File Details |
File Size | 7.5 MB |
License | Shareware, $29.95 |
Operating System | Windows (All) |
Date Added | April 1, 2017 |
Total Downloads | 175,398 |
Publisher | OpenSight Software, LLC |
Homepage | FlashFXP |
Publisher's Description
FlashFXP is a powerful and popular FTP & FXP Client loaded with features for the power user. It has an intuitive user interface that takes only minutes to master. Using the FTP protocol, you can transfer files from remote servers to your computer, or even to another remote server. It makes it easy to update your Web site, download files from the company server, or even download files from the internet that always seem to fail using your Web browser. It allows you to transfer files between two sites (FXP), resume incomplete downloads, synchronize directories, schedule multiple tasks, and more.
Latest Reviews
thezelda reviewed v5.4.0 Build 3956 on Sep 23, 2022
Charles DeWeese the information thief - who has been grifting for years tracking users, stealing information and using backdoor communication channels with his software to do nefarious things. Charles DeWeese the information thief is now in federal prison. On may 2017, Charles DeWeese was arrested, charged and pled guilty for federal exploitation of a minor. He was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison. And that is the capstone on FlashFXP.
uberfly reviewed v5.3.0 Build 3925 on Apr 11, 2016
Lots of features, the interface is very clean and easy to use. Often updated and improved and very stable. Good stuff.
Yakumo reviewed v5.2.0 Build 3910 on Jan 27, 2016
Can't believe this zelda troll is still at it posting on every release of this for years, absolutely zero proof from them, or sign of any spy activity from this app, ever, it would be all over the internet if it was as it's so easy to detect with any packet sniffer.
Brilliant app, bought it years ago, no better FTP client.
KingSky reviewed v5.1.0.3836 on May 4, 2015
I thought the review 2 below said "amazing troll" a first g
Anne. This is an invaluable too I've been using for years, I could not do business without it. Well worth it.
thezelda reviewed v5.5.0.3719 Beta on Oct 13, 2014
The vile spying trojan known as FlashFXP continues into over a decade of skimming, watching, reporting and general information theft. You want your information private, NEVER trust this company.
oloraf reviewed v5.5.0.3719 Beta on Mar 24, 2014
amazing tool!
mikebratley reviewed v5.0.0.3709 Beta on Mar 11, 2014
awesome stuff
chrispaul reviewed v5.0.0.3709 Beta on Feb 17, 2014
great! 5 stars!
olivergiving reviewed v5.0.0.3622 Beta on Sep 25, 2013
tomkelly reviewed v5.0.0.3622 Beta on Aug 22, 2013
great tool
thezelda reviewed v5.4.0 Build 3956 on Sep 23, 2022
Pros: None
Cons: Author is a kiddie diddler who is now in prison
Bottom Line: Charles DeWeese the information thief - who has been grifting for years tracking users, stealing information and using backdoor communication channels with his software to do nefarious things. Charles DeWeese the information thief is now in federal prison. On may 2017, Charles DeWeese was arrested, charged and pled guilty for federal exploitation of a minor. He was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison. And that is the capstone on FlashFXP.
uberfly reviewed v5.3.0 Build 3925 on Apr 11, 2016
Lots of features, the interface is very clean and easy to use. Often updated and improved and very stable. Good stuff.
Yakumo reviewed v5.2.0 Build 3910 on Jan 27, 2016
Can't believe this zelda troll is still at it posting on every release of this for years, absolutely zero proof from them, or sign of any spy activity from this app, ever, it would be all over the internet if it was as it's so easy to detect with any packet sniffer.
Brilliant app, bought it years ago, no better FTP client.
KingSky reviewed v5.1.0.3836 on May 4, 2015
I thought the review 2 below said "amazing troll" a first g
Anne. This is an invaluable too I've been using for years, I could not do business without it. Well worth it.
thezelda reviewed v5.5.0.3719 Beta on Oct 13, 2014
The vile spying trojan known as FlashFXP continues into over a decade of skimming, watching, reporting and general information theft. You want your information private, NEVER trust this company.
oloraf reviewed v5.5.0.3719 Beta on Mar 24, 2014
amazing tool!
mikebratley reviewed v5.0.0.3709 Beta on Mar 11, 2014
awesome stuff
chrispaul reviewed v5.0.0.3709 Beta on Feb 17, 2014
great! 5 stars!
olivergiving reviewed v5.0.0.3622 Beta on Sep 25, 2013
tomkelly reviewed v5.0.0.3622 Beta on Aug 22, 2013
great tool
UPieper reviewed v5.0.0.3622 Beta on May 26, 2013
Finally Unicode!
shroom reviewed v5.0.0.3615 Beta on May 24, 2013
@DrTooth : this "scam" is still one of the best, if not the best, FTP client out there.
You should probably check the definition of a scam.
DrTeeth reviewed v4.3.1.1953 on Apr 23, 2013
Uninstalling the demo offers a 40% discount to buy which is not on the main page. That is a scam, pure and simple.
diane01 reviewed v4.3.1.1951 on Mar 28, 2013
Excellent!!! Keep up the good work..
thezelda reviewed v4.3.0.1944 on Mar 17, 2013
DeWeese's empire continues though yet another shell/holdings company.
beatmakershq reviewed v4.3.0.1930 RC2 on Feb 11, 2013
definitely hands down one of the best!
UPieper reviewed v4.3.0 Build 1904 RC1 on Dec 28, 2012
Good FTP client. But still no unicode support!
ssb reviewed v4.3.0 Build 1904 RC1 on Dec 27, 2012
Still the best and most reliable Windows FTP client ever made. No need to say more!
jcollake reviewed v4.2.6.1892 Beta on Nov 13, 2012
Continues to be a reliable and well constructed FTP client that does the job!
Remax reviewed v4.2.6.1872 Beta on Oct 21, 2012
Still the best FTP program on the market!!
Hands down!
some guy reviewed v4.2.6.1859 Beta on Oct 7, 2012
wholemkt9 go fu*** your self!
shroom reviewed v4.2.6.1859 Beta on Oct 5, 2012
Yeah gorkypark, sure you're right. Maybe it's time to give up with your false statements don't you think ? Or maybe provide proof (and by proof I mean proof, not just links with people who think "maybe..."). But that is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
I paid for my license 8 years ago and it's still working fine. Not a single issue after so many years, no upgrades denied either.
gorkypark reviewed v4.2.6.1852 Beta on Oct 2, 2012
FlashFXP changes company name and company hands for the 5th or 6th time. In a long string of privacy law suits and a sordid record of corruption, FlashCorruptedStealsOpenSourceCodeCallsHomeFXP has yet again changed hands into another sleazy holdings company to make it easier than ever before to take your money and deny you keys or suspend your upgrades. And with mounting legal challenges brought against every previous shady offshore-shell company built to grift and glom money for unfortunate customers, the need to change companies arose again. Giving FlashFXP money is like giving it away or giving it to line the pockets of the corrupted principals at FlashFXP.
shroom reviewed v4.2.3.1771 on May 14, 2012
Nice review ccie! I mean it, really!
Oh but please, provide some proof next time.
Meanwhile, I'm going on the "bot" side and rate it what it deserves : 5.
Zero-Point reviewed v4.2.2.1764 on May 7, 2012
ccie: holy anal-spew! All that and you boil it down to one unsupported theory. If you are seeing questionable encrypted packets, you've likely thought you'd take advantage of 'free downloads" from a warez site and rooted yourself.
darkwzrd1 reviewed v4.2.2.1760 on Apr 23, 2012
I'm pretty sure "thezelda" and "ccie" are the same person. The fact is if these allegations where "True", information would have been already made available to support this theory. But of coarse, there's nothing to the contrary.
Like I said before, I been using FlashFXP for years and have never experienced any "suspicious" outgoing connectivity. So personally I believe all of this is complete "bull", especially coming from a person that clearly has no idea what there talking about.
More then likely, this is either an Ex-Employee or Ex-Friend who is suffering from jealousy and delusions, because nobody in there right mind would be posting this crap on BetaNews without proof.
Inray reviewed v4.2.2.1758 on Apr 21, 2012
@ccie: You are "one of the victims"? WTF are you talking about? Are you kidding us?
If you have any proof like packet and server fingerprints, IP adresses and routing logs please feel free to make them publicly available. Otherwise make us a favorite and cut the emotional crap and the rest BS.
Some ...victim! Ha ha ha! :o)
ccie reviewed v4.2.2.1758 on Apr 21, 2012
Hello all, I hope you are doing well. I am here today to show the world just what Charles Deweese really is. Charles Deweese, allow me to introduce myself. I'm one of the victims of your shameless privacy invading schemes. As a note of explanation for other readers of this dire message, Charles Deweese's "strategic initiatives" have been to send throngs of Deweese bots to come here and sully the opposition's reputation. What I mean to say is that what I have been writing up to this point is not what I initially intended to write - but I'm emotionally drained and must give the world the truth. Instead, I decided it would be far more productive to tell you that I don't see how Charles Deweese can build a workable policy around wishful thinking draped over a morass of confusion (and also, as we'll see below, historical illiteracy), then impose it willy-nilly on a population by force. I'm not saying that it can't possibly be done but rather that I, speaking as someone who is not duplicitous - I unquestionably hope that the truth will prevail and that justice will be served before Charles Deweese does any real damage. Or is it already too late? The bigger question is the following: What would Charles Deweese's response be if someone suggested that Charles Deweese's half-measures are founded on bald-faced lies? Several highly cynical answers suggest themselves, but let it suffice to say that Charles Deweese has been detaching people from their morally established systems of belief. It's time to even the score. I, for one, suggest that we begin by notifying people of the fact that I think I know why so many mumpish dorks generate alienation and withdrawal. It's because Charles Deweese has whipped them into a blind frenzy by telling them that we should all bear the brunt of his actions. Unfortunately for Charles Deweese, the ground truth is that if anything, many people lie. However, Charles Deweese lies with such ease it's troubling.
The fact is ftp is not encrypted. And encrypted packets are produced by this program. They connect to a server which is not the ftp server intended. WHY does DEWEESE connect to other servers? WHY are the PACKETS encrypted!
ssb reviewed v4.2.2.1758 on Apr 20, 2012
@thezelda: Please elaborate. Do you have any valid proof of your allegations?
