UpdateStar 6.0.1036 for Windows

by exono GmbH

Avg. Rating 3.3 (167 votes)

File Details

File Size 4.8 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Windows 2000/Vista/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 11,060
Publisher exono GmbH
Homepage UpdateStar

Publisher's Description

UpdateStar lets you stay up-to-date with all of your personal software you are using on your computer. This way you make sure to always use the most up-to-date software, maximizing your every-day user experience. It covers all of your freeware, shareware, demos, commercial software, and includes special offers.

Latest Reviews


mnadi reviewed v4.0.834 on Apr 20, 2009

I've been using UpdateStar for around a year now. It works smoothsly and informs you of new versions of installed software every few days. It also allow you to recommend links to download new software versions. Give it a try.


JWvanLohuizen reviewed v2.0.464 Beta on Apr 13, 2008

I used to really like UpdateStar and at first I was very patient even when getting slow responses from technical support. I even have tried hard to help them to get things right and even offered to help them more directly without charge. While they did use a couple of very small suggestions most were ignored. I even sent in correction submissions for 2 months on 2 programs that were merged into one and when they finally separated the two, all of the updated information that I had submitted including corrected links and a complete description for the one I use was deleted and so all that was available was that the program existed and what version I had on my computer. Thanks Guys.

However, I was told that they were only in beta and to give it time. Well they have had lots of time and it has become nearly useless. I have lost all hope.

I have tried in vain to get them to stop listing Vista OS only driver and software updates when I and most others are using XP. Why can't they just look at the OS installed and list the update accordingly. That's not how it works. They can't even list the latest update for the version that I have installed. They can only list the latest version that you can buy as an upgrade. I am sure they get a kick back if you buy it. So if I need to upgrade an older version I have to manually find it.

However, the worst flagrant uselessness is listing beta versions!!!

I have tried until I am blue in the face to get them to never list beta versions as upgrades since most people should never use betas because they don't understand enough to know when a beta might not be working and could be causing them to loose data or creating system problems. Also betas are sometimes not even available to the public so telling someone that the only update available is a beta is just a time and space waster. These have no link listed to update, so what's the point here?

They are now even listing updates that don't exist except in a blog or something. Take Seamonkey browser (formerly Mozilla), for example. Despite the fact that the latest version of Seamonkey is v1.1.9 they have listed Seamonkey 2.0 alpha 1 preview for sometime now as the latest and now list Seamonkey 2.0.1 as the latest version. This despite the fact that Seamonkey 2.0 hasn't even gone to the beta stage yet let alone have a stable public release and so 2.0.1 isn't even on the horizon. And as a further side note to emphasize my point. Seamonkey 2 alpha preview, despite my objections, installs on top of Seamonkey in the registry so it becomes the default turning off Seamonkey 1 and crates new bookmark locations and profile locations that are not compatible with the other. This means that if a use uses the alpha for some time then they have to reinstall the first version to get it working again and all the new information is only stored in the new locations and wont be available to the original Seamonkey. So any novice would have shot themselves in the foot and probably had to pay someone to fix the unfixable.

Now back to my original points:

Finally a really big problem that wont go away is the listing of programs as being outdated that are not. They should be working with the software companies if the information isn't plainly available but this isn't always the case. In some cases they just aren't looking in the right place.

The final result is that now all of the programs that I need the latest version on have to be turned off because I have a really long list of stuff that is of no use and rarely do I find one that is really an update.

I would rate it a zero but that isn't an option here. I guess it looks nice but the menus are cluttered and confusing at times and a major change that I suggested to fix this was outright blown off.

So despite their hopes and claims I suggest you pass on this one since they are either too dumb or too arrogant to get it right and they refuse any real help.


jafo818 reviewed v2.0.464 Beta on Mar 28, 2008

I uninstalled UpdateStar in favor of SUMo. However, I might go back if they fix some of the bugs that annoyed me.


The MAZZTer reviewed v1.2.312 Beta on Mar 19, 2008

This program does what it claims to do and it does it well, but I can't help but want MORE.

First of all, the interface is too much. The Office 2k7 interface was invented to help users more easily find options that were previously buried in Office 2k3.

UpdateStar does not have a problem with too many options... in fact I think it would benefit from a simpler interface.

Also while being able to track new versions of some programs and offer download and website links to some is nice, you still have to download and install each program by hand. A more automated approach would have been appreciated. There are plenty of obvious problems with this... some installers can be run silently to automatically install into a specific folder, others cannot and harder, hackish methods would have to be used. Perhaps a community-driven system where users could submit definition files they make for automatically downloading and installing specific programs would work for this.

Regardless, this tool is useful and does its job. I just wish a tool called "UpdateStar" would actually UPDATE something.


Linux4 reviewed v1.2.312 Beta on Jan 15, 2008

Very Helpful Program and i Think it will Become Better.

