Blindwrite copies some things Alcohol/Clone CD cannot. Likewise Alcohol copies things Blindwrite cannot. DiskJuggler copies some things that all 3 cannot copy (in reality, clonecd is the easiest to use but copys the fewest number of CD's...
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Wow, those are some pretty crazy compression options. Definitely up the compression ratio, but you weren't kidding about the RAM usage and speed. Oh well, that's what ram is for, thanks!
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WHY DO THEY HAVE TO SCREW UP EVERYTHING! Now they are dragging the winamp 2.x series into the muck where the 3.x series already is! The same thing happened with ACDSee 2.x was great, 3.x started getting bloated and 4.x/5.x were just jokes, trying...
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I think what you meant was Alcohol 120%, not 100%, and THAT is a good program. Between it and blindwrite (clonecd no longer necessary) you can copy *almost* anything. But this 52% version, i just don't understand why anyone would mess with it with...
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Like I say, RAR is an awesome format, but the WinRAR program, the wrapper they put around RAR, is pretty bad. Just overhaul the GUI and it will be good to go.
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