AOL Suite 0.3 Beta Refresh for Windows


Avg. Rating 3.1 (73 votes)

File Details

File Size 0.4 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Windows 2000/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 4,483
Publisher AOL LLC
Homepage AOL Suite

Publisher's Description

AOL Suite is made up of independent, integrated applications that can be used individually or work seamlessly together when used as a suite. With the AOL Suite Beta, AOL members will have instant access to different applications without having to run all of the AOL software at the same time. Currently, the AOL Suite Beta includes AOL Explorer, AOL Mail, and AIM Triton. Additional applications and features will be added to the Suite as the beta test progresses.

The applications within the suite are integrated, so they can work together seamlessly, but they also work independently so you can spend your time online more conveniently. For example, in the AOL Suite beta, a feature called QuickNote which allows you to create your message and then chose which AOL application to use to send it. Also, in a suite, capabilities from one application can be invoked from other applications where appropriate.

Latest Reviews


Nikkie reviewed v0.3 Beta Refresh on Oct 3, 2007

Will you guys stop lieng.Firefox is a resource hog.Opera runs way faster than firefox.Trillian is way slower than miranda or pidgin.

o' boy...

Anyhow, I like the direction aol is going and i think reviewing the software more will give them a better idea of what people are looking for.

p.s it is called beta..b-e-t-a :)


yanike reviewed v0.3 Beta Refresh on Apr 10, 2006

AOL Suite 1.0 is a must get :)

I take the first rating back.

Great idea at first, but uses a whole lot of memory. Use OpenRide instead :)


Tokar reviewed v0.3 Beta Refresh on Mar 4, 2006

I do agree. They have turned the leaf and created some high quality softwares, no doubt.

HOWEVER, the new engine they are using as the code base for all their new softwares is quite horrible in my opinion, the worst of all being AIM Triton. Everything is slow and uses a lot of RAM. I wish start fresh again. I know its asking a lot. But the thing holding me back from using these softwares full time is that they just run so slow in comparison to their counterparts (AIM 5.9/GAIM/Trillian runs faster than Triton, Opera/FireFox/IE runs faster than AOL Explorer, etc.)


taintedprince reviewed vRefresh 3 on Feb 8, 2006

AOL Suite, is truly the next generation of AOL. I believe that many reviewers are going to scoff at this beta, 1, because it's a beta that is less than perfect. But many people have yet to realize what a task AOL is trying to do, AOL software is a client based product. AOL Suite is a set of applications that relies on your sole connection to the internet and allows the user to control which application he or she wants to use at will. It's not easy for AOL an internet content provider to go from a client base, to an HTML suite. This project has been in the making for a long long time. And much time is being devoted to it. Instead of passing judgement on the project, I would be one of the people testing it. Be honest with the beta team and tell them what's wrong with the suite. They need testers. It's free , what have you got to lose.

If AOL suite beta , is going to be any better. quit bellyaching about what doesn't work, and head to beta central at AOL and test the software, and tell the technicians at beta about the bugs. I would only complain , after I've tested the software, reported the bugs, and done what I could do as a beta person to see that AOL knows my problem. If you can't do that, then your complaining about what doesn't work has no weight.

Some people also fail to update their betas, and so if a problem gets fixed they don't realize it has been fixed because their beta build is older than the current build for testing. Look at beta central and update your betas. You can't help the process of testing if you don't keep your software up to date.

AOL suite is very nice. It has the potential to be the replacement for the AOL client software, and with diligent testers and feedback about problems, it will be not a bad alternative for those who want control over their AOL.


sn1p34 reviewed vBeta Refresh on Jan 26, 2006

Actualy the infromation is incorrect, AOL does defently Install spyware depending on what software you use, but this suite Has no spyware whatsoever, yet anyways..... The aol suite in my opinion is bloated. Very slow, and no AOL browser does not make IE more secure, it runs of IE, so all the issues IE has AOL has! try geting your facts right! Useing this suite, is mainly personal preffrence you either like it or you don't, this applies with all software.


seanb6 reviewed vBeta 11 on Dec 23, 2005

This program makes ie it seems) Aol has truly gone next-gen and is of to an awesome start.


eclipsingdivinity reviewed vBeta 9 on Dec 9, 2005


I have a feeling you're being a little too over enthusiastic about this debate. Not EVERYTHING AOL does is intended to spy on you. The only real adware i've found when using AIM is Viewpoint Media Player, which is usually easy to uninstall. Besides, AOL is a well known company and at respected in terms of treating their customers with care, even if the way they go about it can seem...well...idiotic.

