AutoHotkey AutoHotkey for Windows

by Chris Mallet

Avg. Rating 4.5 (687 votes)

File Details

File Size 3.0 MB
License Open Source
Operating System Windows (All)
Date Added
Total Downloads 43,091
Publisher Chris Mallet
Homepage AutoHotkey

Publisher's Description

Customize your keyboard, joystick and mouse with an open source automation and hotkey utility that is backward compatible with AutoIt. It includes a quick-start tutorial, an automatic script writer that records and plays back your keystrokes and mouse clicks, and a comprehensive help file. The program can remap keys and buttons, and make almost any key, joystick button, mouse button, or combination into a hotkey. It also allows you to define abbreviations that expand as you type them (auto-replace); create custom GUI windows and menu bars; retrieve or change the volume, mute, and other settings of any soundcard; hide/close/resize any window; use a joystick as a mouse; retrieve and change the clipboard's contents; display dialog boxes, tooltips, balloon tips, and popup menus; and create your own stand-alone EXE files that can be run on any computer.

Latest Reviews


chrispaul reviewed v1.1.14.02 on Feb 17, 2014

not too bad


olivergiving reviewed v1.1.13.00 on Sep 25, 2013

very useful


paulperry reviewed v1.1.12.00 on Aug 24, 2013

autohotkey is awesome


Sativarg reviewed v1.1.07.00 on Feb 28, 2012


AutoHotkeyU - AutoHotkeyAutoHotkeyU is a Unicode version of AutoHotkey based on AutoHotkey_L. It also provides some additional features. Windows versions prior to Windows 2000 are not supported.

The codes has been merged into AutoHotkey_L start from L42.


HeilNizar reviewed v1.1.05.03 on Dec 1, 2011

Sexy, too sexy


brotherS reviewed v1.1.05.01 on Nov 17, 2011

Running here 24/7. Plus I got some great little tools based on it from - all for free!


netean reviewed v1.1.04.00 on Sep 12, 2011

great program, if only I could get it to work in the games I play, but sadly it can't. But either way, still a great program


Neanderthal66 reviewed v1.1.03.00 on Sep 1, 2011

Too bad, a once great automation tool was completely raped to only allow some autdated UTF-8 codepage. Whatever the lamer was that came to this idea.......


whatevers reviewed v1.1.02.01 on Aug 19, 2011

Creme de la creme of all launchers, with unlimited potential and minimal footprint. Highly recommended for the novice, intermediate and experienced users.


war593122 reviewed v1.0.97.01 on Apr 4, 2011

Fixed the 64-bit build to not truncate HWNDs or SendMessage/PostMessage params to 32 bits.

Fixed */:: being treated as an invalid hotkey (broken since L54).

Fixed the icons.


Avg. Rating 4.5 (687 votes)
Your Rating

Someone reviewed v on Mar 19, 2023



Bottom Line:

Someone reviewed v on Jul 5, 2022

Pros: 555

Cons: 555

Bottom Line: 555


chrispaul reviewed v1.1.14.02 on Feb 17, 2014

not too bad


olivergiving reviewed v1.1.13.00 on Sep 25, 2013

very useful


paulperry reviewed v1.1.12.00 on Aug 24, 2013

autohotkey is awesome


Sativarg reviewed v1.1.07.00 on Feb 28, 2012


AutoHotkeyU - AutoHotkeyAutoHotkeyU is a Unicode version of AutoHotkey based on AutoHotkey_L. It also provides some additional features. Windows versions prior to Windows 2000 are not supported.

The codes has been merged into AutoHotkey_L start from L42.


HeilNizar reviewed v1.1.05.03 on Dec 1, 2011

Sexy, too sexy


brotherS reviewed v1.1.05.01 on Nov 17, 2011

Running here 24/7. Plus I got some great little tools based on it from - all for free!


netean reviewed v1.1.04.00 on Sep 12, 2011

great program, if only I could get it to work in the games I play, but sadly it can't. But either way, still a great program


Neanderthal66 reviewed v1.1.03.00 on Sep 1, 2011

Too bad, a once great automation tool was completely raped to only allow some autdated UTF-8 codepage. Whatever the lamer was that came to this idea.......


whatevers reviewed v1.1.02.01 on Aug 19, 2011

Creme de la creme of all launchers, with unlimited potential and minimal footprint. Highly recommended for the novice, intermediate and experienced users.


war593122 reviewed v1.0.97.01 on Apr 4, 2011

Fixed the 64-bit build to not truncate HWNDs or SendMessage/PostMessage params to 32 bits.

Fixed */:: being treated as an invalid hotkey (broken since L54).

Fixed the icons.



ballyhairs reviewed v1.0.92.02 on Jan 19, 2011

Slowly its becoming a programming language.


dhry reviewed v1.0.48.05 on Jul 12, 2010

Freaking AMAZING program - within a week this became something I absolutely cannot live without.

For those interested in a little more functionality, Lexikos has some enhanced builds of AHK here ( Unicode support, obj-oriented file IO, enhanced icon support and more. Fairly frequently updated.


loebner reviewed v1.0.48.05 on Apr 25, 2010

I've been using AHK for about a week, and I am extremely impressed.

AHK has the ability to construct extremely powerful macros. For basic string replacements, the syntax is simple, the options are numerous, and the speed is extremely fast.

I haven't yet delved deeply into the more powerful "run" options, but they seem extensive.

Certainly the price is right.

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