UltraFXP 1.07 for Windows

by UltraFXP

Avg. Rating 3.8 (37 votes)

File Details

File Size 2.9 MB
License Shareware
Operating System Windows 2000/9x/Server 2003/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 34,559
Publisher UltraFXP
Homepage UltraFXP

Publisher's Description

UltraFXP is an FTP client to transfer files from FTP servers directly to and from your local hard drive or transfer files between FTP sites. The user interface is very intuitive and full of features: synchronization of folders and drag 'n drop.

Latest Reviews


reets reviewed v1.07 on Aug 23, 2008

Still the best ftp client out there that I have found.


mcolgin reviewed v1.07 on Jul 7, 2008

BPFTP Server/Client are way better: http://www.bpftp.com


santaklawz reviewed v1.07 on Apr 12, 2005

Mr cricri_pingouin is quite right, as soon as you launch ultrafxp 1.07 it tries to contact a specific ip which belongs to or used to belong to www.ultrafxp.com, now after running some network diags on it I figured out it was sending a request for version.txt on a website that no longer exists, so it's clearly checking for updates...Now, since it seems to me that this program will never be upgraded (since it's been sold to another company and now goes by the name of FTPrush, looks like a superb product to me but it costs money)....also, if you look under options/general there is an option to toggle this check for new versions, once you turn it off it no longer tries to connect anywhere..
So, in summary this program seems a lot safer to use than flashfxp and seems to work just as well..
word of warning, I would never use a program like flashfxp which has been shown to send out encrypted packets of information containing god-knows-what about you...also for regular ftp clients I use bulletproof ftp and it's a superb program although nowadays you can get smartftp, filezilla, and ultrafxp for free if you're a personal user so it seems harder and harder to sell this type of stuff...
I had one major issue with this s/w, it would not connect properly to ssl encrypted ftpds, smartftp works fine on that but this one chokes so I'm giving it a 4 instead of a 5....really should be a 3.5 for having broken ssl stuff..but there's no choice for 3.5 here..


cricri_pingouin reviewed v1.07 on Apr 23, 2004

Hello people!
I tried UltraFXP because since v1.07 it is free, and sounds like a great alternative to FlashFXP. I was not heading towards UFXP because it's free, but rather to avoid DeWeese abusing policies concerning unexplained packets/phoning home "features".
Unfortunately, first time I tried UFXP, ZoneAlarm warned me that it was trying to connect somewhere just as the program was launched, so before I even had the opportunity to genuinely ask it to indeed connect somewhere!
Now I might sound paranoid, but after posting a couple posts on this matter on the UFXP forum... well, I didn't get a chance to have answers since my posts got deleted!
Thus, I believe there is something very fishy going on, and I would appreciate feedback from any other users around. It's really weird because the address ZoneAlarm refers to is a local address at my uni (even though I never came across this IP before), but at the same time, why would people delete my posts on UFXP forums if there is a valid answer and nothing to worry about?
I'm puzzled and will gladly receive any feedback/comments/suggestions from you people.
Cheers :)


nulke reviewed v1.07 on Mar 30, 2004

The author is now offering UltraFXP v1.07 as freeware. An explanation on author's website.


Warcraft3 reviewed v1.06 on Mar 8, 2004

totaly better than flashfxp!
there is so many amazing and useful functions
try it=like it


Hsfan reviewed v1.06 on Mar 8, 2004

cool stuff...it's better then ffxp


golden_hell reviewed v0.9958 on Dec 2, 2003


Still in development this tool is just amazing :
- great support with a growing community
- native and intuitive multithreading
- script (allow easy ftp refresh)
- integration to mirc
- fast and reliable
- sfv function integrated
- FXP, TLS/SSL connection

Simply amazing


devilrider reviewed v0.9958 on Dec 1, 2003

UltraFXP is a FXP Ftp tool simular to FlashFXP and a good alternative (even if only 5 bucks cheaper).

I give a rating of 5 because it r00x.

For all those that mention SmartFTP and FileZilla. Those are not for FXP but for FTP. SmartFTP is able to FXP but very uncomfortable. You cannot compare this to UltraFXP.

I'm not able to DL the new version yet (www.ultrafxp.com down) but 0.9941 was quite impressive and may in future outranges FlashFXP.

Some missing features in beta (0.9941) like "Queue -> mark as failed" and some bugs in Filter manager deleting entries and bogous MultipleIP function in server manager. Missing (at last I didn't find it) APPEND rollback (if transfered part is broken at the end, can't find this anymore in FlashFXP 2.x too)

All in all it is quite the same as FlashFXP but still some options missing ... FlashFXP could include the CONTAINER functionality and would stay #1 in my eyes. Otherwise UltraFXP will soon be better than FlashFXP.


daveyboy reviewed v0.9958 on Dec 1, 2003

Hmm, it's ok. Doesn't beat SmartFTP (www.smartftp.com) though - which is free.

(Ah, I see the trolls are back. "Admin!")

