Locate for Windows

by Janne Huttunen

Avg. Rating 4.7 (716 votes)

File Details

File Size 1.2 MB
License Freeware
Operating System Windows 2000/9x/Server 2003/XP
Date Added
Total Downloads 71,328
Publisher Janne Huttunen
Homepage Locate

Publisher's Description

Locate saves names of all files in your hard drives to file database. After that you can locate files. This program works like updatedb and locate in Unix systems. Win32 based locating program also included.

Latest Reviews


brotherS reviewed v3.1.11.8220a on Jan 16, 2015

@anonswgeek: "To run locate32_3.1.11.8220a_fix.zip, you would need VS2013 runtimes. If you will get "Locate32.exe is not a valid Win32 application", you can download VS2013 Runtimes here:
http://www.microsoft.com...d/details.aspx?id=40784 "

(From http://sourceforge.net/p...32/files/?source=navbar )


CyberDoc999 reviewed v3.1.11.8220a on Dec 17, 2014

I wonder why they do not show any new version except 2012 on the home page?


anonswgeek reviewed v3.1.11.8220a on Dec 15, 2014

on windows XP 32-bit i get "is not a valid Win32 application".


WildTbag reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Sep 6, 2010

By far the best search engine i know, i use it for years and every day. Do yourself a favor and look in the settings! And this program is updated, take a look at the daily builds: http://locate32.net/files/daily/

Maybe Betanews should update this...
And, no, i am not the author.


JeremyP reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Jul 15, 2010

@forresterinc Reviewing RC3 (Nov 3, 2008)

"extremely well", if you have an NTFS system, and are looking for filename-search only, I recommend "Everything search engine"
Very nice, but it doesn't appear to be able to find networked file. And THAT is a killer for me. My music database - which is what I use Locate for - is spread over three machines.

I like Locate, and can deal with the lack of real-time updating, as I don't add that much to my music library each day. It does crash occasionally on my 64 bit W7 machine. I just restart it. No big deal!

emanresU deriseD

emanresU deriseD reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Jan 22, 2010

The interface and options are wonderful, but this application has a fatal flaw at its core: It does not work in real time; it relies on repetitive indexing. I set mine to index every 3 minutes (yes, every 3 minutes!), and still had issues with Locate finding files that didn't exist, or not finding files that did exist.

I also had several crashes with Locate. Regardless of which version I chose to use.

In short, it's a lousy approach. 1 star for being unusable.


horsecharles reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Dec 23, 2008


Everything does not work at all on Vista.

Also....how is something like this supposed to work(fast & immediate) if it does not index?


forresterinc reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Nov 3, 2008

"extremely well", if you have an NTFS system, and are looking for filename-search only, I recommend "Everything search engine" ( http://www.voidtools.com/ ).

That being said, I've tried Locate, and it is quite competent, but I like Everything better -- as I too, search for filenames mostly, and I do not like the out-of-date-database problem nor always-on indexing programs.

4 stars for a well-deserving application.

extremely well

extremely well reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Sep 27, 2008

No real-time indexing of newly added files. Still a deal breaker.


Ava Find hasn't been updated in 5 yrs and the author is MIA, yet it still kicks the arse of ALL "file finders" (and I tried them all)...


roymccoy reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Sep 25, 2008

This is the kind of searching that should be in embedded Windows Vista.

The advanced search option in Vista is NOT very handy if have a large amount of files, and/or multiple hard drives connected to your PC.

With Locate you can choose the exact settings that works best for YOU, and it's extremely fast.
I have over 1 million files, and when the search database is updated, it finds whatever you want in 1-2 seconds.

Locate doesn't looks as good as Vista, but it's very clever for it's purpose, and the more you use it the more you'll realize how limited the standard Windows search really are!

I use Locate for my every day use at work and at home!

Rating 5.

- The same goes for Firefox, Avast, XnView, Photoshop, WinRAR, JetAudio, Nero, Mp3tag, µTorrent, HyperSnap and KeePass...

Avg. Rating 4.7 (716 votes)
Your Rating

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Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

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Bottom Line: 555


brotherS reviewed v3.1.11.8220a on Jan 16, 2015

@anonswgeek: "To run locate32_3.1.11.8220a_fix.zip, you would need VS2013 runtimes. If you will get "Locate32.exe is not a valid Win32 application", you can download VS2013 Runtimes here:
http://www.microsoft.com...d/details.aspx?id=40784 "

(From http://sourceforge.net/p...32/files/?source=navbar )


CyberDoc999 reviewed v3.1.11.8220a on Dec 17, 2014

I wonder why they do not show any new version except 2012 on the home page?


anonswgeek reviewed v3.1.11.8220a on Dec 15, 2014

on windows XP 32-bit i get "is not a valid Win32 application".


WildTbag reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Sep 6, 2010

By far the best search engine i know, i use it for years and every day. Do yourself a favor and look in the settings! And this program is updated, take a look at the daily builds: http://locate32.net/files/daily/

Maybe Betanews should update this...
And, no, i am not the author.


