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Member since July 23, 2002

Reviewed TwinkiePaste 3.68 Build 722

Sounds like something a stripper would wear. Read full review

Reviewed The KMPlayer for Windows (32-bit)

been using it for a couple of years, best I can find. I do like it all stripped down though. It's gotten sorta "winamp-py" Read full review

Reviewed Microsoft .NET (v4) 4.8.1

I guess 4.5 framework is unnecessary for the win8 preview (YMMV) Read full review

Reviewed iPadian 0.2

How perfectly Canadian. Read full review

Reviewed GMail Drive 1.0.20

To be clear, this doesn't make it a bad thing..but it's not Google: From Wikipedia,
GMail Drive is an experimental package that depends on but is not provided by Google. Changes in Google's Gmail system may render GMail Drive temporarily... Read full review

Reviewed Mozilla Firefox for Windows 108.0

Here's a plus for Major Geek's site. They put the program out there and they omit the comment boxes.
I get the impression you people have no idea what you're saying, and have too much time to say it. Read full review

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