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7 activities that will make you even smarter

It has been known for a long time that the human brain behaves like any other muscle - without training, not only loses the chance for development, but what is worse, it loses its properties, becomes flabby, loses threads, ceases to associate, forgets ... Sorry, right?

Therefore, in order not to fall out of the game, it is worth taking care of the development of the intellect and nourishing it with a daily dose of exercise. Exercises that scientists believe will stimulate your brain much more effectively than the next coffee.

1. Read

I don't think you need to convince anyone of the many benefits of reading. Reading, regardless of whether we mean the Harvard Business Review or the 50 Shades of Gray, helps to develop intelligence, enables the acquisition of new knowledge, helps us to focus, trains concentration, develops our imagination and can put our mind into a state of relaxation. Reading also gives you an invaluable feeling of doing something good for yourself and a recipe for success.

How is that? Well, reading allows you to better understand the reality that surrounds us, which may translate into, for example, increasing the ability to build relationships with the client or with the team you manage. It was not without reason that Will Smith recognized reading and running as the key to life. Reading, because there are millions of people who have lived before us, so there is no new problem that you may have that has not happened to anyone before and that has not been described in a book. Running because ...

2. Play sports

... every time you run, the little man inside you grumbles, that he is tired, that he is fed up, that he will not be able to run any further. His complaints make you want to stop. However, as you learn to beat this little man while running, then you will learn to keep going when some really hard things happen in your life. You don't like running? It's okay, just exercise regularly. Physical activity not only toughens the spirit, but literally nourishes our brains.

During exercise, the BDNF protein appears in the cells, which stimulates memory and concentration. Movement also makes us happier, but endorphins need not be mentioned to anyone.

3. Learn languages

Is it a coincidence that the best minds in this world are usually fluent in at least two languages? Is there any connection between the fact that scientists, businessmen or artists who are spectacularly successful abroad are able to communicate without complexes in a foreign language? Probably not. It turns out that bilingual people are much better at dealing with complicated tasks, riddles and puzzles. In life, this translates into better planning and the development of problem-solving skills. In addition, knowing a foreign language significantly broadens your horizons and allows you to monitor the world from a completely different perspective. In turn, learning a foreign language itself helps to train memory and concentration, and most importantly, it does not have to be associated with time-consuming lessons. One foreign language article a day or ten minutes of fun with an application like Duolingo is enough. Give it a try! What's the harm?

4. Learn by repeating and digging deeper

Do you know why reliable foreign language learning is so effective? Because as you learn, you constantly repeat and then expand on more topics. In addition, you acquire knowledge of grammar and vocabulary simultaneously, which extends your attention to a number of factors, which you then use in communication. In this way, you can learn not only languages, this method can be used to develop your general or managerial knowledge. All you need to do is to start taking notes, drawing conclusions, exploring the outlined topics on your own, and then applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

5. Play an instrument

Playing an instrument supports creativity, teaches analytical thinking useful in managing and operating with numbers, and develops motor skills. But that's not all. Already several minutes a day spent with any instrument causes the development of the corpus callosum, which creates new connections between the hemispheres of the brain. The result is improved memory, problem-solving ability, and overall brain function. What else? A large dose of relaxation and creative entertainment.

You can read more about practicing concentration by playing instruments here.

6. Meditate

Meditation has long ceased to be a secret for monks from the Far East. Today it is a common method that helps to achieve a state of deep calm and relaxation and spiritual balance. However, few people realize that meditation also helps to develop the brain. It turns out that it teaches you to control your own brain waves. This ability translates into the development of the ability to control oneself under stress, i.e. during difficult negotiations, it teaches self-control and helps to work on weaknesses that haunt us. There is a reason why so many business people meditate. Suffice it to mention Steve Jobs, in whose life meditation was as important, if not more important, than success.

7. Just train your brain

… And enjoy it! Whether you're relaxing with web sudoku, online Sudoku, Sudoku puzzles, puzzles, board games, Lumosity-style apps or computer games, don't deprive yourself of this little bit of entertainment. The entertainment is all the more valuable because it is not only relaxing, but also allows you to keep your brain in the right shape. Imagine that any such activity forces your brain to slightly reorganize the pathways between synapses, and when cells start responding in a new way, you begin to see things from a different perspective, increasing your ability to understand and analyze the causes and effects of phenomena, behavior and emotions. . To sum up - while you are having fun, your brain becomes more plastic and you become smarter!

The most beautiful thing is that each of the above-mentioned activities can turn into a hobby, and even a great passion, paying off not only at work, but actually in every area of ??your life, and passion, as you know, gives meaning to all activities. And if you are limited by the lack of time, give us some of your duties, we will be happy to help you focus on the development of your new interests. Brella is a unique combination of assistant and concierge services.

Useful Resources:

Sudoku - how can numbers help us?

International Sudoku Day. Sudoku rules

Sudoku - a popular puzzle for children. Is it worth it?

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