I'm using FlashFXP since its very first days and never noticed anything suspicious. Excluding updates checking, not even a single packet was ever sent to a different IP than those I'm connecting to.
Personally, I'm not blindly believing in rumours especially those from anonymous sources.
And btw I do love FlashFXP and I don't hesitate to suggest it to everyone interested.
thezelda reviewed v4.2.1.1744 on Apr 13, 2012
Charles DeWeese the Information Thief. You know what this guy is doing now to try and hide, he changed the company many times, first himself as sole proprietor, then inicom, then OpenSight. I have caught this rat sending packets back to his server. This application phones home and send ENCRYPTED packets back to Charles DeWeese the Information Thief. Little is know about this crazed man and why he keeps insisting to catalog our boxes. I have captured MANY strange things FlashFXP does by attaching a debugger to a VM with Charles DeWeese's information stealing routines running. Its amazing this guy just keeps getting away with this.
darkwzrd1 reviewed v4.2.1.1744 on Mar 27, 2012
I been using this program for years and it doesn't phone home, period. If your that paranoid, add a rule in your "Firewall" for FlashFXP to "Deny" outgoing connectivity.
cekicen reviewed v4.2.1.1744 on Mar 27, 2012
definitely have phoning-home for years.
kail reviewed v4.1.8.1703 on Jan 23, 2012
I don't know what you saw using Process Monitor and Process Explorer (not exactly the best tools for this job), but I just ran FlashFXP with Wireshark and there was no phoning-home, with the exception of the automatic update process (which I have set on).
eviljolly reviewed v4.1.8.1701 on Jan 16, 2012
Completely unfounded claims. Proof?
Personally I use Filezilla since it's free, but FlashFXP is great as well.
Inray reviewed v4.1.6.1673 on Nov 17, 2011
FlashFXP doesn't "call home" so please stop spreading this kind of BS (seven years of trolling is beyond BS). Do you really think that all of us are stupid and can't see how safe or unsafe is a program we use?
In simple words, next time prove your claims or kindly shut up!
Sorry to other folks, but I'm tired of reading nonsense comments by ignorant people who don't know anything about what they're talking.
thezelda reviewed v4.1.1.1651 on Oct 15, 2011
Program calls home and submits encrypted data back to the OpenSight server. The size of the call-home is rather sizeable, and based on what I've seen using PROCMON and PROCEXP (microsoft system monitoring utilities), the program before it calls home is collecting a lot of data and then sending a sizeable payload.
krgood reviewed v4.1.0 Build 1643 RC3 on Sep 6, 2011
This program sure has the look and feel of Filezilla. I have been using Filezilla for a long time and it has never failed me. Updates come along at a nice interval and always seem to improve the product. Of course, Filezilla is free which is a plus.
Take a look and see for yourself...
Inray reviewed v4.1.0 Build 1632 RC3 on Aug 23, 2011
It used to be the best FTP client and still is. No need to say more.
lypxzm reviewed v4.0.0 Build 1523 Final on Feb 11, 2011
Wonderful FTP clients.
jcollake reviewed v4.0.0 Build 1497 RC3 on Nov 10, 2010
I've tried other FTP clients. Nothing beats FlashFXP. It is simple, easy to use, robust, and does its job. To the people who say nobody needs FTP clients in this day and age.. well, I do, for one ;).
As for QA of software. FlashFXP is great. Many alternate FTP clients I tried had severe bugs or severe usability problems, or both. It seemed the more commercial they were, the worse they were.
The truth is that often the best applications come from 'lone developers'. That is the case of FlashFXP. This isn't some sort of universal law, great applications come from teams too.. but my point is just that FlashFXP is great.
To each his own. For me, FlashFXP is 'it'. If you prefer something else, go prefer it -- but even if you prefer something else it is hard to find a reason to knock FlashFXP.
Slipped it in reviewed v4.0 Beta Preview 1 on Jul 29, 2010
My internet connection has a 25mbps download speed. When downloading a 4GB DVD image Internet Explorer 8 is significantly faster on my internet connection than this program or any other FTP client. In this day and age standalone FTP clients should be free. They are completely useless.
rotjong reviewed v3.8 (3.7.8 Build 1333) Beta on Jul 11, 2009
I've tried various clients over the years but I always end up returning to FlashFXP which just works and gets the job done. This beta is no different.
If anyone could say something negative about FlashFXP it might be that development seems so slow. The amount of betas that trickle out between official releases is plentiful and many interim releases are unofficial betas, at that.
I have nothing negative to say about 3.7.8 build 1333 beta. I've not run into any issues in use.
I Hate Trolls reviewed v3.8 (3.7.8 Build 1333) Beta on Jul 6, 2009
Excellent FTP client, and well worth the money. I had used FTPRush before this, and it's amazing how solid and reliable FlashFXP is in comparison. In my opinion, this is the best FTP client out there.
@Diam0nd: What, you're promoting FileZilla now after all these years of sucking up to FTPRush? Well, I guess I don't blame you since the company responsible for it disappeared along with everyone's money. Just look at their support forums.
@ccie: Your paranoid ramblings make it obvious that you're yet another sock puppet of our local tin-foil-hat-wearing nutcase thezelda. I guess panurgic, phestus, and gorkypark weren't enough names for you to pretend you have support for your insane conspiracy theories. It's also hilarious that you claim to be Michelangelo Volpi on your profile.
Serophos reviewed v3.8 (3.7.8 Build 1327) Beta on Feb 5, 2009
What I don't understand why everyone thinks that the development model says anything about the quality of the program. FlashFXP is a solid program as is Filezilla. Of course there are tons of bad quality software both free- and payware, please don't turn this platform into a discussion board about religious oss fanatism. FlashFXP IS a good example that there is indeed software well worth paying a few bucks for it :)
kail reviewed v3.8 (3.7.6 build 1308) Beta on Nov 20, 2008
I've also been using FlashFXP for many years, it is an excellent & robust FTP client.
What I really like is that FlashFXP's license is for life & includes all future versions, unlike many others. FlashFXP truly is the last FTP Client that you'll ever need to buy.:)
Andy Dean reviewed v3.8 (3.7.5 Build 1300) Beta on Oct 20, 2008
Excellent ftp client but personally I prefer FTPRush :)
esr reviewed v3.8 (3.7.5 Build 1292) Beta on Sep 30, 2008
This is wonderful tool. I've been a registered user for years.
It's one of those tools that just works. Easy interface both to use and on the eyes (it's not ugly or overloaded with eye-candy).
Stable as a rock for days and weeks on end.
poisonu reviewed v3.8 (3.7.4 Build 1286) Beta on Sep 15, 2008
Superb FTP client.....
I have been using it for > 7-8 years.
101% reliable, which makes it worth every cent....
ssb reviewed v3.8 (3.7.4 Build 1284) Beta on Sep 10, 2008
@Diam0nd: Opensource or free doesn't always mean good.
FlashFXP is a great program and worth every cent. Sorry but I cannot compare it with garbage like FZ.
Diam0nd reviewed v3.8 (3.7.4 Build 1284) Beta on Sep 10, 2008
Why pay for smth that FileZilla can do for free? AND of course FZ is open-source too.
ssb reviewed v3.8 Beta (3.7.3 Build 1280) on Sep 3, 2008
@ccie: If you really work as CCIE and see network traffic due to FlashFXP, then your employer has to find a new CCIE as soon as possible...
ccie reviewed v3.8 Beta (3.7.3 Build 1280) on Sep 2, 2008
As a CCIE, I see a lot of network traffic. I am in Wireshark/ethereal all day long.
I have on several occasions seen non-transfer protocol traffic coming from FlashFXP applications on the network. The content is certainly not related to file transfers and is not encrypted file transfer. What comes from the application, in the data portion of the packet, is encrypted non-trivially. It would seem to me that the accusations of calling home are valid, and if the call-home is simply a registration check to fight piracy, I'm certainly curious as to why this can't be done un-encrypted.
I have issues with programs that initiate unrequested communications with outside hosts, and this one does just that. Corporate policies often include blacklisting this program.
I would recommend the free and open-source ftp/scp/sftp handler WinSCP. Its not nearly as featured and won't do FXP (rarely needed anymore), and is written by honest open people.
guti reviewed v3.8 Beta (3.7.3 Build 1275) on Aug 20, 2008
3.7.3 beta build 1277 available at http://download.flashfxp...beta/
FlashFXP is a simple, and easy to use FTP client, which is quite convinient in some case. Unfortunatelly, it only supports one download/upload thread, so SmartFTP could me more propper.
poisonu reviewed v3.8 Beta (3.7.2 Build 1270) on Aug 1, 2008
Superb FTP client!!
extremely well reviewed v3.8 Beta (3.7.2 Build 1266) on Jul 24, 2008
You can't live your life in paranoia. I'm pretty sure that if there was any substance to the trojan allegation, someone could have given us REAL PROOF such as "my ftp server shows someone from IP this-and-that used my username and password which were only stored in flashfxp". It's actually quite simple to set up a trap to prove these allegations. It's actually quite simple to set up 50,000 such traps and just wait for someone to come in and use usernames/passwords on ftp sites he shouldn't have access to. I basically don't believe the stories about the company spying in on their customers... I DO BELIEVE hackers WILL infect EVERY popular sensitive-data software with trojans - anything having to do with username/passwords/clipboard/indexing/etc and then distribute them on p2p networks.
At any rate I use the latest cracked version of FlashFXP obtained from a safe-enough source (torrentleech) and I'm going to sleep VERY WELL tonight, thank-you-very-much. ;) If you do get your warez from emule or some public torrent site where every runny-nosed cracker and every barely-funded intelligence-agency/terrorist/spam/criminal org has direct access to your computer (by you running their EXE masquerading as "FlashFXP" or somesuch), well then, GOOD LUCK TO YOU MY FRIEND. hehehehehehe
Bottom line: great FTP client. My favorite for many years.
ssb reviewed v3.8 Beta (3.7.2 Build 1266) on Jul 23, 2008
@thezelda: Could you please saying nonsense?
FlashFXP doesn't call home, never did that. It is a great small and affordable ftp client, with great history and appreciation from experienced users and IT people all over the world.
