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Amy Will

Member since April 14, 2021

Topic: How to use Transitions & Connectives in Writing? Tips and Examples

Everyone can write but writing good texts and essays is not what everyone can do. There is a lot of difference between the writing of a common person and a professional writer. A common person or a beginner would be penning down his thoughts on the paper, in a haphazard, and unorganized way, as they pop up in his mind. However, a professional writer would be peening down these thoughts in a very organized and structured way. You would feel any abruptness in the writing of a professional. It would be coherent and smooth.

What are those things or hacks that professional writers use to write stellar writings? Well, they have years of experience. But in addition to that, they also use many hacks that help them coherently deliver their message. One of the widely used hacks by professional writers, even by the writers of essay writing service, is transitions and connectives.

What are the transitions and connectives?

These are words and phrases that are used in the writing to clarify the link between sentences and paragraphs. They are used to logically explain the relationship between different parts of your writing. They are also used to ensure that you are writing your thoughts in an organized and smooth way.

Transition between paragraphs

You might have heard from your teachers that you are only supposed to discuss one point in one paragraph of your essay. If, 'which writer can help in Write my paper for me?'; is the question, inarguably the answer ought to be best wrting service, without a contest! You also know that all points discussed in different body paragraphs of an essay or paper are somehow related to one another. Therefore, while starting a new paragraph, you should clearly express two things:

How the paragraph is connected to the previous paragraph and

What are you going to discuss in this paragraph

The examples below will show you how to use transition words and connectives while starting a new paragraph.

Furthermore, there are social and economic effects of the spread of the pandemic.

In addition to ravaging the health, the novel coronavirus is also destroying the global economy.

However, the decrease in the use of fossil fuels amid the lockdown has been good news for Mother Nature.

Transitions and connectives within a paragraph

To ensure that your writing is coherent, you do not only have to use transitions words, at the beginning and end of a paragraph but also within the paragraph. To make the reader, understand your arguments, you have to use transitions and connectives to indicate the relationship between them.

Known-new contract

According to this concept, every new sentence should be indicating a reference to the previous sentence, before giving out some more information.

Using transition words and phrases

There is a list of transitions and connectives that one can use to indicate the relation between different sentences or even different parts of the same sentence. You can find a list of these transition words form your college essay writer help center. There are four major types of transitions and connectives:

Additives: They are used to add more information to the text. The most commonly used additives are moreover, in addition to that, also, furthermore, additionally, etc.

Sequential: These words are used to indicate a sequence between different things or events. Few commonly used sequential words or phrases are firstly, secondly, thirdly, before that, after that, etc.

Casual: These are used to show a cause and effect relationship between two things or two sections of a sentence. The most widely used casual transitions are because, because of that, consequently, in result, resultantly, etc.

Adversative: These transitions and connective words are used to show a contrasting or adversarial relationship between texts. These are often used to present a counter-argument or departure from whatever you said earlier. Common examples of such transitions are conversely, however, nevertheless, despite, etc.

Remember! Too much of everything is a disaster. Therefore, never overdo the use of transitions.

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