I have an ATI card in my system, I usually would recommend ATI graphics cards to people but... with the reliance upon a marketing gimmick, namely .NET, I will no longer do so.
My existing drivers will remain until either I upgrade the graphics...
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It is a great piece of software minus one thing, the interface.
The interface has needed a redesign for a long time now, if PSP can do MDI with but a single task in the taskbar, why can't The GIMP? Seriously.
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I like uTorrent for its size, feature set and resourcefulness but, there is one fault I find highly annoying; the need to suck every drop of bandwidth even when settings are modified to try and fix that.
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Firefox is a very welcomed update for me as whenever I utilized 1.5 in my normal browsing session (tabs are my friend) that memory bug would creep in and just start clogging up the system.
With, I've yet to see that memory bug...
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