The truth is that due to FlashFXP strict protection, some "kids" face various issues with cracked copies found in warez sites. This is the reason some of them spread FUD about it. Stupid guys!
Anyway; after six years using FlashFXP, I still think it's one of the best ftp clients ever made. Simple, small, fast, feature rich and secure.
jspratjr reviewed v3.8 Beta (3.7.2 Build 1266) on Jul 23, 2008
No problems here.
thezelda reviewed v3.8 Beta (3.7.2 Build 1266) on Jul 23, 2008
This application calls home. This application sends encrypted information about your computer to a third party. Crackers are often puzzled by Inicom's complicated crack prevention techniques, some state that it is likely here is Trojan code in there (They bypass the routines with NOPs/Jumps, but there is a lot of poorly understood code that is likely back-dooring in nature.). Encrypted packets contain data to which a packet sniffer cannot "read" due to the payload of the contents being encrypted. What IS known is your computer WILL talk to inicom's IP addresses. Inicom is actively paying off message boards and other forums to erase any and all content which they refer to as libelous accusations [incorrectly so, it is my contention that it is likely FlashFXP is a Trojan, source code would settle the dispute. If they want the source code as a matter of public record, a libel suit would be interesting indeed]. I have analyzed the sections that the cracks "patch out," and there is more code there than would be needed to lockout or blacklist pirated copied of the software. This program is doing something else, something insidious, and because the author strips the binaries [removes variable names, etc], it is very hard to tell what is going on. I pray for the safe future of computing, but with spyware and Trojans and backdoors out there in pandemic levels, I fear the hapless computing public will only be renting time on a computer that they no longer own.
srnty reviewed v3.6.1240 on Jun 20, 2008
I just can speak for myself, but I think this is a great application. Fast, stable, with a clean interface and good configuration possibilities.
I'm registered for over half a year now and never ran into problems.
beefsupreme reviewed v3.6.1240 on Jun 1, 2008
Many many people have been blacklisted who did no wrong...
I have sent 2 e-mails to and also to
I have yet to receive a reply from the first e-mail address & my e-mails get bounced from the second one....
Basically here is my problem....
Today I have Updated my purchased copy of FlashFXP via the Update feature, on restarting I receive the error
This registration key has been disabled??
I purchased 2 copies via Paypal on and have a copy of the purchased e-mails...
One copy was for myself, the other copy was for a friend.
I now find that the regs have been blacklisted!
I can access the Customer Portal on your website and resent the Key again, but I still receive the same error message above...
I beleive that because you have blacklisted my friend's original registration details, mine has also been blacklisted as well,
I suspect the only way round this is to issue a totally new reg code.
My FlashFXP ID is xxx-xxxx-xxx
I only wanted to help a friend who couldn't use the paypal system to purchase a copy of your software and now I've been blacklisted, kinda ironic when you come to think about it, his version is working fine by the way!!!
Hope you can help
Criminals at FlashFXP/Inicom
Since all of the purchase information was identical both keys became disabled. Even though the two keys may visually appear different they use the same data to generate the key.
All support must be addressed to
Contact support and tell them the situation or referr to this thread. They should have no problem issuing you a new key.
I have sent e-mails.... 4 in total and have yet to hear a reply....I will try again....This time referring to this thread....
bigstar reviewed v3.6.1240 on Apr 27, 2008
The next version will include SFTP ;)
jspratjr reviewed v3.6.1240 on Feb 28, 2008
Excellent program - does what it's supposed to do very well - who cares what it "looks" like (does it even matter?
Qlib reviewed v3.6.1240 on Feb 28, 2008
kicks a** as usual.. bugfixes but still same good old program.. id hate it if they tried to vistify it and thereby ruin it..
elftyrrell reviewed v3.6.1240 on Feb 28, 2008
Yes, nothing drastically new in the interface department. Many fixes and minor new features. This is well written software that is dependable and solid. And besides, is there really that much new with FTP?
Diam0nd reviewed v3.6.1240 on Feb 28, 2008
Crap. Nothing radical has been introduced for YEARS. Feels old, looks old.
Try FTPRush and you'll see what I mean.
Change reviewed v3.6 RC3 on Dec 3, 2007
Fast, easy-to-use FTP program. Been my favorite for years now, but keep comparing it to others. I'm really missing SFTP support, I hope the next version will support it. For no SFTP support: 4 stars.
Diam0nd reviewed v3.6 RC3 on Dec 3, 2007
Nothing new under the sun.
poisonu reviewed v3.6 RC2 on Nov 29, 2007
Have been using it since about 2001.
MickyFoley reviewed v3.6 RC2 on Oct 27, 2007
@Zelda: Need a man or what is about the whining in your coments? YOu trust zonealarm more than flashfxp? Google zonealarm and homecall and i'm sure, your eyes get's flashed with the truth.
At topic: FlashFXP never called home or sends packets out. Not on reg nor other times. Since the "good boys" sheded a rumour of a homecall, every baby believes this s***. The rumour was to minimize the FXP scene, but with no prosperity.
FlashFXP is well codet and considered. I used long time "extended trials" before i buyed it last year. I never regret it!
guti reviewed v3.6 RC2 on Oct 25, 2007
Good, but not best as it used to be.
The codebase is old, so no multithreading. Also since being written in Delphi, no x64 version on a short time.
Diam0nd reviewed v3.6 RC2 on Oct 25, 2007
Nothing new as usual? Good lord, its been ages now and all I see is bug-fixing. No new features.
KRome reviewed v3.6 RC2 on Oct 25, 2007
I have used it religiously. However, Id like to see a native 64bit version and a UI update to make it look a bit nicer.
The whole product is in need of an overhaul. As of now though, there is nothing better.
SmartFTP now comes in 64 bit so...
Diam0nd reviewed v3.6 RC1 on Sep 10, 2007
Dude, get a grip. Now what do you do if you need to connect to 4 ftp sites in FlashFXP? Yepp, you run TWO COPIES of it. And 6? Yepp, you run THREE copies. And so on and so forth.
Unlike that, you always need just ONE FTPRush running, since it supports tabs. So I suggest you check your info, smartass.
P.S. "FTPRush is cluttered, bloated and buggy" talking about good/informative reviews.
Andy Dean reviewed v3.6 RC1 on Sep 10, 2007
I'd disagree with that kashin. I've been using FTPRush for around 15 months now and find it great. Howeever I think FlashFXP runs it a good second, think it's just down to personal preferences.
Overall though I think that FlashFXP is a well thought out and good ftp client.
kashin reviewed v3.6 RC1 on Sep 10, 2007
"Comparing to FTPRush it's crap."
Wow, that's some 'review' you got there. FTPRush is cluttered, bloated and buggy. You can't even compare it to FlashFTP.
guti reviewed v3.6 RC1 on Sep 10, 2007
Good tool. Not plenty of features, but very easy to use.
Anyway, for private usage I prefer SmartFTP, which is free for particulars, has better look&feel, and more advanced features.
BTW, I liked FTPRush when it was UltraFXP, and was free.
Diam0nd reviewed v3.4.2 Build 1197 Beta 3 on Sep 5, 2007
Comparing to FTPRush it's crap. But well, it's #2 ftp client all the same.
kashin reviewed v3.4.2 ( Beta on Aug 15, 2007
My guess is that thezelda bought this program and then gave his registration info to his friends or posted it publicly (or on some warez site) and got it revoked. Now he's angry at the authors because of the money he lost. So he's going to keep coming back here to spew nonsensical scare tactic BS to discourage people from using/buying this program. It's pretty hilarious, if you ask me.
ssb reviewed v3.4.2 ( Beta on Apr 20, 2007
FlashFXP is an excellent, fast and rock stable ftp client.
@thezelda: Stop saying nonsense!
guti reviewed v3.4.2 ( Beta on Apr 19, 2007
Quite simple and very easy to use. IMHO a bit expensive.
SmartFTP sounds to me like a better one. Right, more complicated, but also more powerful, and free for non-commercial usage.
Diam0nd reviewed v3.4.2 ( Beta on Apr 19, 2007
It's OK. #2 client if u ask me.
FTPRush > *
thezelda reviewed v3.4.0.1145 on Feb 16, 2007
I come here often to keep reminding people that this software calls home, it talks in an encrypted fashion to home base and could send anything it wants to the evil people at inicom. I was accused of being another author, not so, unless you count open source software as authorship, I simply download and compile software, and do not write it, but I could audit the software I use because I have access to the sources. Inicom steals code from the public domain when it needs to, sends data from your computer to their servers - they could be giving your ftp sites to the FBI for all you know. These people are dishonest and there are comments all over the net that prove that these people have revoked keys calling random victims pirates when its not true. The are extortionists that should be brought to justice.
poisonu reviewed v3.4.0.1145 on Dec 24, 2006
Very Good!!!...
ssb reviewed v3.4.0.1145 on Jun 22, 2006
What can I say about FlashFXP,
a few words are enough: rock stable, feature rich, trusty, fast and well supported. Do we need more?
Highly recommended
zorty reviewed v3.4.0.1145 on Jun 21, 2006
i can *not* confirm flashfxp is becoming more and more buggy since version 2. In my opinion it made quite some progress and offers a bunch of features other ftp clients are either lacking completely or are implemented /integrated in a bad way.
True however is that flashfxp can only use one thread for each connection. This is the only thing I am missing in this application. Apart from that I think it's the best ftp client out there - feature-wise and usability-wise!
Oh and before I forget: it can be used for normal ftp operations and for *fxp* operations.
...and there are student licenses available on request. go get it :)
alleshateinende reviewed v3.4.0.1145 on Jun 21, 2006
hey, watch out with the comments from "thezelda".
it's the author of another ftp program.
there is a lot of comments about him around the net ...
don't trust him!
ryulinho reviewed v3.4 RC3 on Jun 6, 2006
Flash FXP is a solid program. I started using it years ago due to its FXP functionality. It never failed me since. I am glad that I have bought this shareware and supported its development. Speaking of which, I found a bug once and contacted the Flash FXP author telling him about it. In a matter of minutes, he came back to me on the issue, assuring me it would be resolved in the next build.
