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Member since January 17, 2005

Reviewed TagScanner 6.1.13

Works perfect in linux under wine too. Read full review

Reviewed SUMo

Yeah well TG I use mostly portable stuff. This serves no purpose other than to aggregate the public's installed softwares. Social networking to get updates? Really. What happened to the check for updates button. Too hard?
May as well install... Read full review

Reviewed Interactive Calendar 2.2

Toss it on to a digital picture display, ts no doubt, and maybe, but for a calendar it already seems a bit bloated. There's no way I want a calendar overlayed on my screen. Currently I use Borg, but rainlendar would be my second choice bar none. Read full review


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Reviewed Super Flexible File Synchronizer 6.03

Actually in linux it is portable as a single executable is free and works beautifully. I'm still a linux noob so who knows. Fsarchiver is also recommended but that's linux only. Read full review

Reviewed LibreOffice for Windows 7.3.3

swriter opens svg's just fine. At least in this version.If you just need the basics abiword will work just as well if not better. Read full review

Reviewed Emerge Desktop Beta

Now that sharpe is no more this is the perfect replacement.
Extract to c and open a cmd prompt on the emerge folder and type:
"emergeCore.exe /shellchanger" (no quotes)
hit enter and the rest is history
Not bad but moving the applets around is... Read full review

Reviewed Wine 10.0

I'm running mint with wine 1.3.15 and typing in palemoon portable. Complaining about wine makes for a good laugh. Read full review

Reviewed PC FSearcher 5.0.4 Beta

Weird. The first time I ran it I randomly searched for *.icm on C. It immediately gave me access errors on some temp folders but did locate seemingly everything. On every next time I run it for the exact same search, it gives me folder access... Read full review

Reviewed Batch Compiler 16.0

This is far far different from batchrun (.brs files). It is notepad optimized to create exe's which you compile by hand using the tools in this gui. world's away from batchrun Read full review

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