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Pregnancy may be one of the most difficult times in a woman's life, but it is undoubtedly a period that, with all its inflammation and hardships, is the beginning of a new chapter in life and the sweet taste of motherhood. Therefore, one of the most important issues for any woman is to know the symptoms of pregnancy. Here are some possible symptoms of pregnancy.

Possible pregnancy symptoms
Are you pregnant?
The most important concern in the early stages of pregnancy and beyond is: How does it feel? Is it a normal feeling? Here are some common signs of pregnancy. Unfortunately, these signs and symptoms are not specific to pregnancy. Some of them are a sign of the onset of an illness or period. You may even be pregnant but have none of these symptoms.

However, if you notice any of the following clues, be sure to have a home pregnancy test, especially if you do not monitor your menstrual cycle or if this cycle is irregular. The best way to find out if you are pregnant is to see a doctor and get a pregnancy test or buy and do a home pregnancy test.

I became sensitive and swollen breasts or their nipples
One of the first physical changes in pregnancy is a change in the breasts. They may be tender or have a slight burning, itching or pain. They may look heavier and fuller. Two weeks after fertilization, your breasts begin to grow to prepare for milk production. The main reason for these changes is the increased production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Breast changes are usually much more pronounced in the first pregnancy.

Many women experience extreme tiredness during pregnancy, especially early in life. In the early weeks of pregnancy, your body works hard - to produce more hormones and blood to carry nutrients to the body. The heart works faster and faster to direct this blood flow. In addition, the hormone progesterone is a natural sedative for the central nervous system, so high levels of this hormone in your body make you drowsy. On the other hand, the possibility of pregnancy can lead to worries and feelings that consume your energy and disrupt your sleep.

Low bleeding or slight muscle cramps
Some women experience slight spotting or bleeding early in pregnancy - about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. This type of bleeding is called implantation bleeding and occurs when a fertilized egg first attaches to the wall of the uterus. This bleeding usually occurs a little earlier than the period, is spotty, less noticeable, and does not last long. Many women experience muscle cramps early in pregnancy due to an enlarged uterus. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.

Nausea with or without vomiting
Morning sickness is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. Most women experience nausea in the first four to eight weeks of pregnancy, but it can start two weeks after fertilization. Although nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are commonly referred to as "morning sickness," they can occur at any time of the day. The cause seems to be a rapid increase in the level of estrogen produced by the placenta and the fetus. These hormones cause the abdomen to empty more slowly, and this is part of the problem. The sense of smell is stronger in pregnant women, so a variety of odors such as food, coffee, perfume or cigarettes can cause nausea.

Via or hate food
Avoiding certain foods is usually the first sign of pregnancy. Even the smell of some foods causes a wave of nausea in early pregnancy. A study has shown that pregnant women in the first weeks of pregnancy have a special hatred for coffee. Meat, dairy products and spicy foods also often disgust pregnant women. Viar is also common in this period. Like most other pregnancy symptoms, varicose veins are caused by hormonal changes. Pregnant women often feel that the taste of food has changed, especially in the first trimester when hormones are most effective.

Frequent urination
Pregnant women go to the toilet more than ever. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the main cause of this is an enlarged uterus and pressure on the bladder.

If you are pregnant, you will probably have mild and frequent headaches. In early pregnancy, these headaches can be caused by increased blood flow due to hormonal changes.

Constipation is another common symptom in early pregnancy. An increase in progesterone slows down digestion, so food moves faster in the digestive tract, leading to constipation.

Mood swings
The surge of hormones in the body during early pregnancy can make you unusually emotional and sad, and mood swings - from extreme happiness to deep sadness - are especially common in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Fainting and dizziness
Pregnant women experience dizziness and fainting. These conditions are usually the result of changes in blood flow because the blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops. In early pregnancy, fainting and dizziness can also be due to low blood sugar.

Increase in basal body temperature
Basal body temperature (BBT) is the temperature of the mouth that you should measure when you wake up in the morning. This temperature rises slightly after ovulation and does not change until the next period. If you have a BBT chart to determine the time of your ovulation, know that staying high for more than two weeks can be a sign of pregnancy. In fact, BBT stays high throughout pregnancy.
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