Agreed, NSIS is free, has smaller overhead than Dacris, and can download files from the internet (this is not a "unique" feature). Furthermore, they're charging for a front-end to somebody elses work? Riight....
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NSIS is significantly smaller than Inno, as well as has a different scripting format. Where Inno scripts, iirc, look more like Windows .ini files, NSIS uses a more true-to-form (in that it's a top-down (usually)) script similar to Basic, with...
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There has been a re-structuring of the Vision webpage. You can now access Vision, and it's new discussion forum, at . Thanks! -Scott
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Please contact me on AIM (The5ETank) to discuss the issues you've found, so that I can get them corrected. (Rated 4, to not upset the balance of life. ;-))