The GIMP The GIMP 3.0.0 for Windows

by Tor Lillqvist

Avg. Rating 4.1 (811 votes)

File Details

File Size 358.4 MB
License Open Source
Operating System Windows 10/11
Date Added
Total Downloads 102,274
Publisher Tor Lillqvist
Homepage The GIMP

Publisher's Description

The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software suitable for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

Latest Reviews


CutOutWay reviewed v2.10.24 on Apr 1, 2021

I definitely visit this again


empirical reviewed v2.10.18.2 on Jun 15, 2020

When I first starting using GIMP some ten years ago tinkering, I did not find much about the program that interested me. It has come along over the years with good improvements and the more you dig into the program the more useful things you will discover. Takes time to learn and find it's value.
Excellent program, have sent them a donation.


Aegis69 reviewed v2.10.18.2 on Mar 26, 2020


Gimp STILL does not support layer effects!! ITS CRAP. USE KRITA, THIS GARBAGE NEEDS TO DIE.


kstev99 reviewed v2.10.14 Update 3 on Jan 7, 2020

Still a VERY good image editor. I've used it for years. Highly recommended

"there is nothing GIMP does that Krita does not do"
HOW ABOUT MAGNETIC LASSO (scissors). It is a necessary tool for serious editing in my opinion, unless you are just drawing pictures
According to Krita's developers on their own forum

"we used to have a magnetic lasso tool. It got disabled when porting from Qt3 to Qt4 in 2006, and we never managed to find the time to re-enable it"

For each his own I guess, use either photoshop, krita, or Gimp, whichever suits your needs. To call it garbage is unwarranted and disrespectful to the developers


Aegis69 reviewed v2.10.12 on Jun 17, 2019

"krita lacks the functions needed for advanced image editing"

Said by someone who has never used Krita. Trust me, there is nothing GIMP does that Krita does not do. DUMP GIMP.


kstev99 reviewed v2.10.8 on Nov 14, 2018

Still an EXCELLENT photo editor. As a former graphics designer, GIMP has most everything that Photoshop has and you don't have to spend a fortune.

Beware !!! There are some suggesting that you use Krita instead, even calling those who stand by GIMP, Morons. Comparing Krita and GIMP is like comparing apples to oranges, and while Krita is an excellent drawing program, it lacks the functions needed for advanced image editing. I stand with the GIMP. 5 Stars !!!


Aegis69 reviewed v2.10.4 on Jul 9, 2018

complete useless garbage, been that way for decades, use Krita


kstev99 reviewed v2.10.0 RC1 on Mar 29, 2018

Keeps getting better with each version.


Aegis69 reviewed v2.9.8 Beta on Dec 27, 2017

lol morons saying kritas interface is unconventional when it looks EXACTLY like photoshop, meanwhile gimp looks like it was make in 1972. And yes Krita does painting very well, but that does NOT mean it doesn't ALSO do photo manipulation, it does, and it does it BETTER than gimp ever will.


kstev99 reviewed v2.8.22 on May 13, 2017

As a former graphics designer, I see no need to fork out $$$ for Photoshop, and make Adobe lots of money. GIMP has practically all of the features of Photoshop and it's developers don't just rush releases out the door. The magnetic scissors tool is a masterpiece.

Great Program!! and best of all it's FREE !! I've tried Krita, and quite frankly, it's unconventional interface just doesn't cut it.

Avg. Rating 4.1 (811 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


CutOutWay reviewed v2.10.24 on Apr 1, 2021

Pros: Very informative articles.I like this

Cons: Thanks for sharing

Bottom Line: I definitely visit this again


empirical reviewed v2.10.18.2 on Jun 15, 2020

Pros: Does a lot of editing tasks that many graphic arts drawing and painting programs cannot do. Has the ability to export files into a PDF format. Most illustration tools are available as a feature of this program. Latest versions have included some excellent brushes from the MyPaint program.

Cons: Does not have a pan tool, need to use sliders on side and bottom, involves two steps and clicks instead of one.
From using Corel Painter a lot I have become addicted to the use of a pan tool.

