WOT for Firefox 20171003 for Windows

by Against Intuition Oy

Avg. Rating 2.8 (35 votes)

File Details

License Freeware
Operating System Windows 7/2000/Vista/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 2,563
Publisher Against Intuition Oy
Homepage WOT
Other Versions

Publisher's Description

WOT is a free Internet security addon for Firefox and IE that protects you against online threats like malware, scams, unreliable shopping sites and spam. The WOT community helps make the Internet safer by sharing their experiences of websites and the services they offer.

Latest Reviews


SIG reviewed v20150421 on Apr 23, 2015

I run an entirely harmless website which has been given a 'suspicious' rating by WOT. I wrote to WOT asking to hear the evidence on the principle that, in civilized places, one is innocent until proven guilty. I received a polite but unacceptable note saying there was nothing they could do about it. However, I could change my domain or send in proof that my site was friendly. How presumptuous! This is a form of tyranny akin to the old McCarthy anti-communist days. WOT is not alone in this kind of one-sided police state the anti-spam league has declared itself ruler over. An investigation is, I think, overdue.


LeoKesler reviewed v20150421 on Apr 22, 2015

Web of Trolls.
WOT is one of the worst services available on the web. The sites are evaluated by registered users but without being supervised by WOT administrators.
This means if the reviewer dislikes of content of your site, you cannot do nothing except see you site marked with a red ring.


CyberDoc999 reviewed v20130917 on Oct 1, 2013



Zoroaster reviewed v20120515 on Aug 3, 2012

Gives me a hint on what the French Revolution may have been in its time: innocent victims of the hysteria of the masses.
I will never trust but independent (if available) professionals to guide me in the jungle of the Web, but I am of those who -- to choose -- suffers more from an innocent in jail then from a guilty person in freedom. And with what I've heard of WOT sentences, jail is putting it mildly.
Not for me.


Keverin reviewed v20100823 on Aug 30, 2010

It does not protect at all, all nasties load in the background the moment WOT "hides" the site for you, enabling some protection makes all sites load super slow, i would consider WOT on the nastiest malwares of this moment.

Input Overload

Input Overload reviewed v20100823 on Aug 28, 2010

It was great, but due to morons and nervous people almost every page is of great danger so I've removed it and rely on Prevx & Malwarebytes.

gawd21, needs some kind of psychiatric help I fear.


borisf98 reviewed v20100823 on Aug 28, 2010

From my experience, WOT did not provide bulletproof safety ratings. Too many false positives and search slowdowns. And it is technically a Spyware(openly disclosed). Every service that gives you real-time information is going to be collecting your personal info and browsing habits. So it is not that unique and since you supposed to read "Terms of use" and disclosures, it is perfectly legal.


grizzlyadams reviewed v20100823 on Aug 27, 2010

A nice addon, even for net-savvy surfers who can generally smell a rat in short order. At the very least it arms you with information you wouldn't have otherwise.

Oh, and GAWD21, you're really shooting for Troll of the Year, ain'tcha? You need to be careful, though..your belligerent drivel constantly crosses the line between "believably stupid" and obvious flamebait. You need to refine your technique (your trolling, not your epic masturbation. You got the latter down pat.)


Plumber reviewed v20100823 on Aug 27, 2010

Oh no, Chicken Little, it's spyware? What shall we do? Oh yeah, that's right, we'll read the privacy policy ourselves and choose not to be idiots. Something you should try.

@gawd21: Chicken Little proven right in the end? Oh, wait... You're talking about that animated Disney movie from a few years back. I was talking about the original fable. LMAO!


gawd21 reviewed v20100823 on Aug 27, 2010

Yeah, it's spyware!!!

EDIT: In reply to the retard Plumber.
Yeah retard, that is what you should do as well as look at the reviews on other sites: http://www.mywot.com/en/download

It's ****ing spyware retarded POS!

Oh, BTW, Chicken Little was proven correct in the end, now wasn't he?

Avg. Rating 2.8 (35 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


SIG reviewed v20150421 on Apr 23, 2015

I run an entirely harmless website which has been given a 'suspicious' rating by WOT. I wrote to WOT asking to hear the evidence on the principle that, in civilized places, one is innocent until proven guilty. I received a polite but unacceptable note saying there was nothing they could do about it. However, I could change my domain or send in proof that my site was friendly. How presumptuous! This is a form of tyranny akin to the old McCarthy anti-communist days. WOT is not alone in this kind of one-sided police state the anti-spam league has declared itself ruler over. An investigation is, I think, overdue.


LeoKesler reviewed v20150421 on Apr 22, 2015

Web of Trolls.
WOT is one of the worst services available on the web. The sites are evaluated by registered users but without being supervised by WOT administrators.
This means if the reviewer dislikes of content of your site, you cannot do nothing except see you site marked with a red ring.


CyberDoc999 reviewed v20130917 on Oct 1, 2013



Zoroaster reviewed v20120515 on Aug 3, 2012

Gives me a hint on what the French Revolution may have been in its time: innocent victims of the hysteria of the masses.
I will never trust but independent (if available) professionals to guide me in the jungle of the Web, but I am of those who -- to choose -- suffers more from an innocent in jail then from a guilty person in freedom. And with what I've heard of WOT sentences, jail is putting it mildly.
Not for me.


Keverin reviewed v20100823 on Aug 30, 2010

It does not protect at all, all nasties load in the background the moment WOT "hides" the site for you, enabling some protection makes all sites load super slow, i would consider WOT on the nastiest malwares of this moment.

Input Overload

Input Overload reviewed v20100823 on Aug 28, 2010

It was great, but due to morons and nervous people almost every page is of great danger so I've removed it and rely on Prevx & Malwarebytes.

gawd21, needs some kind of psychiatric help I fear.


borisf98 reviewed v20100823 on Aug 28, 2010

From my experience, WOT did not provide bulletproof safety ratings. Too many false positives and search slowdowns. And it is technically a Spyware(openly disclosed). Every service that gives you real-time information is going to be collecting your personal info and browsing habits. So it is not that unique and since you supposed to read "Terms of use" and disclosures, it is perfectly legal.


grizzlyadams reviewed v20100823 on Aug 27, 2010

A nice addon, even for net-savvy surfers who can generally smell a rat in short order. At the very least it arms you with information you wouldn't have otherwise.

Oh, and GAWD21, you're really shooting for Troll of the Year, ain'tcha? You need to be careful, though..your belligerent drivel constantly crosses the line between "believably stupid" and obvious flamebait. You need to refine your technique (your trolling, not your epic masturbation. You got the latter down pat.)


Plumber reviewed v20100823 on Aug 27, 2010

Oh no, Chicken Little, it's spyware? What shall we do? Oh yeah, that's right, we'll read the privacy policy ourselves and choose not to be idiots. Something you should try.

@gawd21: Chicken Little proven right in the end? Oh, wait... You're talking about that animated Disney movie from a few years back. I was talking about the original fable. LMAO!


gawd21 reviewed v20100823 on Aug 27, 2010

Yeah, it's spyware!!!

EDIT: In reply to the retard Plumber.
Yeah retard, that is what you should do as well as look at the reviews on other sites: http://www.mywot.com/en/download

It's ****ing spyware retarded POS!

Oh, BTW, Chicken Little was proven correct in the end, now wasn't he?

emanresU deriseD

emanresU deriseD reviewed v20091028 on Oct 30, 2009

Great extension. AMO currently shows this version as beta (i.e. "experimental").

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