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Member since September 9, 2023

Spreading love requires a lot of time and dedication. However, it can be as simple as leaving a bigger tip than expected or opening the lift door for someone.


'Let no one come to you without leaving happier', said Mother Teresa. Be an agent of change and spread love everywhere you go!

Make her feel special

One of the easiest ways to make your girlfriend feel special is by giving her attention. Even if she is just complaining about something, a simple listen can make her feel that she is your priority and that you care. Give her your full attention, turn off your phone, and just focus on her. It can really brighten her day just to know that you are listening to her.

Complimenting her can also make her feel special. But, you need to compliment her on more than just her looks. Compliment her on things like her sense of humor, kindness and intelligence. This will make her think that she is truly unique and beautiful.

Another way to make her feel special is by supporting her in her endeavors. Be her number one cheerleader and be by her side in the good times and the bad. This will show her that you are truly committed to her and that you believe in her.

Lastly, making her feel special is by not comparing her to your exes. This will show that you value her for who she is and that you are not stuck in the past.

One way to do this is by sending her a personalized love note or poem. This is a great way to show your affection and let her know that you are thinking about her even when you are not together. This is especially important in long-distance relationships.

Another way to make her feel special is by surprising her with flowers or gifts. This will make her feel loved and adored by you, which is what she wants to feel. Also, be sure to text her nice messages and compliments, which can really lighten up her day. You can even send her cute videos or photos of you two together, which will make her smile and feel special. You can also try doing some fun activities that will be a surprise for her, such as taking her out on exciting dates or going on a trip. These will definitely make her feel special and will show that you are always thinking about her.

Make her laugh

Making a girl laugh is a great way to make her feel loved. Laughter is a pleasant feeling, and it encourages people to let their guard down and become more trusting. Whether you’re trying to impress her or just want to make her smile, humor is the best tool for the job. Fortunately, it’s not as hard as you might think to make her laugh, and there are many ways to do it.

One of the best ways to make a girl laugh is by sharing funny stories about yourself. This will give her a sense of your personality and make her feel more comfortable around you. However, be careful not to overdo it with these types of jokes because they can quickly become annoying. Another option is to send her a funny video or GIF. You can find these on the Internet, or you can even make your own. GIFs are short videos that are perfect for breaking the ice and making her laugh.

You can also try making her laugh by mimicking her sense of humor. This is a great way to show that you’re interested in her and will be a good partner for her. Just be sure to keep the humor lighthearted and not sexist or mean-spirited. If you aren’t sure what type of humor she likes, you can always ask her.

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Another important thing to remember when trying to make a girl laugh is that laughing with her is more attractive than laughing at her. This will help you to build a strong bond with her and make her feel attracted to you. Laughing together can also help you overcome difficult situations, such as a failed test or a bad day.

It’s important to be able to make her laugh, but it’s also important not to force it. If you’re not comfortable laughing, it will come across as fake and could make her feel uncomfortable. Also, avoid jokes that are too racy or controversial, as these may not be appropriate for her. Instead, focus on finding humor in everyday life and things that are relatable to her.

Make her feel loved

Girls love to feel loved and valued. It makes them feel secure in the relationship. It is important to show your girlfriend that you care for her by making small gestures and surprising her. It can be as simple as giving her a surprise hug, kissing her on the forehead, or holding her hand in public. You can also make her feel special by sending her a romantic message, spoiling her with breakfast in bed, or making a playlist of her favorite songs and texting them to her.

A girl wants to know that her man is supportive of her passions in life. This can make her feel special, especially if she feels like no one else believes in her. A girl also loves to feel that her guy supports her through difficult times. A girl will always remember the times when her boyfriend stood by her and helped her get through her toughest moments.

Some little things that you can do to make her feel special include letting her know that you appreciate her efforts and complimenting her for her accomplishments. For example, you can thank her for her hard work or compliment her on her appearance. You can also make her feel special by acknowledging the things that she does for you, such as cleaning the house, cooking meals, or helping with chores around the home.

It is also a good idea to tell her how much you love her and show this by taking note of the little details that she notices about your relationship, such as your first date or your anniversary. You can then surprise her by marking these dates with some thoughtful gifts.

Another way to make her feel special is by telling her how much you appreciate her uniqueness. This will make her feel like you recognize her and value her, even though you may not agree with some of the things she does or says. You can also let her know that you support her and encourage her to keep trying, even if she fails at something.

Make her happy

Making your girlfriend happy is the best way to show her that you love her. She will appreciate every small gesture you do for her and feel lucky to have you in her life. She will want to spend more time with you and will be thrilled to know that you value her as a person, not just a partner or lover.

One of the best things you can do to make her happy is to tell her that she’s amazing. She will love hearing that she’s beautiful, intelligent, funny, and so much more. She will also appreciate hearing that you value her opinions and that you are proud of her achievements.

Another thing that will make her happy is to remember little details about her. It will make her feel special to be reminded of all the things that have been a part of your relationship, such as your first date or her birthday. This will show her that you care about the relationship and that you are attentive.

A great way to make her happy is to surprise her with a little note that you hide somewhere for her to find. This will make her smile and she will be so excited to read your message. You can hide the message in her lunch bag, water bottle, coat, car, or even on her desk at work.

Giving her gifts that she will use in everyday life is another way to make her feel loved and appreciated. This could be as simple as buying her a pair of socks or an earphone that will help her with her tasks at work. It’s important that you don’t go overboard with this and that you do it in a thoughtful way, but that you still take the time to buy her something that she will enjoy.

You can also make her feel special by holding her hand in public or by kissing her neck and shoulders. This will make her feel safe and protected and it will remind her that she is your priority. You can also show her how much you care about her by massaging her feet and back after a long day at work, without any sexual intent.

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