WWW & Internet File Sharing BitComet for Windows

BitComet for Windows BitComet for Windows 1.99 for Windows

by BitComet.com

Avg. Rating 3.2 (1,535 votes)

File Details

File Size 24.3 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Windows (All)
Date Added
Total Downloads 3,501,542
Publisher BitComet.com
Homepage BitComet
Other Versions

Publisher's Description

BitComet is a powerful, clean, fast, and easy-to-use bittorrent client. It supports simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, chatting, disk cache, speed limits, port mapping, proxy, ip-filter, etc.

Latest Reviews


gsteele reviewed v1.74 on Jan 18, 2021

A very dailed interface thet gives you all sorts of options.


chrispaul reviewed v1.37 on Feb 17, 2014



HeilNizar reviewed v1.36 on May 3, 2013



FatBastard reviewed v1.34 on Feb 15, 2013

This program is a viruz


yellowfordcapri reviewed v1.33 on Nov 30, 2012

i upgraded a couple of times but there seemed to be a few hiccups now and again so i went back to good old BitComet 1.25! its never given me any problems so call me a dinosaur or whatever! i stick with; "if it aint broke, dont fix it"


mAUI69fORU reviewed vBuild 20120221 Beta on Apr 13, 2012

I Love it fast and easy to use


FatBastard reviewed vBuild 20120221 Beta on Feb 21, 2012

Horrible bloatware :(


Aegis69 reviewed vBuild 20111207 Beta on Dec 7, 2011

If you don't know how to use Transmission, maybe you shouldn't be downloading torrents at all...


ballyhairs reviewed vBuild 20110118 Beta on Jan 19, 2011

Wow, amazing how the author didn't give up his crap-ware yet :(


DrTeeth reviewed vBuild 20110111 Beta on Jan 12, 2011

Bitcomet 0.70 is 5*; it became a pile of crap soon after and never recovered.

Unfortunately, 0.70 could not cope with the speed for some reason when I got a fibre connection, now using uTorrent.

Avg. Rating 3.2 (1,535 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


gsteele reviewed v1.74 on Jan 18, 2021

Pros: Easy to learn

Cons: No major cons.

Bottom Line: A very dailed interface thet gives you all sorts of options.


chrispaul reviewed v1.37 on Feb 17, 2014



HeilNizar reviewed v1.36 on May 3, 2013



FatBastard reviewed v1.34 on Feb 15, 2013

This program is a viruz


yellowfordcapri reviewed v1.33 on Nov 30, 2012

i upgraded a couple of times but there seemed to be a few hiccups now and again so i went back to good old BitComet 1.25! its never given me any problems so call me a dinosaur or whatever! i stick with; "if it aint broke, dont fix it"


mAUI69fORU reviewed vBuild 20120221 Beta on Apr 13, 2012

I Love it fast and easy to use


FatBastard reviewed vBuild 20120221 Beta on Feb 21, 2012

Horrible bloatware :(


Aegis69 reviewed vBuild 20111207 Beta on Dec 7, 2011

If you don't know how to use Transmission, maybe you shouldn't be downloading torrents at all...


ballyhairs reviewed vBuild 20110118 Beta on Jan 19, 2011

Wow, amazing how the author didn't give up his crap-ware yet :(


DrTeeth reviewed vBuild 20110111 Beta on Jan 12, 2011

Bitcomet 0.70 is 5*; it became a pile of crap soon after and never recovered.

Unfortunately, 0.70 could not cope with the speed for some reason when I got a fibre connection, now using uTorrent.


mushrooooom reviewed v1.20 on May 10, 2010

C'mon guys, BitComet is AWESOME!

Well, Bitcomet did have a false version before, but that version was replaced immediately. The developers have changed the situation, they didn't expect the users to cheat on the ratio. What version is it? 0.60? Now we're having 1.20!!! This software is moving on, why can't you also move on and give BitComet a chance? The developers corrected that mistake immediately but ignored the rumour, and people are executing it because of this damn reason! In my opinion, that affair was not the problem of BitComet, but a shame on those cheaters instead!

It's a free software, we all download and use it for free, the staff members in the forum are helping us voluntarily. Even if you don't like it, it didn't cost you anything. You can leave negative comments but please be honest, don't defame it. I know some users couldn't forgive them even it's been so many years, they are still deceived by some vile rumour. I can't understand why those rumour kept being released, they sound so fake but still have people believing them. WTH!

Even a prisoner has opportunity to be accepted by society again, why are you being so mean to a software?? Don't listen to its vile competitors anymore and believe your own experience please.


AmpFeare reviewed vBuild 20100203 Beta on Feb 8, 2010

I need a few things answered here if someone would be so kind as to do so.
Does this thing still have all the ad banner bs in it? and to the comment 2 rows down, was version .70 the latest version to not have the ad banners, thank you.

Oh the review, won't know till my questions are answered, BUT this used to be the king, idc what you say. as for now bitspirit, utorrent deluge and vuze (if your pc can handle it) ar ethe way to go


FileTracker reviewed vBuild 20100203 Beta on Feb 3, 2010

This program once was good, now its been left behind.

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