WWW & Internet Download Enhancements Free Download Manager for Windows

Free Download Manager for Windows Free Download Manager for Windows 6.13.1 for Windows

by FreeDownloadManager.ORG

Avg. Rating 4.5 (1,285 votes)

File Details

File Size 26.3 MB
License Open Source
Operating System Windows (All)
Date Added
Total Downloads 321,504
Publisher FreeDownloadManager.ORG
Homepage Free Download Manager
Other Versions

Publisher's Description

Free Download Manager (FDM) is a full-featured freeware downloading program. It allows you to download files and whole web sites from any remote server via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.

Latest Reviews


kstev99 reviewed v5.1.23 on Jan 24, 2017

Version 3.x worked great. I used it for years. I'm sorry to say that I had to abandon it and start using IDM. Version 5 of this program just plain sucks. Half of the features that version 3 had are gone.

Sorry FDM, it was great while it lasted but you had to ruin a good program with this dumbed down version


AMIB reviewed v5.1.22 on Jan 3, 2017

The new version 5 is as simple as a baby software and it is so huge compare to features included.
I'll continu using V3 till they revise this unusable version


uberfly reviewed v5.1.20 on Nov 30, 2016

Always have used the Lite version, but is bulletproof. Awesome app!


kstev99 reviewed v5.1.15 on Jul 19, 2016

I've used FDM for a long time, and love the 3.x versions. Why they had to dumb-down the interface in this new version and remove valuable options is beyond me.

Version 5 is not ready for prime time and should still be in BETA stage, if they are going to leave most of the functionality of the program out. Terrible.


mchargue reviewed v5.1.15 on Jul 19, 2016

The new version looks nothing like what's pictured. While I can applaud the intentions behid the devs, the new version is harder to use. By a lot.


smaragdus reviewed v5.1.5.3224 Beta on Apr 13, 2016

The screen-shot is misleading- this is the GUI of Free Download Manager version 3 which is excellent, while the Beta (FDM 5) looks terrible. I give 5 stars for FDM 3 and 1 star for FDM 5 (the abominable Beta).

some guy

some guy reviewed v3.9.4 Build 1479 on Oct 16, 2014

over rated IDM is a better choice but for free better then winblows default


BANDIT- reviewed v3.9.3.1358 on Sep 23, 2013

Get the Lite version Unless you still Bat on with Torrents.. Snigggger..!!
Easily made portable from the "setup" file via CMD:Innounp
Highly configurable. Well maintained..... A super 5*


UPieper reviewed v3.9.2.1288 on Jan 16, 2013

Been using it for years. Works flawlessly...and it's free!


connectplus reviewed v3.9.1.1261 Beta on Aug 24, 2012

Downloaded this program and experienced such great pain trying to download Xubuntu files for almost two weeks straight, that I couldn't wait to get it off of my computer. Firstly, I tried downloading the 680 MB file without torrent...it stopped several times; then I tried the torrent download--3 days later, it said it was 100% downloaded, but I also noticed lots of wasted MBs in the log files; I went to open the file and it had 27 KB. Now you know I'm hot at this point! Silly me, tried once more just to be fair; and waited another 24 hours for it to download, but it stopped at 89% and refused to download further. I'm not one for wasting my time and really get angry when something else does! If this works for you, great! It didn't did work for me even with all of its beautiful interface and tooted useful tools.

Avg. Rating 4.5 (1,285 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


kstev99 reviewed v5.1.23 on Jan 24, 2017

Version 3.x worked great. I used it for years. I'm sorry to say that I had to abandon it and start using IDM. Version 5 of this program just plain sucks. Half of the features that version 3 had are gone.

Sorry FDM, it was great while it lasted but you had to ruin a good program with this dumbed down version


AMIB reviewed v5.1.22 on Jan 3, 2017

The new version 5 is as simple as a baby software and it is so huge compare to features included.
I'll continu using V3 till they revise this unusable version


uberfly reviewed v5.1.20 on Nov 30, 2016

Always have used the Lite version, but is bulletproof. Awesome app!


kstev99 reviewed v5.1.15 on Jul 19, 2016

I've used FDM for a long time, and love the 3.x versions. Why they had to dumb-down the interface in this new version and remove valuable options is beyond me.

Version 5 is not ready for prime time and should still be in BETA stage, if they are going to leave most of the functionality of the program out. Terrible.


mchargue reviewed v5.1.15 on Jul 19, 2016

The new version looks nothing like what's pictured. While I can applaud the intentions behid the devs, the new version is harder to use. By a lot.


smaragdus reviewed v5.1.5.3224 Beta on Apr 13, 2016

The screen-shot is misleading- this is the GUI of Free Download Manager version 3 which is excellent, while the Beta (FDM 5) looks terrible. I give 5 stars for FDM 3 and 1 star for FDM 5 (the abominable Beta).

some guy

some guy reviewed v3.9.4 Build 1479 on Oct 16, 2014

over rated IDM is a better choice but for free better then winblows default


BANDIT- reviewed v3.9.3.1358 on Sep 23, 2013

Get the Lite version Unless you still Bat on with Torrents.. Snigggger..!!
Easily made portable from the "setup" file via CMD:Innounp
Highly configurable. Well maintained..... A super 5*


UPieper reviewed v3.9.2.1288 on Jan 16, 2013

Been using it for years. Works flawlessly...and it's free!


connectplus reviewed v3.9.1.1261 Beta on Aug 24, 2012

Downloaded this program and experienced such great pain trying to download Xubuntu files for almost two weeks straight, that I couldn't wait to get it off of my computer. Firstly, I tried downloading the 680 MB file without torrent...it stopped several times; then I tried the torrent download--3 days later, it said it was 100% downloaded, but I also noticed lots of wasted MBs in the log files; I went to open the file and it had 27 KB. Now you know I'm hot at this point! Silly me, tried once more just to be fair; and waited another 24 hours for it to download, but it stopped at 89% and refused to download further. I'm not one for wasting my time and really get angry when something else does! If this works for you, great! It didn't did work for me even with all of its beautiful interface and tooted useful tools.


liciopm reviewed v3.9.1.1252 Beta on May 29, 2012

Why FDM not operation with Firefox 9.0 - It's very very good...

Thank you by information



KuHGl reviewed v3.9 RC1 Build 1194 on May 5, 2012

Sorry for this review, but it doesn't seem to be avoidable. As long as I work with Win 7 64 FDM (3.8.x as well as 3.9.x) is not capable of calculating a correct bandwidth (at least it looks like). Fact: Most files are downloaded either with 2 chunks and a download speed, which is 20% (sometimes less than 10%) of - for example - DownThemAll. No way to change this behavior and also (that's the major reason why you can read this review) no chance to tell the developers on their forum this fact. Always I get the reply 'can not be reproduced', what I - sorry for this - can not ant therefore will not believe.
It seems that FDM works for the majority of users - and that's enough.
As a conclusion: If it works for you - be happy and use it (since it has very interesting features. If it doesn't work don't wait for the developer team to fix any bug - it's very unlikely that your message is processed (exception: Many other users tell the same).
Poor working program, poor forum (at least for me, sorry) - poor rating: 1 - PERIOD.


CregLion reviewed v3.9 Build 1194 RC1 on Mar 16, 2012

long path tool is appropriate for ending problem in managing, unlocking, renaming files. http://longpathtool.com/

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