The only thing I find this program is lacking is a tabbed interface a la pftp. Such a feature would surely propel this software well beyond what I would ever need.
ssb reviewed v3.4 RC3 on Jun 6, 2006
Maybe not the most featured ftp client but definetely most trusty than anything ever tried under Windows.
Diam0nd reviewed v3.4 RC3 on Jun 5, 2006
Again, and again. Not a bad client, but in comparison with FTPRush it lags A LOT of features. SmartFTP - too clumsy interface.
guti reviewed v3.4 RC3 on Jun 5, 2006
Not bad.
Simple usage, and advanced features.
Unfortunatelly it is only supports one connection thread so operations are quite slow.
The interface, hangs transfers while accessing menus (aka mono-threaded application).
Since version 2, FlashFXP is getting buggier.
SmartFTP seems a better alternative, specially since it is free for non-commercial usage (Read an spanish review of it at
If you want an open source alternative, look for filezilla.
auto98uk reviewed v3.4 RC2 on Jun 2, 2006
thezelda - will you please SHUT UP - You do not know what you are talking about
I've just realised from your other posts it's the author of the app you don't like, so you are making stuff up to get at him, aren't you? Either that or you are terminally stupid
Diam0nd reviewed v3.4 RC2 on May 26, 2006
Not bad, but it will never be a #1. Why? No tabbed interface. No scripting whatsoever. And I can name many more. This client is good and pretty solid, but if you are into advanced stuff and want to have an easier FTP-life (so to say) i suggest you go with FTPRush - best ftp client for windows platform.
If you don't believe me, TRY it once and you ll see what I mean here...
zimu reviewed v3.4 RC2 on May 26, 2006
thezelda: you should wear tin foil on your head too. i hear the NSA is spying on brain activity using spy satellites.
thezelda reviewed v3.4 RC2 on May 26, 2006
Subjected this build to the same test as usual. Call home and sends encrypted data back to HQ. Now with AT&T helping the NSA spy on civillians, know this, the BSA and FBI has infiltrated FlashFXP and are using it to cull data about what sites are visited and what is downloaded.
Never trust any program that calls home. It will basically end up one day with cyber genocide.
Paradise-FH- reviewed v3.4 RC2 on May 26, 2006
thezelda has been on a crusade against flashfxp for two years now ... click "view all reviews" to view the soap opera.
auto98uk reviewed v3.4 Beta 5 on Feb 22, 2006
thezelda - and? What has ZA got to do with flashfxp?
And again, it DOES NOT send anything unauthorised, unless it sends it through some mysterious new ethereal connection, with no reference to ANY ports on the PC
Please have some knowledge before trying to put products down - do you have some sort of personal problem? Sacked at work? Girlfriend (hah, as if) left you?
thezelda reviewed v3.4 Beta 5 on Jan 21, 2006
Phones home with encrypted packets just like Zone Alarm. Dont believe this is now commonplace for totalitarians like the makers for FlashFXP:
A Perfect Spy? It seems that ZoneAlarm Security Suite has been phoning home, even when told not to. Last fall, InfoWorld Senior Contributing Editor James Borck discovered ZA 6.0 was surreptitiously sending encrypted data back to four different servers, despite disabling all of the suite’s communications options. Zone Labs denied the flaw for nearly two months, then eventually chalked it up to a “bug” in the software -- even though instructions to contact the servers were set out in the program’s XML code. A company spokesmodel says a fix for the flaw will be coming soon and worried users can get around the bug by modifying their Host file settings.
sQin reviewed v3.4 Beta 5 on Dec 1, 2005
if smartftp wasnt buggy,i'd use it. FlashFxp is my 2nd choise
DaCash reviewed v3.4 Beta 5 on Dec 1, 2005
It's does the job... however, FileZilla does same thing, and is free and opensource.
auto98uk reviewed v3.2.0.1080 on Sep 16, 2005
Just a note to anyone who's worried - I have port explorer permanently on & flashfxp has never accessed anything other than what I have specified it to connect to
Oh, and btw those packets he keeps talking about are in fact the send and recieve packets that ALL ftp clients have to use or they couldn't erm..send or recieve data
He has no idea how ftp works *shakes head*
kashin reviewed v3.2.0.1080 on Jul 30, 2005
I don't know what thezelda is talking about, but he/she obviously has way too much free time on their hands. Me and my friends have been using this program for years and went through many many different versions. None of us has ever had any problems of any kind. Every once in a while I go and try some fancy new FTP client, but so far have always come back to FlashFXP.
Reciprocity reviewed v3.2.0.1080 on May 11, 2005
I look forward to the newest release of FlashFXP not only because I know the new feature set is going to kick ass, or that it's going to improve all around, but I love TheZelda's tinfoil hat posts. TheZelda, continue not taking your meds, this is the best/longest one yet I think. Keep up the good work CED and IniCom.
thezelda reviewed v3.2.0.1080 on May 10, 2005
The word on the grapevine is (especially in light of the recent deal of is that programs that are commonly used to move software are being bugged magic lantern style by the Federal Gestapo, with FlashFXP's culled data being used as evidence against several people recently in Federal Court! Beware, you may be inviting the vampire in with this software!
A few of my friends have been bitten by DeWeese's shyster tactics. I have too. I can only say avoid this man. He will not answer questions directly, he will not tell you what is the payload of encrypted packets and he insinuates a symbol-less stripped binary created by an obscure (but good) compiler could be reverse engineered enough to prove it is not Trojaned. Its crap. Its dodgy crap. And until the encrypted payload is decrypted, and some source code is released, you have to take his word. And don't; because if you can't trust him to give you the free upgrades he promised because you have 5 computers at home and now you are a pirate if he detects you using FFXP_666 on any of them even if its not at the same time. Try a dual boot, and you'll get the blacklist. Try FFXP on WINE, you'll get the blacklist. Think before paying. This stuff is going to haunt you. And notably absent, OS X and a unice version. Guess he isn't very savvy at writing portable code, probably busy cutting deals with Ashcroft, Robert Mueller, Louis Freeh, Robert Holleyman [BSA], Comet Cursor, Alexa, Aureate, Aureate, Gator and backdooring your computer and canceling registrations and blacklisting people to be bothered with you and your plebian needs. Guess we sheeple are born to serve the masters like Count DeWeese and his squadron of Shylock lawyers with that EULA of DEATH. Just read it. This man is sick, and you will be knifed in the back by him. Read the EULA, see the packets encrypted. No source. And disassembling this wont tell you one way or another what it does for sure. It may not have spyware in it, it might BE spyware. Your info – sold - to the lowest forms of life on earth. No source code, lots of general distrust from many sources, and refusal to completely deny that his calling home is anything more than registration and blacklist data. It's encrypted, so your private information, even yours ftp site list, your machine's sid, your media players GUID, all sorts of UIDs, your life sold down the river to a black-hearted money grubbing heathen. I am appalled DeWeese and his minions have so successfully pulled wool over everyone's eyes. This is as bad as the Nazis with the Reichstag fire! I can't believe Charles the totalitarian and his army of mediocritomatons had the review history wiped out here! He did that to mask the evil at hand. He has sold his own user community to marketers, and his program makes undocumented undesired connections to the internet. He has revoked registrations without cause, had possibly sent ftp saved site data to law enforcement, and frequently uses encrypted payloads in packets so packet sniffer can't tell what the packet has in it. I would hope for your sake you don’t save passwords with FlashFXP, our your friends FTP site may become "exhibit A" in a federal court. Beware. WARNING FLASH FXP IS A TROJAN
And all previous build before and most likely all to come. I implore every use of this software to be weary and on guard! I would have a good firewall with a drop all, allow exception rule set, ethereal, windump/[tcpdump on *nix], and a pcap lib, or use sniffer, and get ready to watch this thing with hawk eyes. Given the author's tradition of reporting usage, selling information to marketing companies, and revoking registrations without cause, we must be prepared for his latest Trojan horse. The program is delightful, irresistible, for it is feature laden, stable. But its target is warez users, and I strongly feel this warez-centric program serves to report to the government the biggest abuses. Remember, that the information he claims is benign is encrypted, so you will never see the payload of this machinations and undesired packets. He also uses port 80 to send information out on, so please be using an application firewall such as Kerio. I would not trust Charles unless he releases source code. We are already help hostage by a closed source MSCVRT, and other runtime libraries, any of which could perform undocumented tasks with encrypted packets, you might see packets but the nature of the payload is occluded. I strongly recommend that nobody trusts outgoing packets they cannot decrypt. Anyways, for the technically savvy, one should peruse through the packets this thing produces, and ask yourself, do you really trust some man who will not end these perpetual and consistent accusations by revealing some of the source code to allay the growing fears he is part of a dragnet cabal to capture people determined to be felon software pirates. He is a party to your own demise, the "Robin Hood" loopholes are closed, and Charles could make money off you and put you in jail. He makes money off of FlashFXP, he targets the warez community, the program sends packets that are extraneous to file transfers that are encrypted, he has revoked registrations without cause, he sells your information to marketers I have confirmed this through SpamCop, and he is in cahoots with federal authorities to help Trojan and compromise your computer.
