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Member since May 29, 2009

Reviewed gdipp (32-bit) 0.8.1 Beta

Simply amazing! This does wonders on my WinXP (which is not even supported OS). Works right of the box, no configuration needed. XML files is for advanced settings (see Wiki). Uninstall entry is present and accounted for in Add/Remove menu. Read full review

Reviewed ReactOS 0.4.14 Release 122

NT design is very strong and the fundementals haven't changed since its early days. Unless Microsoft drops the NT architecture, then ReactOS will always be relevant.

"by the time they are usable, the world will be by Windows 11..."

Ha... who... Read full review

Reviewed Safari for Windows 5.1.7

If you want to get tapeworm from half eaten apple, then this browser is for you as well ! Read full review

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