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Member since November 11, 2004

Reviewed OSHI Unhooker 1.3.393

I am now mostly blind so I rely on NVDA text reader to be able to use most programs. As far as I can tell, the interface for this application is not allowing NVDA to access its text. I was able to run the program fine with the big button. but the... Read full review

Reviewed Handy Start Menu 1.98

I am inclined to remove my previous posting. In the spirit of forgiveness and because I was contacted by some one who made some attempt to make some excuses in lieu of an apology. the reply was too little and quite late but it was' a sign of... Read full review

Reviewed Norman Malware Cleaner 2.08.08

The program crashed
but first ...
I have services I do not use disabled... Norman "quarantined" the settings thus enabling these services.

I have used DNS bench to choose 7 best Name servers Norman Malware Cleaner chose to "quarantine" these... Read full review

Reviewed Notepad++ 8.7.7

Notepad++ 6.2.3 - End of World Edition LOL famous last words! Read full review

Reviewed Simplyzip 1.1 Beta 82

Simplyzip 1.1 Beta 79 is what is written above but the application I recieved is showing 1.1 Beta 80

But... latest news says
24.06.2012 Simplyzip 1.1beta 79: Small improvements, minor... Read full review

Reviewed Actual Booster 3.2

Actual Booster 3.2
5.0 out of 5 stars
(September 16, 2012)
OK so why is this at the top of the list? today is not September 16, 2012

Not going to vote up or down so, 3? but really who is putting older stuf near the stuff just updated?... Read full review

Reviewed Avast Antivirus Free 22.4.7175

How dare you install Google any thing on my computer???
No way....
This ting just updated itself and had me restart my computer. The first thing that came up after the install was Google Chrome?
You ask first... No better yet do not even go... Read full review

Reviewed PC Tools Internet Security 9.1.0>PC Tools Firewall retired
[quote="Support"]Hi All,

PC Tools Firewall has been retired as a standalone product.

As a valued... Read full review

Reviewed VolumeĀ² 1.1.7 Build 434 Beta

I have been using 3RVX because it would let me change volume in the game Fallout 3 but I was not able to change volume in Skyrim.
Volume² does let me change volume in Skyrim. To do this I had to enable the option to change volume when the... Read full review

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BleachBit 4.4.1

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