Uses way too many processes to run and uses IE engine. At least the interface looks like it's getting better, aside from the fact that, in typical AOL style, it insists on being different from everything else.
Excellent browser, both easy for new users to use and easily extendible for power users. Plus, the rendering engine (Gecko) is top-notch. From a Web developer standpoint: I hope that, with popularity, we can finally use Web standards like the...
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Ebony Blue, you don't understand. This IS PearPC, and statements from supposed programmers at this company clearly show they have no idea what they're talking about ("Mac emulator"?! No, it's a PowerPC emulator, on which Mac OS happens to run....
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Clearly a rip-off of PearPC (do a Web search, or try reading past articles here on BetaNews and on Slashdot). Don't buy it; you're wasting your money buying free software from an unreputable company who is *lying* to you.