Avg. Rating 3.8 (37 votes)
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Bottom Line: 555


reets reviewed v1.07 on Aug 23, 2008

Still the best ftp client out there that I have found.


mcolgin reviewed v1.07 on Jul 7, 2008

BPFTP Server/Client are way better: http://www.bpftp.com


santaklawz reviewed v1.07 on Apr 12, 2005

Mr cricri_pingouin is quite right, as soon as you launch ultrafxp 1.07 it tries to contact a specific ip which belongs to or used to belong to www.ultrafxp.com, now after running some network diags on it I figured out it was sending a request for version.txt on a website that no longer exists, so it's clearly checking for updates...Now, since it seems to me that this program will never be upgraded (since it's been sold to another company and now goes by the name of FTPrush, looks like a superb product to me but it costs money)....also, if you look under options/general there is an option to toggle this check for new versions, once you turn it off it no longer tries to connect anywhere..
So, in summary this program seems a lot safer to use than flashfxp and seems to work just as well..
word of warning, I would never use a program like flashfxp which has been shown to send out encrypted packets of information containing god-knows-what about you...also for regular ftp clients I use bulletproof ftp and it's a superb program although nowadays you can get smartftp, filezilla, and ultrafxp for free if you're a personal user so it seems harder and harder to sell this type of stuff...
I had one major issue with this s/w, it would not connect properly to ssl encrypted ftpds, smartftp works fine on that but this one chokes so I'm giving it a 4 instead of a 5....really should be a 3.5 for having broken ssl stuff..but there's no choice for 3.5 here..


cricri_pingouin reviewed v1.07 on Apr 23, 2004

Hello people!
I tried UltraFXP because since v1.07 it is free, and sounds like a great alternative to FlashFXP. I was not heading towards UFXP because it's free, but rather to avoid DeWeese abusing policies concerning unexplained packets/phoning home "features".
Unfortunately, first time I tried UFXP, ZoneAlarm warned me that it was trying to connect somewhere just as the program was launched, so before I even had the opportunity to genuinely ask it to indeed connect somewhere!
Now I might sound paranoid, but after posting a couple posts on this matter on the UFXP forum... well, I didn't get a chance to have answers since my posts got deleted!
Thus, I believe there is something very fishy going on, and I would appreciate feedback from any other users around. It's really weird because the address ZoneAlarm refers to is a local address at my uni (even though I never came across this IP before), but at the same time, why would people delete my posts on UFXP forums if there is a valid answer and nothing to worry about?
I'm puzzled and will gladly receive any feedback/comments/suggestions from you people.
Cheers :)


nulke reviewed v1.07 on Mar 30, 2004

The author is now offering UltraFXP v1.07 as freeware. An explanation on author's website.


Warcraft3 reviewed v1.06 on Mar 8, 2004

totaly better than flashfxp!
there is so many amazing and useful functions
try it=like it


Hsfan reviewed v1.06 on Mar 8, 2004

cool stuff...it's better then ffxp


golden_hell reviewed v0.9958 on Dec 2, 2003


Still in development this tool is just amazing :
- great support with a growing community
- native and intuitive multithreading
- script (allow easy ftp refresh)
- integration to mirc
- fast and reliable
- sfv function integrated
- FXP, TLS/SSL connection

Simply amazing


devilrider reviewed v0.9958 on Dec 1, 2003

UltraFXP is a FXP Ftp tool simular to FlashFXP and a good alternative (even if only 5 bucks cheaper).

I give a rating of 5 because it r00x.

For all those that mention SmartFTP and FileZilla. Those are not for FXP but for FTP. SmartFTP is able to FXP but very uncomfortable. You cannot compare this to UltraFXP.

I'm not able to DL the new version yet (www.ultrafxp.com down) but 0.9941 was quite impressive and may in future outranges FlashFXP.

Some missing features in beta (0.9941) like "Queue -> mark as failed" and some bugs in Filter manager deleting entries and bogous MultipleIP function in server manager. Missing (at last I didn't find it) APPEND rollback (if transfered part is broken at the end, can't find this anymore in FlashFXP 2.x too)

All in all it is quite the same as FlashFXP but still some options missing ... FlashFXP could include the CONTAINER functionality and would stay #1 in my eyes. Otherwise UltraFXP will soon be better than FlashFXP.


daveyboy reviewed v0.9958 on Dec 1, 2003

Hmm, it's ok. Doesn't beat SmartFTP (www.smartftp.com) though - which is free.

(Ah, I see the trolls are back. "Admin!")


PlutoMan reviewed v0.9931 on Oct 22, 2003

This fxp program is getting better and better for every version, personaly i think it beat Flashfxp allready with several miles...


norky reviewed v0. Beta on Jul 27, 2003

This is a pretty good ftp client. Right now, I prefer smart ftp, but ultra fxp is gaining ground.

I think Dirk van Hoofen's translator is broken.

Dirk van Hoofen

Dirk van Hoofen reviewed v0. Beta on Jul 25, 2003

--@csabo234 --
Always with the peace! You can leave unqualified remarks at home! I have detect, that a lot fishes in the ocean. I cannot force a program, if I can use a toll with the same functions and characteristics as UltraFXP.
Use FlashFXP or WZ-FTP (german product!). It is donationware - but free for students. Why you don't accept the truth?? UltraFXP was to expensive for that, what it can do. Other authors show us, that it also more favorably goes, on voluntarily basis. - And, please leave impudent comments at home!

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