Ragle Gumm

Ragle Gumm reviewed v1.1.206 Beta on Nov 23, 2007

For me this is the best application so far for keeping my programs updated. Some weeks ago I bought Version Tracker which was a big mistake because it doesn´t correctly recognize program and/or version. Today I uninstalled VT ...

UpdateStar is different. The database is regularly updated and accurate. Maybe it is adware (I wouldn´t rate it like this) because there are buttons for directly buying software via a link ... but I don´t care as long as the software does what it´s supposed to do. And it does!

Second Shadow

Second Shadow reviewed v1.1.206 Beta on Nov 20, 2007

This is ADWARE, not freeware
Therefore, as usual with misleadingly classified adware, a ONE STAR rating

Next ...!


poppyq reviewed v1.0.34 Beta on Oct 15, 2007

Interface looks great, however, I can't get it to work through my proxy. I tried it set with detect connection settings (should use what's set in IE) and that didn't work. Tried manually setting the info and it looks like it isn't saving the password. I'm unable to use the product at all with a proxy that requires authentication (Safari for Windows anyone?)


Philidor reviewed v1.0.34 Beta on Oct 13, 2007

From the website:

Optimal pricing for your software licenses

UpdateStar delivers important update information regarding your software setup, including product information, download and information links. Additionally it offers favorable licensing options for shareware and commercial products. UpdateStar has partnered with hundreds of software vendors and associated e-commerce partners to provide world-class services, competitive prices and special offers.

As a further service, UpdateStar brings you news and offers which focus specifically on software we are convinced you might be interested in. You not only receive competitive licensing options through UpdateStar, but the purchases made through UpdateStar allow us to keep UpdateStar a free service for the millions of users worldwide.

Expect to receive advertising. It pays for producing the program.

I don't have it installed, so made the rating 3.

Ian C.

Ian C. reviewed v1.0.34 Beta on Oct 12, 2007

Doesn't work any better than any of the other similar utilities out there. It does however have a far better interface.

Avg. Rating 3.3 (167 votes)
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Bottom Line: 555


mnadi reviewed v4.0.834 on Apr 20, 2009

I've been using UpdateStar for around a year now. It works smoothsly and informs you of new versions of installed software every few days. It also allow you to recommend links to download new software versions. Give it a try.


JWvanLohuizen reviewed v2.0.464 Beta on Apr 13, 2008

I used to really like UpdateStar and at first I was very patient even when getting slow responses from technical support. I even have tried hard to help them to get things right and even offered to help them more directly without charge. While they did use a couple of very small suggestions most were ignored. I even sent in correction submissions for 2 months on 2 programs that were merged into one and when they finally separated the two, all of the updated information that I had submitted including corrected links and a complete description for the one I use was deleted and so all that was available was that the program existed and what version I had on my computer. Thanks Guys.

However, I was told that they were only in beta and to give it time. Well they have had lots of time and it has become nearly useless. I have lost all hope.

I have tried in vain to get them to stop listing Vista OS only driver and software updates when I and most others are using XP. Why can't they just look at the OS installed and list the update accordingly. That's not how it works. They can't even list the latest update for the version that I have installed. They can only list the latest version that you can buy as an upgrade. I am sure they get a kick back if you buy it. So if I need to upgrade an older version I have to manually find it.

However, the worst flagrant uselessness is listing beta versions!!!

I have tried until I am blue in the face to get them to never list beta versions as upgrades since most people should never use betas because they don't understand enough to know when a beta might not be working and could be causing them to loose data or creating system problems. Also betas are sometimes not even available to the public so telling someone that the only update available is a beta is just a time and space waster. These have no link listed to update, so what's the point here?

They are now even listing updates that don't exist except in a blog or something. Take Seamonkey browser (formerly Mozilla), for example. Despite the fact that the latest version of Seamonkey is v1.1.9 they have listed Seamonkey 2.0 alpha 1 preview for sometime now as the latest and now list Seamonkey 2.0.1 as the latest version. This despite the fact that Seamonkey 2.0 hasn't even gone to the beta stage yet let alone have a stable public release and so 2.0.1 isn't even on the horizon. And as a further side note to emphasize my point. Seamonkey 2 alpha preview, despite my objections, installs on top of Seamonkey in the registry so it becomes the default turning off Seamonkey 1 and crates new bookmark locations and profile locations that are not compatible with the other. This means that if a use uses the alpha for some time then they have to reinstall the first version to get it working again and all the new information is only stored in the new locations and wont be available to the original Seamonkey. So any novice would have shot themselves in the foot and probably had to pay someone to fix the unfixable.

Now back to my original points:

Finally a really big problem that wont go away is the listing of programs as being outdated that are not. They should be working with the software companies if the information isn't plainly available but this isn't always the case. In some cases they just aren't looking in the right place.

