Paint Shop Pro for Windows

by Corel Corp.

Avg. Rating 3.1 (415 votes)

File Details

File Size 2.6 MB
License Shareware, $79.99
Operating System Windows 7/8/10
Date Added
Total Downloads 224,023
Publisher Corel Corp.
Homepage Paint Shop Pro

Publisher's Description

Paint Shop Pro takes image editing to a new level of functionality and ease of use. Designed for users who want control, power, and flexibility, Paint Shop Pro delivers the tools you need to easily capture, create, enhance, and optimize your graphics projects.

Latest Reviews


SineWave reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Feb 11, 2011

500MB program to edit pictures? I'll pass... GIMP and XNView are all I need.


shirleyekorn reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Dec 14, 2010

I have Paint Shop Pro on an old desktop and a slightly newer laptop. The desktop does not go online. To complicate matters I recently bought a new wireless printer. The desktop can not send wireless data. Today I selected a photo on the desktop and used a flash drive to move it to the laptop to be printed. A large dialogue box appeared stating that I needed to buy an upgrade in order to UNLOCK my Paint Shop Pro. I am outraged that Corel is able to barge in and make such a demand. It is like breaking in to someone's home. The tech people acknowledged that I have the right to put my program on two computers. They say that they will not support the program which is on the older computer. They will not support it but they are the ones who created the problem by shutting it down. "I smashed your window but I will not repair it." said the ball player.

Of course it is not expensive to meet their demand but that is an unthinkable way to do business. I can not believe that this action of theirs is lawful.

I need some help and some advice. I don't know how to rate this review. To me it is very important because I am so angry.

Shirley Ekorn


s0n reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Sep 11, 2010

I have used Paint Shop Pro since version 3. I have all the Jasc versions through
8.01. Corel should review all of these versions bring the best features of each one into a PAINT emphasized version based solely on the original Jasc approach.
For instance, the various behaviors of the built in effects from each version could be selected from menus like anything else is. That way you could combine
say a distortion filter from an early version to be further modified by the warp tool and come with a wider range of results. Don't "Corel-ize it and bloat it, but let the Jasc spirit come through. Charge 99 bucks and blow everybody else out of the water. My rating reflects Corel's attempt at a PHOTO editor only.

Gene Vincent

Gene Vincent reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Sep 9, 2010

PSP is not very good anymore. Been using it since 1997. I can't do a simple cut and paste without part of the paste missing. It only takes screenshots half the time. I've switched to Snagit for what I do with a paint program. It's very reliable.

some guy

some guy reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Sep 8, 2010

dead after Jasc sold out , the only version that I use is still 9.01 when Jasc made the last release, what a shame.

Karol Mily

Karol Mily reviewed v13.2.0.35 on Jul 20, 2010

Corel PaintShop Prhoto Pro is I think third edition of TBYB (Jan/2010, Apr/2010 and Jun/2010) and is much faster to install, support 14 languages, is much faster and stable than previous two editions. Fist and second edition of TBYB installed 1GB+ bloatware but this third edition only PSPClassic (cca. 500MB). You can set Your own instalation path MANUALLY in .XML config file before installation (first You need unpack downloaded .EXE, to TEMP for example). I am satisfied with version. Come on, Corel !


tickleonthetum reviewed v13.2.0.35 on Jul 20, 2010

Great program, great value for money...

@picsoetje, you can change the colour scheme very easily, ant the toolbar buttons are just standard size...


uberfly reviewed v13.2.0.35 on Jul 19, 2010

Well all that is included is a steal for $100 dollars. It is a powerful application. As of today, their site says $69.99, so that much better. Nothing but good things to say about PSP x3.

Jan Walsschaert

Jan Walsschaert reviewed v13.2.0.35 on Jul 19, 2010

Another great product raped by that bunch of clueless yuppies.


picsoetje reviewed v13.01 on Apr 2, 2010

Not my cup of tea because of the ugly dark user interface and the flimsy small buttons on the toolbar.