FlashFXP is the root of all evil. Not only does this closed source call-home program get huge amounts of attention making all of us wonder if "Charles DeWeese the information thief" is 1) selling your information to marketeers, 2) pretending he can increase profits by threatening, as reported in some cases, paying customers with BSA actions and lawsuits or 3) trojaning your system for other nefarious activities the nature of which you will never be aware because he provides neither source or debugging symbols, and the binary is stripped. One thing is for sure. Be it here on BetaNews, or on Slashdot, or on, there is more than a few people calling into question why FlashFXP does what it does, and what is it doing. I would recommend the use of WinPCAP, WinDUMP, and ethereal, along with the free for personal use application firewall, Kerio Personal Firewall (software with nothing to hide, such as KPF, is often free for personal use, and others, like FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OpenSSL (a technology probably stolen by DeWeese and used illegally in FFXP) and Linux/GNU to name a few. With scary legislation in the US empowering copyright holders to DDOS your P2P networks, "root" your boxes in order to delete copyrighted content, and to make circumventing the mechanism by which an MP3 prevents the playing of an MP3 without a digital signature a felony, you can not trust software which calls home in an undocumented, undesirable way. This is the inroad by which these technology fascists will infect your computer with government sanctioned Trojaning devices. FlashFXP, when purchased legitimately, forces your to divulge HUGE amounts of information about yourself. You cant use cash and anonymously buy "shrink." Not only did I buy FFXP, but I exercised my right to fair use on more than one machine, the closed source binary was never run concurrently on more than one CPU at a time, yet my key got blacklisted. I have always been fond of OpenSource, but this and the EULAs for Windows Media Player, which also does various call home undocumented behavior, make not using OpenSource suicidal if you want a life where the government doesn't control and monitor your every keypress. Best of luck in the brave new world, if we continue to support fascists such as Charles DeWeese in his never-ending pursuit to force you to be tithed for non-Novel software which is built upon the stolen intellectual property of others, and prioritized. This is by no means a call for legislated digital communism, but it certainly calls into question the value of something that is not transferable, the seller has not liability of the actions of, the right to fair use is forfeit, and they law claims they copyright holder can root your computer in order to enforce copyright. Software like this I should be paid to use! Not pay for it! Be careful. He has stolen from the public domain technology to implement this secure technology, SSL, then he uses it to hide from you the true nature of his communications with home-base, as he calls home and Jon.Ashkrofts your information. I'm glad I use SmartFTP and NCFTP and run KPF as a start in the line of defense against a Orwellian cabal of software and I.P.
For all the would-be suckers out there, and that is what you would be for soliciting this guy, most of the complaints I have seen here are from older people, clearly, mature (not script kiddie types) that have had their honest to God license revoked without refund. Please be careful. If this man offered a shrink wrap product, there would be no problem - but he does not. He needs more control over you than that. I think he sends marketing data back personally. "If you choose to register FlashFXP, some personal information is required to complete the purchase. Things like your name/company, address, and billing information like your credit card number is collected. " Now with a rash of hackers stealing credit card numbers, and Charles storing all sorts or private information on you, you become VULNERABLE. In his EULA: "The license will terminate automatically and the software unregistered if you fail to comply with any of the above terms and conditions. The license may be terminated by either party at any time and without notice." He can TERMINATE the license for any reason. He could say, you have to stop using this, because you are a good paying customer and I don't care. He has done this. Listen to the huge community of Charles victims before you send him money.
This program started out very good, ambitious. A refreshing rival to Cute, with better reliability and FXP capability. Of late, particularly after the 1.2 builds, this program has started to numerous things I am highly suspect of. This program has corrupted files on transfer, and has called home on me, apparently to "verify registration, check for update." I am confused as to why a paying customer is subjected to cross examination, to me this is a form of abuse. I recently tried a RC3 build, and was surprised that more things are broken than ever before, and reverted back 1.4. I am saddened that I have paid to buy into a crumbling, failing legacy which is bloating up, working less and failing its original design goals so drastically, all the while subjecting paying customers to offensive call home checks.
Not only does this closed source call-home program get huge amounts of attention making all of us wonder if "Charles DeWeese the information thief" is 1) selling your information to marketeers, 2) pretending he can increase profits by threatening, as reported in some cases, paying customers with BSA actions and lawsuits or 3) trojaning your system for other nefarious activities the nature of which you will never be aware because he provides neither source or debugging symbols, and the binary is stripped. One thing is for sure. Be it here on BetaNews, or on Slashdot, or on, there is more than a few people calling into question why FlashFXP does what it does, and what is it doing. I would recommend the use of WinPCAP, WinDUMP, and ethereal, along with the free for personal use application firewall, Kerio Personal Firewall (software with nothing to hide, such as KPF, is often free for personal use, and others, like FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OpenSSL (a technology probably stolen by DeWeese and used illegally in FFXP) and Linux/GNU to name a few. With scary legislation in the US empowering copyright holders to DDOS your P2P networks, "root" your boxes in order to delete copyrighted content, and to make circumventing the mechanism by which an MP3 prevents the playing of an MP3 without a digital signature a felony, you can not trust software which calls home in an undocumented, undesirable way. This is the inroad by which these technology fascists will infect your computer with government sanctioned Trojaning devices. FlashFXP, when purchased legitimately, forces your to divulge HUGE amounts of information about yourself. You cant use cash and anonymously buy "shrink." Not only did I buy FFXP, but I exercised my right to fair use on more than one machine, the closed source binary was never run concurrently on more than one CPU at a time, yet my key got blacklisted. I have always been fond of OpenSource, but this and the EULAs for Windows Media Player, which also does various call home undocumented behavior, make not using OpenSource suicidal if you want a life where the government doesn't control and monitor your every keypress. Best of luck in the brave new world, if we continue to support fascists such as Charles DeWeese in his never-ending pursuit to force you to be tithed for non-Novel software which is built upon the stolen intellectual property of others, and prioritized. This is by no means a call for legislated digital communism, but it certainly calls into question the value of something that is not transferable, the seller has not liability of the actions of, the right to fair use is forfeit, and they law claims they copyright holder can root your computer in order to enforce copyright. Software like this I should be paid to use! Not pay for it! Be careful. He has stolen from the public domain technology to implement this secure technology, SSL, then he uses it to hide from you the true nature of his communications with home-base, as he calls home and Jon.Ashkrofts your information. I'm glad I use SmartFTP and NCFTP and run KPF as a start in the line of defense against a Orwellian cabal of software and I.P.
FlashFXP is the root of all evil. Not only does this closed source call-home program get huge amounts of attention making all of us wonder if "Charles DeWeese the information thief" is 1) selling your information to marketeers, 2) pretending he can increase profits by threatening, as reported in some cases, paying customers with BSA actions and lawsuits or 3) trojaning your system for other nefarious activities the nature of which you will never be aware because he provides neither source or debugging symbols, and the binary is stripped. One thing is for sure. Be it here on BetaNews, or on Slashdot, or on, there is more than a few people calling into question why FlashFXP does what it does, and what is it doing. I would recommend the use of WinPCAP, WinDUMP, and ethereal, along with the free for personal use application firewall, Kerio Personal Firewall (software with nothing to hide, such as KPF, is often free for personal use, and others, like FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OpenSSL (a technology probably stolen by DeWeese and used illegally in FFXP) and Linux/GNU to name a few. With scary legislation in the US empowering copyright holders to DDOS your P2P networks, "root" your boxes in order to delete copyrighted content, and to make circumventing the mechanism by which an MP3 prevents the playing of an MP3 without a digital signature a felony, you can not trust software which calls home in an undocumented, undesirable way. This is the inroad by which these technology fascists will infect your computer with government sanctioned Trojaning devices. FlashFXP, when purchased legitimately, forces your to divulge HUGE amounts of information about yourself. You cant use cash and anonymously buy "shrink." Not only did I buy FFXP, but I exercised my right to fair use on more than one machine, the closed source binary was never run concurrently on more than one CPU at a time, yet my key got blacklisted. I have always been fond of OpenSource, but this and the EULAs for Windows Media Player, which also does various call home undocumented behavior, make not using OpenSource suicidal if you want a life where the government doesn't control and monitor your every keypress. Best of luck in the brave new world, if we continue to support fascists such as Charles DeWeese in his never-ending pursuit to force you to be tithed for non-Novel software which is built upon the stolen intellectual property of others, and prioritized. This is by no means a call for legislated digital communism, but it certainly calls into question the value of something that is not transferable, the seller has not liability of the actions of, the right to fair use is forfeit, and they law claims they copyright holder can root your computer in order to enforce copyright. Software like this I should be paid to use! Not pay for it! Be careful. He has stolen from the public domain technology to implement this secure technology, SSL, then he uses it to hide from you the true nature of his communications with home-base, as he calls home and Jon.Ashkrofts your information. I'm glad I use SmartFTP and NCFTP and run KPF as a start in the line of defense against a Orwellian cabal of software and I.P.
mansonza reviewed v3.2.0.1080 on May 10, 2005
It does the job.
Stfu kk thx
Diam0nd reviewed v3.1.14.1078 RC1 on Apr 19, 2005
What can I say? This client is poor. Simple as that. I has NOTHING that makes it special or at least worth trying, besides its unbelivable simplicity (and that is not an advantage, to me at least). Friendly advice: try FTPRush first ( I am not working for them or smth. FTPRush is simply one of the best clients outta there (if not THE best, btw). It has a great and intuitive GUI, tabbed interface (when u need to open a lot of sessions/ connections, u ll have only ONE instance of FTPRush open, not one instance for every connection, like in flashfxp), great scripting support, support for layout files, XCRC and all the latest protocols and security standards. Should I continue?
P.P.S. Don't get me wrong, this is NOT the worst client outta there, BUT it is far from best ones.
P.S. Almost forgot to mention, the price is almost the same (like $1 difference). Why pay the same for LESS? :?
DIRKES reviewed v3.1.14.1078 RC1 on Apr 19, 2005
A few months before I like it absolutly. I was a reg. user of it. Then my key get "blackoutet", Until today I do not know, why!!
I wrote to the support (author?), but he give me NO answer. A few times I contact they -- no answer again.
My experience: I lost my money...and my legal trust to this software.
Sorry for it.
stoke reviewed v3.1.14.1078 RC1 on Apr 19, 2005
The reason everyone hates the FlashFXP creator is because he would have gotten no where without the help of the piracy scene. He was right in the middle of it, everyone helped him with his code, everyone helped him with what features to add. And every feature was designed to facilitate the distribution of pirated software. This was years ago.
Then one day, he turned his back on the friends who helped him, and put all his efforts into making as much money as possible.
That being said, FlashFXP is the best client out there. But I will never spend money on it.
reets reviewed v3.1.12.1075 Beta on Mar 14, 2005
Best FTP/FxP program out there for sure. It sends reg info to Flash site so it can see if it is cracked or really registered. For the noobs that don't know how registration systems work, try not to post and make yourself look stupid.
forgie reviewed v3.1.12.1075 Beta on Mar 14, 2005
Give FTPRush a try before you throw any money to these guys.