JeremyP reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Jul 15, 2010

@forresterinc Reviewing RC3 (Nov 3, 2008)

"extremely well", if you have an NTFS system, and are looking for filename-search only, I recommend "Everything search engine"
Very nice, but it doesn't appear to be able to find networked file. And THAT is a killer for me. My music database - which is what I use Locate for - is spread over three machines.

I like Locate, and can deal with the lack of real-time updating, as I don't add that much to my music library each day. It does crash occasionally on my 64 bit W7 machine. I just restart it. No big deal!

emanresU deriseD

emanresU deriseD reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Jan 22, 2010

The interface and options are wonderful, but this application has a fatal flaw at its core: It does not work in real time; it relies on repetitive indexing. I set mine to index every 3 minutes (yes, every 3 minutes!), and still had issues with Locate finding files that didn't exist, or not finding files that did exist.

I also had several crashes with Locate. Regardless of which version I chose to use.

In short, it's a lousy approach. 1 star for being unusable.


horsecharles reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Dec 23, 2008


Everything does not work at all on Vista.

Also....how is something like this supposed to work(fast & immediate) if it does not index?


forresterinc reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Nov 3, 2008

"extremely well", if you have an NTFS system, and are looking for filename-search only, I recommend "Everything search engine" ( http://www.voidtools.com/ ).

That being said, I've tried Locate, and it is quite competent, but I like Everything better -- as I too, search for filenames mostly, and I do not like the out-of-date-database problem nor always-on indexing programs.

4 stars for a well-deserving application.

extremely well

extremely well reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Sep 27, 2008

No real-time indexing of newly added files. Still a deal breaker.


Ava Find hasn't been updated in 5 yrs and the author is MIA, yet it still kicks the arse of ALL "file finders" (and I tried them all)...


roymccoy reviewed v3.1.8.9210 RC3 on Sep 25, 2008

This is the kind of searching that should be in embedded Windows Vista.

The advanced search option in Vista is NOT very handy if have a large amount of files, and/or multiple hard drives connected to your PC.

With Locate you can choose the exact settings that works best for YOU, and it's extremely fast.
I have over 1 million files, and when the search database is updated, it finds whatever you want in 1-2 seconds.

Locate doesn't looks as good as Vista, but it's very clever for it's purpose, and the more you use it the more you'll realize how limited the standard Windows search really are!

I use Locate for my every day use at work and at home!

Rating 5.

- The same goes for Firefox, Avast, XnView, Photoshop, WinRAR, JetAudio, Nero, Mp3tag, µTorrent, HyperSnap and KeePass...


elations reviewed v3.1.8.8030 RC2 on Sep 10, 2008

Can't the Reviewer: extremely well be silenced? His regularly repeated, annoying spam messages give the impression, the software he endorses was for morons only. Avafind isn't that bad! I've tried it in the past but it is, as others pointed out, a dead project and doesn't have the search power and flexibility of Locate, which serves me much better. and Locate serves me better and I prefer it by quite a margin but prefer locate, which serves me better. I actually like to be able to determine myself when to update the database, and that it enables me to also find files that may have been deleted. For this reason, and because I don't want to always have the indexing engine run in the background, I see real time indexing as a disadvantage, if anything. In the very rare cases an up-to-the minute database is required, on can always quickly update the database which hardly takes time, no problem. Definitely not a catastrophe worth switching to capital letters about.

extremely well

extremely well reviewed v3.1.8.8030 RC2 on Aug 29, 2008

Awww God, this is getting old.

No real-time indexing for a file-finding app is the absolute most retarded decision anyone can make in 2008. It was OK for Unix in the 70's..., but jeez, I think we've advanced slightly since then. If mankind did NOT create Ava Find I would personally use Google Desktop/Copernic or some other full-content indexer and CASTRATE IT to only index FILENAMES - NO CONTENT, just as long as it gives me REAL TIME RESULTS FOR MY SEARCHES.

I actually don't believe how someone can use a stale dbase to search. Don't you people create DOCs/XLSs? Don't you people download masses of music/movie files? What do you people do when you need to search for something that YOU KNOW was created in the past 2 hours when your last "full index" was done 12 hours ago? You start navigating to folders to find it? hahahahaha

I want you to remember this comment next time you perform a search with Locate, and you get WRONG (file deleted etc) or NO RESULTS (new file) because it LACKED real-time indexing. Think closely how sucky it felt and know that it was YOUR CHOICE to use sucky technology. ;)

If you're a heavy IT worker, you WILL generate lots of content on an hourly basis.


vixen69 reviewed v3.1.8.7200 RC1 on Jul 28, 2008

I started with Locate went to Ava Find(for more than a year) and now am back to Locate. Cos AF is a dead app, and DOES crash sometimes AND its not configurable in any way, so Locate wins for me. This app rocks.
Yes the real-time indexing is a nice feature in AF, but not indispensable.

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