Reviewed OSHI Unhooker 1.3.393April 29 - 10:27 PM ET
I am now mostly blind so I rely on NVDA text reader to be able to use most programs. As far as I can tell, the interface for this application is not allowing NVDA to access its text. I was able to run the program fine with the big button. but the... Read full review |
Reviewed Handy Start Menu 1.98April 16 - 2:24 PM ET
I am inclined to remove my previous posting. In the spirit of forgiveness and because I was contacted by some one who made some attempt to make some excuses in lieu of an apology. the reply was too little and quite late but it was' a sign of... Read full review |
Reviewed Norman Malware Cleaner 2.08.08January 15 - 2:30 PM ET
The program crashed |
Reviewed Notepad++ 8.7.7December 17 - 7:08 PM ET
Notepad++ 6.2.3 - End of World Edition LOL famous last words! Read full review |
Reviewed Simplyzip 1.1 Beta 82November 17 - 12:24 AM ET
Simplyzip 1.1 Beta 79 is what is written above but the application I recieved is showing 1.1 Beta 80 |
Reviewed Actual Booster 3.2October 23 - 7:20 PM ET
Actual Booster 3.2 |
Reviewed Avast Antivirus Free 22.4.7175October 23 - 7:05 PM ET
How dare you install Google any thing on my computer??? |
Reviewed PC Tools Internet Security 9.1.0October 13 - 6:38 PM ET>PC Tools Firewall retired |
Reviewed VolumeĀ² 1.1.7 Build 434 BetaOctober 11 - 8:46 PM ET
I have been using 3RVX because it would let me change volume in the game Fallout 3 but I was not able to change volume in Skyrim. |
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