Mountain_Man reviewed v3.1.11.1070 Beta on Feb 26, 2005
this program still sends registraction info? to flashfxp servers without asking. believe it and no im not some dumb noob with some trojaned client or whatever. i dont use this program anymore anyways. just a warning.
mxxcon reviewed v3.1.11.1070 Beta on Feb 26, 2005
lol thezelda, you paranoid douchebag with your copy/paste "review" from 3 years ago. i guess your tin foil hat blocked spy satellite transmitions saying that ashcroft resigned 5 month ago. oh well. nothing new coming from you. i guess you'll go crawl back under your rock only to emerge again to spary more bs about flashfxp.
thezelda reviewed v3.1.11.1070 Beta on Feb 26, 2005
If there was a Zero, thnis would get it. DeWeese, now suing other people working on similar software. DeWeese. Working with Ashcroft to catch people moving files that the RIAA and MPAA say you shouldnt. DeWeese, BSA mole. DeWeese. He sues. He blacklists keys when you use FlashFXP from home and work at separate times. DeWeese, he will get you, he will find you and sue you or sick his minions on you.
Orwell. 1984. I'll bet the person Orwell imagined as the head of dastardly cabal to control all of our actions would be exacly the author of FlashFXP, Charles DeWeese. This program does call home, and does various undocumented things with the network [I've seen packets I can't explain to IPs that I don’t know of]. DeWeese and his cabal of privacy invaders insist they are protecting their intellectual property, but there is evidence that they have used open source code from the public domain that isn’t under the BSD license. One must call into question why having a GUI for something so trivial. And between the major P2P networks, Usenet and IRC servers, I don’t see couriers of 'warez' using this to do dumps. The model is simple: A GUI for amalgamating things that are already implemented atomically. The result is a GUI, that does various things rather nicely but it’s a sugar coating for bad medicine. The recent tactics of Microsoft and "activation" are similar to this: They are willing to punish paying customers to prevent the unpreventable - the theft of intellectual property. But just as Microsoft got it start on the Altair with BASIC, a language they didn’t invent, FlashFXP takes various queues from open source software, including other win32 applications, and then forces the buyer to accept the unacceptable: DeWeese wants to brand you like a cow; and they have revoked licenses without cause to people before. People like this want to turn you computer into a VCR, an appliance, with a XBOX-like signing mechanism or a VCR/DVD Macrovision or Palladium or Pentium serial numbers where they are trying desperately to manipulate and own your computer to prevent intellectual theft that they think occurs. These are the people that want to rent your software, to tithe you slowly, like a tick or a leech, they want the egress rate of your blood to be slow enough for you not to notice. And let's face it - no real programmers get jobs making FTP GUI clients. That's not a real job. In fact, I can think of several people who have real jobs that do complicated works of engineering that is worth money as a full time job seem to have enough spare cycles to contribute to open-source software such as FreeBSD or GNU or the Linux kernel. You are basically subscribing to a DeWeese get-rich-quick scheme, this is a hobbyist's program pawned off at a fascinatingly high price (to think that this thing costs over 10% of what Windows XP as a whole OS costs, think of that!) Hope any buyers of FlashFXP like subsidizing things that are marginally meritorious at rates far above justifiable. Like William Wallace in Braveheart, SCREAM "freedom" from this tyrannic opression and say no to FlashFXP.
hardgiant reviewed v3.1.10.1067 Beta on Feb 1, 2005
FlashFXP is great but I for most task's SmartFTP does the job, only reason I keep FlashFXP around is because it can chmod subfolders.
Misca says:
"Actually, there is one little thing that bugs me about FlashFXP. The inability to drag a file from inside the client onto the desktop."
SmartFTP has that feature and I find it very useful for editing web files.
DigitalSin reviewed v3.1.10.1067 Beta on Jan 31, 2005
I have used many many different FTP clients and I finally found one that really does everything I want.
Definitely the best FTP client out there - for my needs anyway.
Misca reviewed v3.0.2.1045 on Nov 9, 2004
Filezilla is nice, and can do pretty much everything you need, but FlashFXP has all of that and tons more polish. Only thing Filezilla has over it is that it's open source, which is nice, but not vital in an FTP client.
SmartFTP? Well, I never like its interface very much.
Actually, there is one little thing that bugs me about FlashFXP. The inability to drag a file from inside the client onto the desktop.
merdball reviewed v3.0.0.1015 on Nov 3, 2004
FlashFXP is great, though I can't say much about lawsuits against competitors. Adobe sued macromedia because Fireworks looked too similar, and I'll always hate Adobe for that (Fireworks MX sucked compared to 3, from a UI standpoint).
However, as for encrypted packets, copy protection, etc. How many people here have even actually reverse-engineered a single piece of software? How many have been "in the scene"? I doubt more than one or two. I knew somebody in a cracking group a while back, in fact that's how I learned of flash fxp. He enlisted my help in a couple of cracking projects that were annoying him, and I learned a lot about "the scene". For starters, flash fxp has been incredibly difficult to fully and properly crack. The group that releases it always b****es about it from what I hear. No big surprise that they whine about trojans when they can't figure out what the programmer is doing...
What's interesting, though, is that crackers rarely spend a lot of time on any given project. I was surprised about this when I learned about it... they basically do a rush job with every crack so they can be the group that gets credit for it. Guess that's why a lot of releases get "fixed" by another group.
So back on topic - anybody ever try to fully crack IDA? You'll find it's actually not been properly cracked in a LONG time. Is that program filled with trojans? Is it stealing your information? Unlikely, but I know its copy protection code is not small, and all but impossible to figure out! A complicated protection scheme does NOT point to a trojan. If that were true, you'd find that just about every protection scheme that uses COM is complicated as hell, so MUST be a trojan.
Morons. Delphi, by the way, is not even remotely easy to port if it wasn't written that way from the start. Trying to port a Delphi 5 app to linux would cost time and money. I use linux at work and I'd LOVE to see a linux version of FlashFXP, but there are far too few linux users to "demand" that one be made.
And like 99% of other products that aren't free, FlashFXP will probably never be open source. Don't be so naive.
WRFan reviewed v3.0.0.1015 on Jul 31, 2004
go a see a doctor, you paranoid morons. It's not trojaned, there used to be a 3rd party programme that could be used to manage all your flashfxp addresses. and that proggie did send info to some obscure servers, not to be sold to BSA, but because that info contained ftp addresses used by the groups for the upload of 0day warez. However, it was NOT flashfxp that sent out the info, but that 3rd party proggie. And then, when 0day servers started to be hammered by millions of people everybody suspected flashfxp. this is just a stupid rumour, so let it die, for god's sake!
dougk2 reviewed v3.0.0.1015 on Jul 30, 2004
I've used this client and it has been on the most part trouble free. The only problem I've had recently was due to a misbehaving ftp server.
BTW, you can register this program at a huge discount for the next few days. Check their homepage for details.
GeneralLeoFF reviewed v3.0.0.1015 on Jul 30, 2004
Great software and still #1 for my needs but watch out for SmartFTP, it's moving to overtake FlashFXP in that role soon I think.
HcoolP reviewed v3.0.0.1010 RC4 on Jun 13, 2004
ive been using this prog for ever and i knwo there have been issues with its crediability with all but i never thought or came across it now here is a part of the nfo from DOOM and thats what they had to say bout that software. why would these guys just bash it?? i guess that they decided to check things out and "found" so they claim crap and "removed"(so they say again) it so unless they are really jerks who bash their own releases i dono what to say .... thats my 2 cent so i rate 5 if its the prog as it is and 1 if its actually bugged up in anyway intentionally...
| Release Notes: |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| CrapFXP also known as BetaFXP or FlashFXP is a powerful and popular FTP |
| & FXP Client loaded with features for the power user. It has an |
| intuitive user interface that takes only minutes to master. Using the |
| FTP protocol, you can transfer files from remote servers to your |
| computer, or even to another remote server. It makes it easy to update |
| your Web site, download files from the company server, or even |
| download files from the internet that always seem to fail using your |
| Web browser. It allows you to transfer files between two sites (FXP), |
| resume incomplete downloads, synchronize directories, schedule |
| multiple tasks, and more. |
| |
| More info at |
| |
| Whats new in CrapFXP 3.0? |
| |
| Nothing, Cedsoft dropped the bugly expensive BetaFXP, because the |
| application is really crap, the programer search a new company. |
| IniCom Networks wants a new build 3.0 but its only the 2.2 Beta s*** |
| with version 3.0 in about. |
| |
| Since the big discussion on the BetaFXP forum, Why send FlashFXP |
| "sites.dat files" to the programer and FBI container ?, CrapFXP was |
| worthless for Cedsoft. The programer closed the forum then for public. |
| |
| |
| |
| Only registered user access at the moment. More info about your busted |
| sites.dat file over only. Good luck. |
| |
| Be secure and use another FXP client! No need to run this Bustsoft. |
| |
Note: |
| this release is sites.dat file fixed! |
| you can run the update function without trouble the release doesnt |
| expire, it sends no personal stuff to the busters. |
| |
| Since FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1000 there is new spyware too in the setup! |
| We included a older install without spyware in this release too. |
| |
mxxcon reviewed v3.0.0.1010 RC4 on Jun 13, 2004
update: regarding the post above, that copy/paste is from nfo by DOOM. they are the clueless morons that can't even properly crack flashfxp so they are so frustrated that they trojaned flashfxp themself and resort to spreading lies about it. i'm sure thezelda is in their camp too.
Ah, look whose back, zelda, zelda, zelda...our resident paranoid lunatic.
Once again,
Charles addressed all security questions directly and head on without any double-talk or questionable answers. FlashFXP does not send any encrypted nor does it have any "symbol-less stripped binary".
Regarding 5 local computers, it's very clearly explained in your license agreement.
There is absolutely no limitation/problem on multi-boot, you WILL NOT BE BLACKLISTED
Charles has absolutely no problem with people using WINE and it's a recommend method to run FlashFXP on *nix OS, you WILL NOT BE BLACKLISTED.
Once again, there is no osx or *nix versions because FlashFXP is using too many win32-only modules which will require complete rewrite to port to other os. In addition, market on osx and *nix is considerably smaller and is not worth the time investment.
Right, he is busy cutting deals with "Comet Cursor, Alexa, Aureate, Aureate, Gator and backdooring your computer and canceling registrations and blacklisting people to be bothered with you and your plebian needs." MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
EULA has nothing about encrypted packets because: FlashFXP does not send any "encrypted packets".
