Security Software Antivirus Software AppCheck Anti-Ransomware

AppCheck Anti-Ransomware AppCheck Anti-Ransomware for Windows

by CheckMAL Inc.

Avg. Rating 3.2 (5 votes)

File Details

File Size 12.6 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Windows 7/8/10
Date Added
Total Downloads 696
Publisher CheckMAL Inc.
Homepage AppCheck Anti-Ransomware

Publisher's Description

AppCheck Anti-Ransomware protects organizations of all sizes from modern-day ransomwares. Prevent, detect and recover damaged files from ransomware with the next generation context awareness ransomware behavior detection engine.

Latest Reviews

Bob Sr

Bob Sr reviewed v2.5.45.2 on Apr 10, 2020

There is a FREE version, but there is also a PAID for Version. I installed the Paid version and got a GSOD. I was not able to start my computer at all, not even in SAFE MODE. I had to do a complete re-install of everything. So beware if you try it out.


humbleuser reviewed v2.0.1.15 on Jul 6, 2017

Looks very good and the reviews I've seen are positive. Not sure I could trust Bandit's 'They had a flat... then fixed it quickly" analysis. Thanks guys for fixing it quickly.


CyberDoc999 reviewed v2.0.1.15 on Jun 1, 2017

This is free of all spyware.... and free for Home use...
it has stopped a few Ransomware programs on my test computer...

I give it 10 stars

also if you are not testing it or using it ..... why rate it?
If you study the Hacks and Exploits then you understand how to block them.
I can set up any windows PC so it is guaranteed to never get any infection...


BANDIT- reviewed v2.0.1.15 on Jun 1, 2017

Just a Heads Up Guys.. I aint Testing It.

I'm Kinda Curious to See a Review of this App Tho.
How Free Is It.. Does it Contain Open Candy..??
I Fail to See The Sudden, Ahem... Appearance of It.
So Closely Following The Catastrophic May Attacks..??

- Don't open "Unexpected" email Attachments.
- Try to Use Trusted Sites Where Possible.
- Avoid.. Hack/Exploit/Pentest... Tools & Sites.
- Cracked S/w Is a Magnet for Exploits..!!
- SADLY... W3 is a Minefield of Bad Code/Scripts & HotLinks.

Testers Take Care.. G'luk.
For Appearing... A Wobbly 3*

~~~~~~~~~~ [UPDATE] 02 jun 17

Ah Yes..!! @CD999 .. Straight for The Juggular.
What a Pity You Hadn't Been appointed International Anti-Attack Advisor. You Could have Prevented Last Months Ransome Attack... However.. Ho-Hum.

You need to Brush Up on Reality Sunshine.. Put Some Time In B4 Yakkin'. My Post was a "Heads Up".. Not a Test Result.. You're just a Forum Bully. Need Guys Like You.. And This App.
Since YOU rate this App 10*.. Probably Cos you Think It's Infallible.
Then I'll Re-Rate It.... ~_^

Oh btw.. I Like the New house Ya built..
Not keen on the Front view tho.. Down the Street opposite.

Avg. Rating 3.2 (5 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555

Bob Sr

Bob Sr reviewed v2.5.45.2 on Apr 10, 2020

Pros: None

Cons: There is a FREE version, but there is also a PAID for Version. I installed the Paid version and got a GSOD. I was not able to start my computer at all, not even in SAFE MODE. I had to do a complete re-install of everything. So beware if you try it out.

Bottom Line: There is a FREE version, but there is also a PAID for Version. I installed the Paid version and got a GSOD. I was not able to start my computer at all, not even in SAFE MODE. I had to do a complete re-install of everything. So beware if you try it out.


humbleuser reviewed v2.0.1.15 on Jul 6, 2017

Looks very good and the reviews I've seen are positive. Not sure I could trust Bandit's 'They had a flat... then fixed it quickly" analysis. Thanks guys for fixing it quickly.


CyberDoc999 reviewed v2.0.1.15 on Jun 1, 2017

This is free of all spyware.... and free for Home use...
it has stopped a few Ransomware programs on my test computer...

I give it 10 stars

also if you are not testing it or using it ..... why rate it?
If you study the Hacks and Exploits then you understand how to block them.
I can set up any windows PC so it is guaranteed to never get any infection...


BANDIT- reviewed v2.0.1.15 on Jun 1, 2017

Just a Heads Up Guys.. I aint Testing It.

I'm Kinda Curious to See a Review of this App Tho.
How Free Is It.. Does it Contain Open Candy..??
I Fail to See The Sudden, Ahem... Appearance of It.
So Closely Following The Catastrophic May Attacks..??

- Don't open "Unexpected" email Attachments.
- Try to Use Trusted Sites Where Possible.
- Avoid.. Hack/Exploit/Pentest... Tools & Sites.
- Cracked S/w Is a Magnet for Exploits..!!
- SADLY... W3 is a Minefield of Bad Code/Scripts & HotLinks.

Testers Take Care.. G'luk.
For Appearing... A Wobbly 3*

~~~~~~~~~~ [UPDATE] 02 jun 17

Ah Yes..!! @CD999 .. Straight for The Juggular.
What a Pity You Hadn't Been appointed International Anti-Attack Advisor. You Could have Prevented Last Months Ransome Attack... However.. Ho-Hum.

You need to Brush Up on Reality Sunshine.. Put Some Time In B4 Yakkin'. My Post was a "Heads Up".. Not a Test Result.. You're just a Forum Bully. Need Guys Like You.. And This App.
Since YOU rate this App 10*.. Probably Cos you Think It's Infallible.
Then I'll Re-Rate It.... ~_^

Oh btw.. I Like the New house Ya built..
Not keen on the Front view tho.. Down the Street opposite.

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