I don't think we will see AOL turn to the darkside anytime soon. *cough*180solutions*cough*

As for this review: they seriously need to put AOL in slim fast here. Even though most consumers have machines that can handle it, I still tend to see bogged down PCs due to all the extraordinary processes running in the background. SLIM DOWN AOL! GET THE F$CKING HINT! WE'VE ONLY BEEN SAYING THIS SINCE DAY ONE!


Matrix3000k reviewed vBeta 9 on Dec 9, 2005


You are a funny guy. and NOOOOOOOOOOO im not under 18 dummy. If i don't know what im talking about then tell me why am i looking at my CCNA, CCNP, MCP, and MCES certifications right now. Sounds like to me that you are under 18 and i think aol did not give you more free months therefore your pissed off at them cause you have to pay them for service. spyware only enters your computer only if you download it moron. SPYWARE=USER ERROR. in there words its when you who is the user F#CK's up your computer.


gawd21 reviewed vBeta 9 on Dec 9, 2005

Matrix3000k You sir are a sucker and retared. I bet you are under 18 too. You have NO idea what you are talking about. Yes, EVERYTHING that AOL creates does infact spy on you. I have NEVER been to a porn site, I have better things to do, unlike you. I don't need to get on AOL and use their chatrooms trying to pick up 14 year old kids, as I am sure you do.


Mike162005 reviewed vBeta 8 on Dec 8, 2005

Matrix3000k VERY good comment. =)

Avg. Rating 3.1 (73 votes)
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Nikkie reviewed v0.3 Beta Refresh on Oct 3, 2007

Will you guys stop lieng.Firefox is a resource hog.Opera runs way faster than firefox.Trillian is way slower than miranda or pidgin.

o' boy...

Anyhow, I like the direction aol is going and i think reviewing the software more will give them a better idea of what people are looking for.

p.s it is called beta..b-e-t-a :)


yanike reviewed v0.3 Beta Refresh on Apr 10, 2006

AOL Suite 1.0 is a must get :)

I take the first rating back.

Great idea at first, but uses a whole lot of memory. Use OpenRide instead :)


Tokar reviewed v0.3 Beta Refresh on Mar 4, 2006

I do agree. They have turned the leaf and created some high quality softwares, no doubt.

HOWEVER, the new engine they are using as the code base for all their new softwares is quite horrible in my opinion, the worst of all being AIM Triton. Everything is slow and uses a lot of RAM. I wish start fresh again. I know its asking a lot. But the thing holding me back from using these softwares full time is that they just run so slow in comparison to their counterparts (AIM 5.9/GAIM/Trillian runs faster than Triton, Opera/FireFox/IE runs faster than AOL Explorer, etc.)


taintedprince reviewed vRefresh 3 on Feb 8, 2006

AOL Suite, is truly the next generation of AOL. I believe that many reviewers are going to scoff at this beta, 1, because it's a beta that is less than perfect. But many people have yet to realize what a task AOL is trying to do, AOL software is a client based product. AOL Suite is a set of applications that relies on your sole connection to the internet and allows the user to control which application he or she wants to use at will. It's not easy for AOL an internet content provider to go from a client base, to an HTML suite. This project has been in the making for a long long time. And much time is being devoted to it. Instead of passing judgement on the project, I would be one of the people testing it. Be honest with the beta team and tell them what's wrong with the suite. They need testers. It's free , what have you got to lose.

If AOL suite beta , is going to be any better. quit bellyaching about what doesn't work, and head to beta central at AOL and test the software, and tell the technicians at beta about the bugs. I would only complain , after I've tested the software, reported the bugs, and done what I could do as a beta person to see that AOL knows my problem. If you can't do that, then your complaining about what doesn't work has no weight.