If you want FlashFXP’s source code, contact Charles and i'm sure you will work out a deal to purchase it. Otherwise, it will not be available free because it's like any other closed-source project.
Personal info of people who purchase FlashFXP is not sold/traded/given to anybody, period. It is a private info that is kept private.
Once again, LIVE UPDATE feature is a completely optional, user-definable feature, is not "encrypted". It does absolutely nothing but checks if you have latest of FlashFXP. Nothing else. None of your GUIDs, UIDs (whatever that is), your sites or anything else is transmitted. NOTHING. Packets are not encrypted in any way so anybody with network sniffer can easily see what is being transmitted. There are only 2 packets transmitted during update check: 1st packet is FlashFXP asking what's the latest version; 2nd pack is server saying what the latest version is. THAT IS IT.
Once again, no personal info is sold/given/traded to anywhere/anyone. It is all private and will be private forever.
Again, FlashFXP DOES NOT send any encrypted packets, so you can easily monitor what it does, who it talks to with any network sniffer/IDS system.
****by all means, do use "a good firewall with a drop all, allow exception rule set, ethereal, windump/ [tcpdump on *nix], and a pcap lib, or use sniffer". Monitor everything FlashFXP does. You will see with your own eyes that FlashFXP does absolutely nothing unrequested.****
Again, FlashFXP does not send any encrypted packets so you can plainly see what is being transmitted. None of your personal/private data is being sent anywhere.
FlashFXP does not use msvcrt becuase IT IS A DELPHI APPLICATION! And have always been that! It cannot possibly use Microsoft visual c++ library, you clueless idiot.
Anyway, bleh, I’m not going to waste any more time showing that EVERY SINGLE POINT thezelda SAYS IS *WRONG*
He really needs to see a shrink and have his head examined.
thezelda reviewed v3.0.0.1010 RC4 on Jun 13, 2004
A few of my friends have been bitten by DeWeese's shyster tactics. I have too. I can only say avoid this man. He will not answer questions directly, he will not tell you what is the payload of encrypted packets and he insinuates a symbol-less stripped binary created by an obscure (but good) compiler could be reverse engineered enough to prove it is not Trojaned. Its crap. Its dodgy crap. And until the encrypted payload is decrypted, and some source code is released, you have to take his word. And don't; because if you can't trust him to give you the free upgrades he promised because you have 5 computers at home and now you are a pirate if he detects you using FFXP_666 on any of them even if its not at the same time. Try a dual boot, and you'll get the blacklist. Try FFXP on WINE, you'll get the blacklist. Think before paying. This stuff is going to haunt you. And notably absent, OS X and a unice version. Guess he isn't very savvy at writing portable code, probably busy cutting deals with Ashcroft, Robert Mueller, Louis Freeh, Robert Holleyman [BSA], Comet Cursor, Alexa, Aureate, Aureate, Gator and backdooring your computer and canceling registrations and blacklisting people to be bothered with you and your plebian needs. Guess we sheeple are born to serve the masters like Count DeWeese and his squadron of Shylock lawyers with that EULA of DEATH. Just read it. This man is sick, and you will be knifed in the back by him. Read the EULA, see the packets encrypted. No source. And disassembling this wont tell you one way or another what it does for sure. It may not have spyware in it, it might BE spyware. Your info – sold - to the lowest forms of life on earth. No source code, lots of general distrust from many sources, and refusal to completely deny that his calling home is anything more than registration and blacklist data. It's encrypted, so your private information, even yours ftp site list, your machine's sid, your media players GUID, all sorts of UIDs, your life sold down the river to a black-hearted money grubbing heathen. I am appalled DeWeese and his minions have so successfully pulled wool over everyone's eyes. This is as bad as the Nazis with the Reichstag fire! I can't believe Charles the totalitarian and his army of mediocritomatons had the review history wiped out here! He did that to mask the evil at hand. He has sold his own user community to marketers, and his program makes undocumented undesired connections to the internet. He has revoked registrations without cause, had possibly sent ftp saved site data to law enforcement, and frequently uses encrypted payloads in packets so packet sniffer can't tell what the packet has in it. I would hope for your sake you don’t save passwords with FlashFXP, our your friends FTP site may become "exhibit A" in a federal court. Beware. WARNING FLASH FXP 2.X IS A TROJAN
And all previous build before and most likely all to come. I implore every use of this software to be weary and on guard! I would have a good firewall with a drop all, allow exception rule set, ethereal, windump/[tcpdump on *nix], and a pcap lib, or use sniffer, and get ready to watch this thing with hawk eyes. Given the author's tradition of reporting usage, selling information to marketing companies, and revoking registrations without cause, we must be prepared for his latest Trojan horse. The program is delightful, irresistible, for it is feature laden, stable. But its target is warez users, and I strongly feel this warez-centric program serves to report to the government the biggest abuses. Remember, that the information he claims is benign is encrypted, so you will never see the payload of this machinations and undesired packets. He also uses port 80 to send information out on, so please be using an application firewall such as Kerio. I would not trust Charles unless he releases source code. We are already help hostage by a closed source MSCVRT, and other runtime libraries, any of which could perform undocumented tasks with encrypted packets, you might see packets but the nature of the payload is occluded. I strongly recommend that nobody trusts outgoing packets they cannot decrypt. Anyways, for the technically savvy, one should peruse through the packets this thing produces, and ask yourself, do you really trust some man who will not end these perpetual and consistent accusations by revealing some of the source code to allay the growing fears he is part of a dragnet cabal to capture people determined to be felon software pirates. He is a party to your own demise, the "Robin Hood" loopholes are closed, and Charles could make money off you and put you in jail. He makes money off of FlashFXP, he targets the warez community, the program sends packets that are extraneous to file transfers that are encrypted, he has revoked registrations without cause, he sells your information to marketers I have confirmed this through SpamCop, and he is in cahoots with federal authorities to help Trojan and compromise your computer.
FlashFXP is the root of all evil. Not only does this closed source call-home program get huge amounts of attention making all of us wonder if "Charles DeWeese the information thief" is 1) selling your information to marketeers, 2) pretending he can increase profits by threatening, as reported in some cases, paying customers with BSA actions and lawsuits or 3) trojaning your system for other nefarious activities the nature of which you will never be aware because he provides neither source or debugging symbols, and the binary is stripped. One thing is for sure. Be it here on BetaNews, or on Slashdot, or on, there is more than a few people calling into question why FlashFXP does what it does, and what is it doing. I would recommend the use of WinPCAP, WinDUMP, and ethereal, along with the free for personal use application firewall, Kerio Personal Firewall (software with nothing to hide, such as KPF, is often free for personal use, and others, like FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OpenSSL (a technology probably stolen by DeWeese and used illegally in FFXP) and Linux/GNU to name a few. With scary legislation in the US empowering copyright holders to DDOS your P2P networks, "root" your boxes in order to delete copyrighted content, and to make circumventing the mechanism by which an MP3 prevents the playing of an MP3 without a digital signature a felony, you can not trust software which calls home in an undocumented, undesirable way. This is the inroad by which these technology fascists will infect your computer with government sanctioned Trojaning devices. FlashFXP, when purchased legitimately, forces your to divulge HUGE amounts of information about yourself. You cant use cash and anonymously buy "shrink." Not only did I buy FFXP, but I exercised my right to fair use on more than one machine, the closed source binary was never run concurrently on more than one CPU at a time, yet my key got blacklisted. I have always been fond of OpenSource, but this and the EULAs for Windows Media Player, which also does various call home undocumented behavior, make not using OpenSource suicidal if you want a life where the government doesn't control and monitor your every keypress. Best of luck in the brave new world, if we continue to support fascists such as Charles DeWeese in his never-ending pursuit to force you to be tithed for non-Novel software which is built upon the stolen intellectual property of others, and prioritized. This is by no means a call for legislated digital communism, but it certainly calls into question the value of something that is not transferable, the seller has not liability of the actions of, the right to fair use is forfeit, and they law claims they copyright holder can root your computer in order to enforce copyright. Software like this I should be paid to use! Not pay for it! Be careful. He has stolen from the public domain technology to implement this secure technology, SSL, then he uses it to hide from you the true nature of his communications with home-base, as he calls home and Jon.Ashkrofts your information. I'm glad I use SmartFTP and NCFTP and run KPF as a start in the line of defense against a Orwellian cabal of software and I.P.
Somka reviewed v3.0.0.1010 RC4 on Jun 11, 2004
Done be such a stupid gorkypark, you dont have the source of most of your stuff, or do u?
If you are under an opensource OS then u dont have to worry coz FlashFXP wont work on linux, and if you are using Windows first, start trying to get the source code of internet explorer and or windows/office and then start to blame others.
Dont be lame, think about what you are saying.
gorkypark reviewed v3.0 Public Preview RC3 on Jun 9, 2004
It is the best FTP, with the worst case of ethics I have ever seen. This author has become pompous with his success.
Would you chop off every man's p**** because he might be a rapist? No. In effect, he wants control of the software you bought. Its bad enough he doesn’t give you the source when you buy it to see whatever else he may be pulling off in the background. This, without source and various undocumented behaviors, makes for bad taste in my mouth.
See, to me its about being devious. If he can't accept his role as a vendor and has to hyperextend himself into my affairs, he wont stop at protecting his intellectual property.
How do I know he doesn’t take 90% of his ideas from the ncftp source? How do we know he is the original progenitor of the code in the first place? I don’t mind paying for stuff, but to have even the slightest possibility of your license being revoked is unacceptable. Another thing is that when I was looking into buying it, it required my name and a credit card number. Sorry. If I saw this in a box at a software store on Amazon, I might buy it. I do not want my name branded to something. And, since I am buying a license, what if I want to sell the software to another? My car doesn’t have my name branded into the hood.
I resent the people in this thread who paint me as a thief when I want to preserve my property rights and to remain private and anonymous. The only reason the people who made my car know who I am is because I get a WARRANTY from them, something no software vendor has ever had the balls to do, actually guarantee merchantability.
If we the computing public do not demand excellence, honesty and disclosure from our vendors, the level of mediocrity, collateral market and bloat will continue to rise ad infinitum.
So, to those who haven’t tried it, do so, and make sure to tell Charles de Shylock you wont buy it unless he doesn’t know who you are or what IP address you use.