Bottom Line: When I first starting using GIMP some ten years ago tinkering, I did not find much about the program that interested me. It has come along over the years with good improvements and the more you dig into the program the more useful things you will discover. Takes time to learn and find it's value.
Excellent program, have sent them a donation.


Aegis69 reviewed v2.10.18.2 on Mar 26, 2020

Pros: nothign

Cons: its crap


Gimp STILL does not support layer effects!! ITS CRAP. USE KRITA, THIS GARBAGE NEEDS TO DIE.


kstev99 reviewed v2.10.14 Update 3 on Jan 7, 2020

Pros: Photoshop replacement for free

Cons: none

Bottom Line: Still a VERY good image editor. I've used it for years. Highly recommended

"there is nothing GIMP does that Krita does not do"
HOW ABOUT MAGNETIC LASSO (scissors). It is a necessary tool for serious editing in my opinion, unless you are just drawing pictures
According to Krita's developers on their own forum

"we used to have a magnetic lasso tool. It got disabled when porting from Qt3 to Qt4 in 2006, and we never managed to find the time to re-enable it"

For each his own I guess, use either photoshop, krita, or Gimp, whichever suits your needs. To call it garbage is unwarranted and disrespectful to the developers


Aegis69 reviewed v2.10.12 on Jun 17, 2019

Pros: none

Cons: all

Bottom Line: "krita lacks the functions needed for advanced image editing"

Said by someone who has never used Krita. Trust me, there is nothing GIMP does that Krita does not do. DUMP GIMP.


kstev99 reviewed v2.10.8 on Nov 14, 2018

Pros: Excellent Photo Manipulation tools
Free !

Cons: Slow initial load time

Bottom Line: Still an EXCELLENT photo editor. As a former graphics designer, GIMP has most everything that Photoshop has and you don't have to spend a fortune.

Beware !!! There are some suggesting that you use Krita instead, even calling those who stand by GIMP, Morons. Comparing Krita and GIMP is like comparing apples to oranges, and while Krita is an excellent drawing program, it lacks the functions needed for advanced image editing. I stand with the GIMP. 5 Stars !!!


Aegis69 reviewed v2.10.4 on Jul 9, 2018

Pros: garbage

Cons: garbage

Bottom Line: complete useless garbage, been that way for decades, use Krita


kstev99 reviewed v2.10.0 RC1 on Mar 29, 2018

Pros: Great Photo Manipulation program.

Cons: none

Bottom Line: Keeps getting better with each version.


Aegis69 reviewed v2.9.8 Beta on Dec 27, 2017

Pros: none

Cons: lots

Bottom Line: lol morons saying kritas interface is unconventional when it looks EXACTLY like photoshop, meanwhile gimp looks like it was make in 1972. And yes Krita does painting very well, but that does NOT mean it doesn't ALSO do photo manipulation, it does, and it does it BETTER than gimp ever will.


kstev99 reviewed v2.8.22 on May 13, 2017

As a former graphics designer, I see no need to fork out $$$ for Photoshop, and make Adobe lots of money. GIMP has practically all of the features of Photoshop and it's developers don't just rush releases out the door. The magnetic scissors tool is a masterpiece.

Great Program!! and best of all it's FREE !! I've tried Krita, and quite frankly, it's unconventional interface just doesn't cut it.


Ryusennin reviewed v2.8.22 on May 13, 2017

Krita is a digital painting application, Gimp is a generic image editor. Both programs have entirely different uses. I'd never use Krita to do any sort of basic picture manipulation.


lylejk reviewed v2.8.22 on May 11, 2017

Will admit that version 20's working fine for me (so haven't installed 22 yet) but still, GIMP is still my editor of choice. When you ad G'MIC to it, it makes it superior in many ways to Photoshop. Cannot wait until GIMP goes to 2.10x; the beta version already supports high bit depth which is the main complaint with GIMP in it's present form. Regardless, I seldom (if ever) need more than 8 bits per channel when I do my retouch play. :)


Aegis69 reviewed v2.8.22 on May 11, 2017

I hate to say it, but GIMP is done. Krita came along and did everything the community had been asking GIMP to do for decades. Ive switch to Krita, it even replaced photoshop for me. Goodbye GIMP, you missed the boat and its over.

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