The final result is that now all of the programs that I need the latest version on have to be turned off because I have a really long list of stuff that is of no use and rarely do I find one that is really an update.

I would rate it a zero but that isn't an option here. I guess it looks nice but the menus are cluttered and confusing at times and a major change that I suggested to fix this was outright blown off.

So despite their hopes and claims I suggest you pass on this one since they are either too dumb or too arrogant to get it right and they refuse any real help.


jafo818 reviewed v2.0.464 Beta on Mar 28, 2008

I uninstalled UpdateStar in favor of SUMo. However, I might go back if they fix some of the bugs that annoyed me.


The MAZZTer reviewed v1.2.312 Beta on Mar 19, 2008

This program does what it claims to do and it does it well, but I can't help but want MORE.

First of all, the interface is too much. The Office 2k7 interface was invented to help users more easily find options that were previously buried in Office 2k3.

UpdateStar does not have a problem with too many options... in fact I think it would benefit from a simpler interface.

Also while being able to track new versions of some programs and offer download and website links to some is nice, you still have to download and install each program by hand. A more automated approach would have been appreciated. There are plenty of obvious problems with this... some installers can be run silently to automatically install into a specific folder, others cannot and harder, hackish methods would have to be used. Perhaps a community-driven system where users could submit definition files they make for automatically downloading and installing specific programs would work for this.

Regardless, this tool is useful and does its job. I just wish a tool called "UpdateStar" would actually UPDATE something.


Linux4 reviewed v1.2.312 Beta on Jan 15, 2008

Very Helpful Program and i Think it will Become Better.

Ragle Gumm

Ragle Gumm reviewed v1.1.206 Beta on Nov 23, 2007

For me this is the best application so far for keeping my programs updated. Some weeks ago I bought Version Tracker which was a big mistake because it doesn´t correctly recognize program and/or version. Today I uninstalled VT ...

UpdateStar is different. The database is regularly updated and accurate. Maybe it is adware (I wouldn´t rate it like this) because there are buttons for directly buying software via a link ... but I don´t care as long as the software does what it´s supposed to do. And it does!

Second Shadow

Second Shadow reviewed v1.1.206 Beta on Nov 20, 2007

This is ADWARE, not freeware
Therefore, as usual with misleadingly classified adware, a ONE STAR rating

Next ...!


poppyq reviewed v1.0.34 Beta on Oct 15, 2007

Interface looks great, however, I can't get it to work through my proxy. I tried it set with detect connection settings (should use what's set in IE) and that didn't work. Tried manually setting the info and it looks like it isn't saving the password. I'm unable to use the product at all with a proxy that requires authentication (Safari for Windows anyone?)


Philidor reviewed v1.0.34 Beta on Oct 13, 2007

From the website:

Optimal pricing for your software licenses

UpdateStar delivers important update information regarding your software setup, including product information, download and information links. Additionally it offers favorable licensing options for shareware and commercial products. UpdateStar has partnered with hundreds of software vendors and associated e-commerce partners to provide world-class services, competitive prices and special offers.

As a further service, UpdateStar brings you news and offers which focus specifically on software we are convinced you might be interested in. You not only receive competitive licensing options through UpdateStar, but the purchases made through UpdateStar allow us to keep UpdateStar a free service for the millions of users worldwide.

Expect to receive advertising. It pays for producing the program.

I don't have it installed, so made the rating 3.

Ian C.

Ian C. reviewed v1.0.34 Beta on Oct 12, 2007

Doesn't work any better than any of the other similar utilities out there. It does however have a far better interface.


Nilpohc reviewed v1.0.30 Beta on Oct 11, 2007

Installed it a few days ago : all my software (mostly freeware tools) was detected and the update notifications were correct. Besides, the uninstall button is a good idea and i don't see the point about being a marketing tool as long as it doesn't host spyware or adware...do you ?
I give it 4 because it was a good surprise, it did not eat my system resources and did its job silently sitting in the system tray. Maybe the updates could be optionally downloaded and launched automatically....


ninjeratu reviewed v1.0.30 Beta on Oct 11, 2007

This is, in fact, a product from the O&O Group.
O&O Software is one part of that group and they make the excellent O&O Defrag.
This software, however, is not created by O&O Software but by another division of the O&O Group called 'exono gmbH'.
According to the O&O Group:
"exono offers software manufacturers priceless marketing opportunities for your products."

So this UpdateStar thing doesn't work as it should and is created by a firm that is into marketing third party software .. ?

Stay away from this, it's a marketing tool and will probably never update anything but what exono has gotten paid to promote or "market".


methuselah reviewed v1.0.14 Beta on Oct 7, 2007

These "official" comments from UpdateStar make me slightly suspicious:

From the BetaNews article:
"...and includes special offers..."

From their website:
"...As an UpdateStar partner we will pay you commission for every user buying software products through..."

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