Avg. Rating 3.1 (415 votes)
Your Rating

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Bottom Line:

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Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


SineWave reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Feb 11, 2011

500MB program to edit pictures? I'll pass... GIMP and XNView are all I need.


shirleyekorn reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Dec 14, 2010

I have Paint Shop Pro on an old desktop and a slightly newer laptop. The desktop does not go online. To complicate matters I recently bought a new wireless printer. The desktop can not send wireless data. Today I selected a photo on the desktop and used a flash drive to move it to the laptop to be printed. A large dialogue box appeared stating that I needed to buy an upgrade in order to UNLOCK my Paint Shop Pro. I am outraged that Corel is able to barge in and make such a demand. It is like breaking in to someone's home. The tech people acknowledged that I have the right to put my program on two computers. They say that they will not support the program which is on the older computer. They will not support it but they are the ones who created the problem by shutting it down. "I smashed your window but I will not repair it." said the ball player.

Of course it is not expensive to meet their demand but that is an unthinkable way to do business. I can not believe that this action of theirs is lawful.

I need some help and some advice. I don't know how to rate this review. To me it is very important because I am so angry.

Shirley Ekorn


s0n reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Sep 11, 2010

I have used Paint Shop Pro since version 3. I have all the Jasc versions through
8.01. Corel should review all of these versions bring the best features of each one into a PAINT emphasized version based solely on the original Jasc approach.
For instance, the various behaviors of the built in effects from each version could be selected from menus like anything else is. That way you could combine
say a distortion filter from an early version to be further modified by the warp tool and come with a wider range of results. Don't "Corel-ize it and bloat it, but let the Jasc spirit come through. Charge 99 bucks and blow everybody else out of the water. My rating reflects Corel's attempt at a PHOTO editor only.

Gene Vincent

Gene Vincent reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Sep 9, 2010

PSP is not very good anymore. Been using it since 1997. I can't do a simple cut and paste without part of the paste missing. It only takes screenshots half the time. I've switched to Snagit for what I do with a paint program. It's very reliable.

some guy

some guy reviewed v13.2.0.41 on Sep 8, 2010

dead after Jasc sold out , the only version that I use is still 9.01 when Jasc made the last release, what a shame.

Karol Mily

Karol Mily reviewed v13.2.0.35 on Jul 20, 2010

Corel PaintShop Prhoto Pro is I think third edition of TBYB (Jan/2010, Apr/2010 and Jun/2010) and is much faster to install, support 14 languages, is much faster and stable than previous two editions. Fist and second edition of TBYB installed 1GB+ bloatware but this third edition only PSPClassic (cca. 500MB). You can set Your own instalation path MANUALLY in .XML config file before installation (first You need unpack downloaded .EXE, to TEMP for example). I am satisfied with version. Come on, Corel !


tickleonthetum reviewed v13.2.0.35 on Jul 20, 2010

Great program, great value for money...

@picsoetje, you can change the colour scheme very easily, ant the toolbar buttons are just standard size...


uberfly reviewed v13.2.0.35 on Jul 19, 2010

Well all that is included is a steal for $100 dollars. It is a powerful application. As of today, their site says $69.99, so that much better. Nothing but good things to say about PSP x3.

Jan Walsschaert

Jan Walsschaert reviewed v13.2.0.35 on Jul 19, 2010

Another great product raped by that bunch of clueless yuppies.


picsoetje reviewed v13.01 on Apr 2, 2010

Not my cup of tea because of the ugly dark user interface and the flimsy small buttons on the toolbar.


DrTeeth reviewed v13.01 on Mar 30, 2010

Corel, the place where once great software goes to die!



xsnred reviewed v13.01 on Mar 29, 2010

When Jasc was in the mix it was a much better product. I did buy V10 only cause it was on sale for 49 bucks. You can still get PSP at 49 bucks on sale at Best Buy sometimes. I use Photoshop CS exclusively cause CS4 is so bloated now with crap I would never need or use. Actually I have all versions from 5 up in Photoshop. Years ago Corel did make some fine products and not bloatware. I don't use Corel products any more so it would be unfair to judge them too poorly, so I will give it a 3 rounded up from 2.5.


roj reviewed v13.01 on Mar 29, 2010


What's worse?

You're kidding, right?

MUCH bloat and increased resource requirements with no tangible benefits

MUCH poorer quality control (lots of bugs - typical Corel fodder)

MUCH MORE dummied down interface and removal of some features that make it far less of a generalized graphics program and more of a photo retouch program (in short, Corel butchered it).

You clearly never used Paint Shop Pro versions earlier than 10.

THREE POINT FIVE stars rounded up to FOUR.

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