mamisano's Avatar


Member since October 31, 2006

Reviewed Core Temp 1.18

I love the application and have been using it for years.

Unfortunately the download link here and the main one on the Core Temp website use "InstallIQ" to install the program. InstallIQ requires you change your start page and default search... Read full review

Watchlisted Bullzip PDF Printer

Reviewed Synergy 1.5.0

Version 1.4.2 Beta includes install packages for Windows 7 32 and 64bit. I just installed on my Win 7 x64 desktop and works fine! Read full review

Watchlisted SABnzbd

Reviewed SABnzbd 1.1.0

Great product - makes downloading newsgroup files a breeze and has a lot of features. Read full review

Watchlisted WinSCP

Watchlisted Notepad++

Watchlisted TeraCopy

Watchlisted CCleaner for Windows

Favorite Files

Bullzip PDF Printer

System Utilities

CCleaner for Windows 6.22.10977

File Management

Core Temp 1.18

System Utilities

FileZilla v3 for Windows 3.53.0

WWW & Internet
Open Source

InfraRecorder 0.53

System Utilities
Open Source

Notepad++ 8.6.8

Developer Tools
Open Source

SABnzbd 1.1.0

WWW & Internet
Open Source

TeraCopy 3.7

Desktop Software

WinSCP 6.3.4

WWW & Internet
Open Source

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