constructor, builder, model maker, layout maker, decorator, pilot, driver, navigator, artist, designer, astronomer, athlete, musician etc.

Why it is easy to learn geometry: we see the three-dimensional world every day and interact with the space around us all the time. In geometry, this knowledge will be supported by scientific theories, and you can interact with space more consciously.

Why geometry is difficult to learn: some of the scientific knowledge will have to be memorized, even though it is formulated very simply.

Why do we need geometry if everything is already obvious? Indeed, a great many theorems seem obvious even without measurements. But this visibility is only true for one drawing. However, it is impossible to draw all situations in the world, as there are an infinite number of them. So it is necessary to prove the truth once and for all, never to doubt it again! This is what the science of geometry does. The science of measurement.

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