Judas_Iscariot reviewed v3.0 Public Preview RC3 on Jun 7, 2004
The best FXP/FTP client out there. Been using it for years.
BTW, the reason UltraFXP is free is that there are allegations they plagerized FlashFXP's website, help file and interface. UltraFXP used to be shareware.
Nigma reviewed v3.0.0.1003 RC3 on May 28, 2004
Some time ago I switched flasfxp to UltraFXP, after 3 days I've switched it back. One thing is for sure - UltraFXP S***s - FlashFXP all the way and no matter how many betas are there.
UKB reviewed v2.2.986 Beta on Apr 22, 2004
I full agreed with what 'cricri_pingouin' have said.
Foremost, FlashFXP is a great FTP/FXP client and does exactly what it says. For a long time, no other FTP/FXP client offers such powerful feature and yet easy to use interface. However this does not come cheap (US$25). And the constant beta releasing/testing (once it had 3 releases for bug fixing in A day) gives me a sort of feeling unstable. (I do understand that this is due to author's constant efforts in introducing new features and of course in updating the new version of its "blacklist")
NOW comes the "UltraFXP" ( UltraFXP is a piece of 'brilliant' software that IMHO does more less of what FlashFXP offers and it's FREE (yap, that's right absolutely nothing!!!) It also allows you to logon to multi-servers in one single interface (much like my old favourite FTP client: 'BitBeamer') for easier downloading management.
I still give FlashFXP a 4 stars rating as it's a well-built piece of software. However, I do feel for what an average user needs UltraFXP is more than capable. For me, I've already switched and using the FREE "UltraFXP"!!!
cricri_pingouin reviewed v2.2.985 Beta on Apr 21, 2004
Hi all!
I did use FlashFXP, and yes, it does a pretty good job.
BUT the way DeWeese is behaving, i.e. sueing UltraFXP because "layout is patented" (WTF? It looks like some other software made before too! When is someone going to patent the "OK" buttons?) is a very lame move and clearly shows a lack of diplomacy, the same lack of diplomacy he has towards users with the so called "calling home" feature. I prefer myself to call it "spying". So to people who say "I don't care if it's calling home", I would interpret as "I don't care if people are spying on me". That's fine, you'll probably won't mind mailing me your credit card number and PIN code then? Yeah, that's a joke, please don't quote me on that and start saying that I'm comparing apples and oranges, that's it's completely off topic, etc.
Note that one good thing was fathered by DeWeese policies: UltraFXP is now FREEWARE, sweet :)
Overall, FlashFXP IS GOOD (I say it again) at what it does, but I believe (notice the "I believe" which means personal opinion, my rating is personal, I accept your opinions and your ratings, please do the same) that since UltraFXP is now free and considering that DeWeese is somehow abusing its users IN MY OPINION again, then UFXP get 4, maybe 5, FFXP gets 2.
Nigma reviewed v2.2.985 Beta on Apr 20, 2004
Great software. My life became easier when I found this :).
GeneralLeoFF reviewed v2.2.985 Beta on Apr 20, 2004
still the best.
cyberguy reviewed v2.2.985 Beta on Apr 20, 2004
Does it phone home to check my serial? Fine by my, I paid my 4-bits for it. All the cracker whining about phoning home out there, for 25 bucks get a life and pay for it.
Very good proggie that approaches (but doesnt quite catch) WS-FTP pro in features. It needs a recursive chmod function before I'll use it full time though. Other than that, it does everything I want - 5 stars.
DigiSyn reviewed v2.2 Build 942 Beta on Jan 4, 2004
Does it phone home? I DON'T CARE!!! It's simply the best client I've ever used. Of course if somebody can match FlashFXP AND promise to not jerk me around, I'll jump ship in a second. -=x
Freya reviewed v2.2 Build 942 Beta on Dec 5, 2003
I got this after deciding that SmartFTP was too slow. Haven't had any problems and think it's the best program I have found so far.
norky reviewed v2.2 Build 942 Beta on Nov 24, 2003
if only it would allow you to connect to more than 2 sites at the same time.
FXSoftware reviewed v2.1 Build 924 on Nov 19, 2003
Still an excellent excellent software.
wCitizen reviewed v2.1 Build 924 on Nov 12, 2003
This is probablky the best ftp client with fxp capabilities on the market... your biased comments just show that you are only poor ignorants without any knowledge.
panurgic reviewed v2.1 Build 924 on Jun 30, 2003
To all the victims of FlashFXP, UltraFXP is your salvation. Check it out. http://fileforum.betanew...ail.php3?fid=1056421264 . You might find it a bit primitive at the moment but the authors are honest and decent, and they don't invade your privacy, sell your information or disclosed warez sites to the federal government like DeWeese does. Happy ftping free from oppression.
Anacific reviewed v2.1 Final on May 10, 2003
"Just try SmartFTP, the best ftp client, and free! and forget this one." What IS wrong with this one, exactly? And when will people stop being so freaking pointless when posting?
tem0 reviewed v2.0 Build 909 Beta 5 on Apr 1, 2003
Pretty much the standard FTP/FXP program.
drG reviewed v2.0 Build 909 Beta 5 on Apr 1, 2003
Regardless of the quality of the other FTP clients listed below, FlashFXP is an excellent FTP client that in no way deserves a one star rating. I wish you people who have screwed up your cracked installs of FlashFXP would show a modicum of maturity and quit slagging FlashFXP without justification. This topic is so stale.
BBDO_forever reviewed v2.0 Build 909 Beta 5 on Apr 1, 2003
Just use Secure FX instead of all these progs. It supports both SSH 2.0 and FTP (FTP, FTP over SSH2 and SFTP protocols). The interface is clean and perfect. The best solution!
kandjar reviewed v2.0 Build 909 Beta 5 on Apr 1, 2003
Just try SmartFTP, the best ftp client, and free! and forget this one
cocieto reviewed v2.0 Build 909 Beta 5 on Mar 31, 2003
Very good widely used program. As for the previous guy, are you that lost? Warez kiddies don't use FXP? they use P2P applications? Wow, you must be lost, want some tips to get home? Your comment made totally no sense, cause FXP is still WIDELY used by the warez scene, and it will likely never get unpopular.
muka3d reviewed v2.0 Build 906 on Jan 24, 2003
Very good, but has a recieved A LOT of bad publicity, and is hard to trust. Expensive, and has very similar features as FileZilla (, which is Freeware. Worth a try, but for the average user, FileZilla is the choice!
den lange reviewed v2.0 Build 906 on Jan 7, 2003
Just one thing to say about this:
Its THE best FTP/FXP proggie.
So if your looking for a good ftp/fxp client, then go for this baby...
guti reviewed v2.0 Build 906 on Dec 10, 2002
I have download this build 907, but it is still the 906 build.
Anyway FlashFXP is the best FTP/FXP client, unless it is starting to get bloated.
zik reviewed v2.0 Build 906 on Dec 3, 2002
it's the best, it surely worths its price
no problems on my side relating to 'calling home'
it really do this, but all you have to do is take some counter-measures
ogre2112 reviewed v2.0 Build 906 on Dec 2, 2002
The application uses a serial blacklist to prevent pirating. Your serial key is sent to their servers and checked against a list of "distributed" keys. As far as I know, that's all that is sent. If you are legal, you should have nothing to worry about. ;)
NathanO reviewed v2.0 Build 905 on Nov 26, 2002
The best FTP/FXP program available that has great support via their website forums, one on one contact with the actual developer. New builds are regular and user's are encouraged to actively participate in the beta program. Unfortunately, this program suffers from some very unhappy pirates/crackers that say this program is spyware/narcware and will do nasty things to you. It is totally false. There is no proof and the program has been sniffed and examined and there is no evidence whatsoever of any malicious activity. I highly recommend you buy this program, as it is cheap (only US$25) for lifetime updates and unbeatable support.
phestus reviewed v2.0 Build 905 on Nov 12, 2002
Calls home. Possibly sends encrypted information about your computer to a third party. Crackers are puzzled by DeWeese's complication crack prevention techniques - some state that it is likely here is Trojan code in there. Encrypted packets contain data to which a packet sniffer cannot "read." DeWeese is actively paying off message boards and other forums to erase any and all content which he refers to as libel [incorrectly so, it is my contention that it is likely FlashFXP is a Trojan]. I have analyzed the sections that the cracks "patch out," and there is more code there than would be needed to lockout or blacklist pirates. This program is doing something else, something insidious, and because the author strips the binaries [removes variable names, etc], it is very hard to tell what is going on. I pray for the safe future of computing, but with spyware and Trojans in widespread epidemic, I fear the hapless computing public will only be renting time on a computer that they no longer own. Peace be with you, defend yourself, and your right to sovereignty over your own computer.
Manzzon reviewed v2.0 Build 905 on Nov 9, 2002
Easy 5/5, this is the BEST FTP client out there. Look no further. :)
Attyk reviewed v2.0 Final Build 901 on Oct 13, 2002
MxxCon, finally a sensible person...FlashFXP cannot gather and send information from your sites.dat file without anyone not knowing...if they did, he would be the greatest programmer in the entire world to mask such a thing. Much like many stupid rumours on the internet, thats exactly what it is...a stupid rumour. This guy who has multiple personalities has absolutely no life to waste so much time in trying to ruin a program and praying on the ignorant. Any person that knows anything about TCP/IP and programming, hell even basic users, know what he proposes cannot be done...
facts reviewed v2.0 Final Build 901 on Oct 12, 2002
We all know flashfxp is a great program in terms of usability and stability. About the calling home, so what? Just use smartftp, pftp or any other program. You don't have to support flashfxp if you don't want to.
rappo reviewed v2.0 Final Build 901 on Oct 12, 2002
Best FTP program out there. I'm not sure what problem these guys have with FlashFXP (maybe they're jealous? writing their own FTP client and want flashfxp to lose business? not too sure), but I have known Charles DeWeese for some time now online (when flashfxp was just a little baby) and what these guys are saying is total bull.
Great program, highly recommended!
josa reviewed v2.0 Final Build 901 on Oct 11, 2002
The best ftp program I ever seen!
Safaa_Pro reviewed v2.0 Final Build 901 on Oct 11, 2002
the Best as usual...this is all what I can say