Watchlisted Winaero TweakerDecember 20 - 12:40 PM ET
Watchlisted TCP OptimizerApril 27 - 10:41 PM ET
Reviewed Wine 10.0May 29 - 2:04 PM ET
While this is great software, its getting to be pointless. Windows is dead, desktop is dying. The ONLY thing anyone will care about soon (if not already) is 'will my android app/game run on it?'. Thats why these guys should be working on a full... Read full review |
Reviewed Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows 102.4.1May 15 - 5:43 PM ET
Hey partypoop, you MAY notice 'The Bat' is not a free program, so quit being a d***breath Read full review |
Reviewed The GIMP 3.0.0May 11 - 1:04 PM ET
I hate to say it, but GIMP is done. Krita came along and did everything the community had been asking GIMP to do for decades. Ive switch to Krita, it even replaced photoshop for me. Goodbye GIMP, you missed the boat and its over. Read full review |
Reviewed Kiwi for Gmail (Windows) 2.0.68April 25 - 1:59 PM ET
Meh I can do all this in Thurderbird and its really free, not 'freemium'. Read full review |
Reviewed Ubuntu 24.10 (Oracular Oriole) BetaApril 18 - 12:52 PM ET
Nice to see I was right, too bad they wasted 7 years on trying to shove Unity up everyone's a$$, now they are are abandoning the idiotic idea altogether. |
Reviewed Horodruin 2024.09.801.0March 20 - 7:50 PM ET
we are out of names for programs Read full review |
Reviewed Blender for Windows 3.5.0February 10 - 4:28 PM ET
Unbelievable software, probably the best open source project anywhere Read full review |
Reviewed WordPress 6.4.3January 27 - 2:19 PM ET
Security has improved a lot, and wordpress now powers 30% of all pages on the web. I'd call that market dominance, good open source. Read full review |
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