Some people also fail to update their betas, and so if a problem gets fixed they don't realize it has been fixed because their beta build is older than the current build for testing. Look at beta central and update your betas. You can't help the process of testing if you don't keep your software up to date.

AOL suite is very nice. It has the potential to be the replacement for the AOL client software, and with diligent testers and feedback about problems, it will be not a bad alternative for those who want control over their AOL.


sn1p34 reviewed vBeta Refresh on Jan 26, 2006

Actualy the infromation is incorrect, AOL does defently Install spyware depending on what software you use, but this suite Has no spyware whatsoever, yet anyways..... The aol suite in my opinion is bloated. Very slow, and no AOL browser does not make IE more secure, it runs of IE, so all the issues IE has AOL has! try geting your facts right! Useing this suite, is mainly personal preffrence you either like it or you don't, this applies with all software.


seanb6 reviewed vBeta 11 on Dec 23, 2005

This program makes ie it seems) Aol has truly gone next-gen and is of to an awesome start.


eclipsingdivinity reviewed vBeta 9 on Dec 9, 2005


I have a feeling you're being a little too over enthusiastic about this debate. Not EVERYTHING AOL does is intended to spy on you. The only real adware i've found when using AIM is Viewpoint Media Player, which is usually easy to uninstall. Besides, AOL is a well known company and at respected in terms of treating their customers with care, even if the way they go about it can seem...well...idiotic.

I don't think we will see AOL turn to the darkside anytime soon. *cough*180solutions*cough*

As for this review: they seriously need to put AOL in slim fast here. Even though most consumers have machines that can handle it, I still tend to see bogged down PCs due to all the extraordinary processes running in the background. SLIM DOWN AOL! GET THE F$CKING HINT! WE'VE ONLY BEEN SAYING THIS SINCE DAY ONE!


Matrix3000k reviewed vBeta 9 on Dec 9, 2005


You are a funny guy. and NOOOOOOOOOOO im not under 18 dummy. If i don't know what im talking about then tell me why am i looking at my CCNA, CCNP, MCP, and MCES certifications right now. Sounds like to me that you are under 18 and i think aol did not give you more free months therefore your pissed off at them cause you have to pay them for service. spyware only enters your computer only if you download it moron. SPYWARE=USER ERROR. in there words its when you who is the user F#CK's up your computer.


gawd21 reviewed vBeta 9 on Dec 9, 2005

Matrix3000k You sir are a sucker and retared. I bet you are under 18 too. You have NO idea what you are talking about. Yes, EVERYTHING that AOL creates does infact spy on you. I have NEVER been to a porn site, I have better things to do, unlike you. I don't need to get on AOL and use their chatrooms trying to pick up 14 year old kids, as I am sure you do.


Mike162005 reviewed vBeta 8 on Dec 8, 2005

Matrix3000k VERY good comment. =)


Matrix3000k reviewed vBeta 8 on Dec 6, 2005


I don't know where you get your info sir but you are a total moron. AOL will not spy on you SPYWARE does that. Stop going to your porn sites, and other crappy sites and maybe you just might stop getting "SPYED" on.

On the hand, This software is great. Alot of AOL software have come a long long way and its getting better and better. Yeah its not perfect but tell me what software out there is perfect!!!!!! For those who keep trash talking any type of software out there lets see you do better. Oh wait you can't cause your not that smart to create something. Stop your Bi$th*n and move on. If you don't want to use the AOL software trust me AOL is not going to cry over you. They have billions of members and they don't need your compaling sorry A#s, For AOL and all software developers more power to you guys and keep up the good work!!!!!


gawd21 reviewed vBeta 8 on Dec 2, 2005

I want to know how much AOL pays Betanews to delete the Very True reviews that their products do spy on you. I mean every time someone types how AOL does use it's software to spy on you the post gets deleted. This and everything AOL makes does and will spy on you, that sir, you can take to the bank.


Mike162005 reviewed vBeta 7 on Nov 22, 2005

Needs some additional work.

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